Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Vermont House Panel Backs Scaled-Back Marijuana Bill

A marijuana bill remains alive in the legislature after the House Judiciary Committee voted 6-5 Friday for a significantly scaled-back version.

The vote came after the committee narrowly rejected a proposal to table the legislation entirely.

The bill that passed the committee does not legalize marijuana, as the Senate voted to do, but would establish a study commission to prepare for eventual legalization, said Judiciary Committee vice chair Willem Jewett (D-Ripton).

Committee members who voted for the bill were: chair Maxine Grad (D-Moretown), Jewett, Barbara Rachelson (D-Burlington), Martin LaLonde (D-South Burlington), Chip Conquest (D-Wells River) and Bill Frank (D-Underhill).


Colorado Lawmaker Aims To Outlaw Marijuana-Infused Gummy Bears

A Colorado lawmaker is trying to outlaw marijuana-laced gummy candies that resemble children's treats, the latest effort by a U.S. state to address the complexities and unintended consequences of pot legalization.

In 2014, Colorado became the first state to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use, and it has grown to be a billion dollar industry in the state.

The measure by State Representative Dan Pabon [D-Denver] would prohibit edible marijuana to be sold in the form of an animal, human or fruit, common shapes for gummy candies favored by young children.

"Right now in Colorado, there are no distinguishing characteristics between the gummy bear that contains marijuana and one that does not," Pabon said.


Ted Cruz won't block legal marijuana, takes a pass on pot banking (Video)

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, during a stop in Colorado, said that the legalization of recreational marijuana is a matter that "we should leave to the states," adding that he hasn't made up his mind about expanding banking services to marijuana businesses.


47% of British public support the legalisation of cannabis

A new survey released on Saturday has shown that 47% of the UK public now support the legalisation of cannabis sold through licensed retailers. Of the remainder, 39% said that they remain opposed to the legalisation while the remaining 14% replied "don't know".


Is The Federal Government Poised For a Huge Marijuana Move?

It was just recently that the Supreme Court tossed a lawsuit involving marijuana legalization, scoring a win for cannabis advocates nationwide. But now, it looks like there’s a chance the federal government could do the unthinkable: actually take measures to decriminalize and recognize marijuana legalization laws nationwide. Well, it’s not quite as simple as that — but the feds are going to make a decision, and soon.


Las Vegas: Medical marijuana grower names strain after Sen. Segerblom

A licensed Nevada marijuana grower is naming one of his new potent strains after the state lawmaker he thinks helped make medical marijuana possible.

Segerblom championed the medical marijuana cause in the 2013 Nevada Legislature. He says he agreed to have his name on the strain in hopes of eliminating negative perceptions about marijuana.The Las Vegas Sun reports that on Friday Euphoria Wellness in Las Vegas will begin selling Segerblom Haze in honor of Sen. Tick Segerblom. The strain has 27 percent THC, making it the dispensary's second most potent strain.

Segerblom says he does not have a medical marijuana card and will not be sampling his namesake, though he will be at the dispensary Friday morning when it goes on sale.


3 Reasons to Doubt the DEA Will Agree to Reclassify Marijuana This Year

Jacob SullumIn a memo it sent to members of Congress on Monday, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says it hopes to announce by the end of June whether it has decided that marijuana no longer belongs in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the law's most restrictive category.


BC pot activist Dana Larsen charged for giving away marijuana seeds in Calgary

Vancouver-based pot activist Dana Larsen vows to push ahead with his pro-legalization rallies and tour despite being arrested and charged in Calgary this week for distributing marijuana seeds.

“It’s absolutely fuelling the fire,” he said Thursday. “I’m getting more requests for seeds and have more people contacting me to donate seeds — so really, this kind of harassment just gets people worked up and gets way more media attention.”

Larsen, 44, was arrested Wednesday evening in Calgary during the second stop of his cross-country OverGrow Canada tour.


Court: Native American Church Not Excused From Cannabis Laws

A federal court has ruled that a church for Native Americans in Hawaii should not be excused from federal marijuana laws despite the group's claim that ingesting cannabis is part of their sacred sacrament.

The Native American Church of Hawaii had asked for relief from federal marijuana laws under the U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act, saying they used cannabis during sweat lodge ceremonies to help people connect with their creator.


Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons are More Surprising Than You Think

Across the world, more and more people are asking: Why is marijuana banned? Why are people still sent to prison for using or selling it?

Most of us assume it’s because someone, somewhere sat down with the scientific evidence, and figured out that cannabis is more harmful than other drugs we use all the time—like alcohol and cigarettes.

Somebody worked it all out, in our best interest.

But when I started to go through the official archives, researching my book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugsto find out why cannabis was banned back in the 1930s, I discovered that’s not what happened.

Not at all.


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