Marijuana Politics

rand paul

How Cannabis-Friendly Is Your State?

Ever wonder how your state stands up to the others in terms of marijuana tolerance? We don't mean how much your state can smoke, but how tolerant the locals are toward cannabis. The real-estate website Estately has the answer. 

Using specialized metrics, they put together rankings for all 50 states in their "Marijuana Enthusiasm Index." The criteria are: the percentage of monthly marijuana users, the average price of cannabis, the average number of marijuana-related Google searches, the legal status of marijuana and expressions of public interest (based on Facebook user data). 

Here are five interesting findings.


Jewish Group Releases Cannabis-Themed Passover Seder Haggadah

With the movement to repeal marijuana prohibition spreading across the United States and the Jewish holiday of Passover fast approaching, a husband-and-wife team in Oregon have produced a cannabis-themed Haggadah [ha-GAH-dah] to help see this old tradition in a new light.

The couple, Roy and Claire Kaufmann, are urging Jews all over the world to download the custom Haggadah and host an adults-only Cannabis Seder to explore the Jewish spiritual connection to the plant, and the need for Jewish engagement in ending the horrific War on Drugs and its resulting culture of mass incarceration.


Queensland Father Who Gave Cancer-Stricken Daughter Cannabis Oil Avoids Jail

A Queensland father has been handed a two-year good behaviour bond for giving his sick daughter cannabis oil.

The 32-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty in Brisbane's Supreme Court to four counts of supplying a dangerous drug to a minor and one count of possessing a dangerous drug.

The court heard the man's daughter was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 when she was two years old.

She was diagnosed with a stage three neuroblastoma and given a 50 per cent chance of long-term survival.

The Supreme Court in Brisbane heard her father had researched the benefits of medicinal cannabis on the internet, and sourced the drug from northern New South Wales and the United States.


Illegal Marijuana Production Has Plummeted in Washington Since 2010

Illegal marijuana production has fallen drastically in recent years in Washington state, although law enforcement says public lands here remain a hotbed for cartel activity.

The number of plants seized in Washington state in 2014 was 57,000 — about 80 percent less than what was seized in 2010, according to a new report from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. Over that same period, the amount of processed marijuana seized dropped from 3,126 pounds of product to 635 pounds, less than a quarter of what agencies had found five years ago.


Why Sports Fans Should Support Allowing Athletes To Use Medical Marijuana

I planned on writing an article tonight about cannabis and active professional athletes, but a Twitter conversation changed my focus this evening. The Twitter conversation started when a Baltimore Ravens fan replied to a tweet by NFL player Eugene Monroe of an article I wrote Sunday. Below is the exchange:

@TheSeventyFifth @thatjohnnygreen Bro Far be it me to stop someone from standing up what you believe in but I also think you should focus


Medical Marijuana Advocates Rally to Loosen Restrictions

Medical marijuana advocates are hoping Congress will move to loosen restrictions on the drug and approve reclassifying it from schedule I to schedule II, but legislation to do that, and to loosen research restrictions, has not gained much traction on Capitol Hill.

Patients, dispensary owners, advocates, and several members of the US House of Representatives staged a rally on the Capitol grounds March 22, calling for a congressional vote on the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States (CARERS) Act (S. 683). That bill was introduced in the Senate in March 2015 by Cory Booker (D-NJ). A companion bill was introduced in the House shortly thereafter by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn).


Weed Is Winning: 4 Signs the Marijuana Business Is Booming

Even though marijuana use is still illegal federally, there are surprising signs it's going mainstream fast.

Marijuana is going mainstream fast, and so is the marijuana industry. In a time of sluggish growth, the pot business is bursting with energy.

It’s a weird mix of righteous exhilaration at the victory of the weed over the dark forces of repression (at least in some places) and people walking around with dollar signs in their eyes. But like it or not, pot is hot.

Here are some signs of the times:


UK: Cannabis Regulation To Be Debated In Parliament Today

Six months. It has been barely six months since legalisation of cannabis was debated in parliament – in a side room, with fewer than 20 MPs in attendance. That debate was the result of an online petition that collected more than 200,000 signatures, and yet at the time the vast majority of our MPs did not care enough about the issue to even turn up. One of those few MPs that were at the debate, however, was Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb, and he is now at it again.


Inside Medical Marijuana Lawsuit Filed Against Colorado by Vets With PTSD

Matthew Kahl, one of the lawsuit's plaintiffs. A video and more below.

Last July, as we reported, the Colorado Board of Health declined to add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of conditions legally treatable by medical marijuana following a meeting that left many advocates frustrated.


Gavin Newsom Endorses Legal Marijuana Initiative

Gavin Newsom believes the time to legalize marijuana is now.

In an opinion piece published Monday by the Modesto Bee, California’s lieutenant governor gave his reasons for legalizing marijuana in the state, and supporting the Adult Use of Marijuana Act in particular.

“Increasingly, Californians understand the war on drugs has been an abject – and expensive – failure,” said Newsom, prefacing the need for cannabis law reform.


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