Marijuana Politics

rand paul

DEA Plans To Decide Whether To Reschedule Marijuana By Mid-Year

The Drug Enforcement Administration plans to decide whether marijuana should reclassified under federal law in "the first half of 2016," the agency said in a letter to senators.

DEA, responding to a 2015 letter from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and seven other Democratic senators urging the federal government to facilitate research into marijuana's medical benefits, doesn't indicate whether it will reclassify marijuana as less dangerous.


Delay in Jamaican Ganja Licensing Process

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) did not start accepting applications on April 4, as it had initially indicated.

In a news release Tuesday, the CLA cited the recent change in government as the reason for the delay. They did not, however, indicate a new date for accepting applications, but said that they expect that before the end of the month, they will start reviewing applications.

“The transition to a new Government has caused some delays in our getting the regulations that had been developed approved,” CLA Chairman Dr Andre Gordon confirmed.


Ontario Medical Marijuana Users Rights Violated By Liberal Government

They’re smoking and drinking much stronger stuff in Toronto at Queen’s Park in contrast to the stuff we’ve got down here in Windsor.

Or it at least seems that way when you read over their latest assault on medical marijuana users’ rights.

How else do you explain reclassifying medical marijuana to place it in the Smoke Free Ontario Act and to refuse the combustion and vaping of it in all places cigarettes and e-cigarettes are banned.

In a span of just a few months, the province went from publicly stating medical marijuana users’ rights would be extended to allow for vaping in all public spaces to a total prohibition.


Oregon Rules for Marijuana Edibles Still Cooking

Candies, cookies and beverages infused with a low dose of cannabinoids, the active ingredients in marijuana, will not be available for recreational consumers for another month or two, the manager of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program said Monday. 

Low-dose edibles became legal for recreational buyers aged 21 and over at medical marijuana dispensaries when Gov. Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 1511 last week. However, the Oregon Health Authority, which oversees the medical marijuana program, must first draw up temporary rules for those sales. A key provision is the definition of a low dose. 

The agency is drafting rules now, said André Ourso, manager of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, but they may not be ready until early summer. 


New Zealand: Helen Kelly's Medicinal Cannabis Application Was Driven by 'Political Motives'

Helen Kelly didn't seek re-election for Council of Trade Unions president after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last year.

Former union boss Helen Kelly has spoken out about her "political motives" for applying for medicinal cannabis.

Kelly's oncologist, Dr Anthony Falkov, who applied and later withdrew an application to the Ministry of Health for a non-pharmaceutical grade cannabis product, told the ministry he believed Kelly was making a "political point in trying to seek medicinal cannabis".

Kelly stands by that and says the comment isn't a criticism of her as she discussed her motives with Falkov.

"He's a very good person and it was unfortunate he got dragged into it."


OverGrow Canada Cannabis Tour Launches in Kelowna

The tour hasn’t officially started and it’s already generating controversy.

Marijuana activist Dana Larsen of Vancouver launches his cross-country tour today with his first stop in Kelowna.

Larsen is asking Canadians to ‘overgrow’ their cities with pot plants.

He’s giving away more than one million cannabis seeds to anyone who agrees to plant them either on private or public property.

“I want cannabis to be growing so openly and so commonly that the police just don’t bother arresting anybody for it anymore.”

Larsen admits he’s advocating civil disobedience in the push to have marijuana legalized in Canada.


Connecticut: Colorado Lawmaker Talks Legal Marijuana At The Capitol

An architect of Colorado's recreational marijuana program came to the Capitol to give lawmakers a crash course on the sale, taxation and regulation of the drug.

"Marijuana is sometimes referred to as being hip or cool, by the time I am done with my presentation you will think anything but," said state Rep. Dan Pabon, a Democrat from Denver, before he launched into an hourlong, often technical discussion.


Oldest U.S. Senators Accused of Holding Biased Marijuana Hearing

A 'prohibitionist party' panel held Tuesday featured little balance.

The two oldest members of the U.S. Senate convened a four-witness hearing Tuesday to discuss concerns about marijuana legalization, but chose not to invite anyone supportive of the policy or with direct experience administering recreational pot laws in Western states.

Drug reform advocates denounced the hearing as a poorly informed waste of time, and senators most supportive of reforming federal marijuana laws did not attend.


New TV Ads Say 'Vermont Is Ready' To Regulate Marijuana

The Vermont Coalition to Regulate Marijuana will begin airing a new television ad statewide on Tuesday, just as members of the Vermont House of Representatives are preparing to vote on a bill that would end marijuana prohibition.

Thirty- and 60-second versions of the ad, titled “Vermont Is Ready,” will appear throughout the week on WCAX, WPTZ, and a variety of cable stations. Both versions of the ad can be viewed online at


New Pot Rules Will Double Prices, Crash California System

California’s new medical marijuana regulations could double the cost of pot and crash the legal system, says the founder of the state’s largest dispensary, Harborside Health Center, Stephen DeAngelo. The rules needlessly complicate the state’s supply chain to enrich union distributors at the expense of cancer-stricken patients, DeAngelo argues below.

Last session, California’s legislature finally did what the voters instructed them to do when they passed Proposition 215 almost twenty years ago: regulate the cultivation and distribution of medical cannabis.


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