Marijuana Politics

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Now Is The Time For Active Professional Athletes To Push For Marijuana Reform In Sports

Sports and marijuana have been in the news a lot lately, and not for the reasons that sports and cannabis used to be in the news. For a very long time the only articles you would see in the media about sports and cannabis was an athlete getting caught with marijuana. That was usually accompanied by a full blown freak out session by the same media out, as if cannabis use in sports was the worst thing that could possibly happen.


Will Ohio legalize medical marijuana in 2016?

COLUMBUS — After Ohio voters resoundingly defeated an ill-formed effort to legalize marijuana last fall, everyone started talking about "doing something" on medical marijuana.

The idea was popular with voters: As many as 90 percent of Ohioans say patients should be allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes approved by a doctor. And 23 states already allow some form of medical marijuana. But state lawmakers had rejected attempt after attempt to legalize it, and federal authorities still list marijuana among the most dangerous drugs.


State Must Enforce Safe Standards for Pesticide Use in Marijuana Production

AS parents, it’s our absolute worst fear. For Lisa, it began when her 6-month-old daughter Cynthia was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy.

Her child’s small body would spend the next five-plus years racked daily by punishing, life-threatening seizures — until Lisa discovered that a cannabis tincture could control the neurological disease that would otherwise cause her daughter’s death. Today, Cynthia is 9 and is an energetic and vivacious little girl.


Medical Marijuana Might Be a Boon for North Las Vegas

A $1 billion electric car plant and a futuristic transportation test track are among developments North Las Vegas hopes will pay off and diversify its economy.

There’s another, greener, economic development that officials hope will fatten the city’s wallet.

The city has received more state provisional licenses for growing and producing medical marijuana products than Henderson and Las Vegas combined. The financially ailing city hopes those licenses lead to big bucks.

State law currently limits Clark County to 40 licensed dispensaries, including four in North Las Vegas, but there is no limit on grow houses or production operations.


CDC Recommends Doctors Stop Testing Patients for Marijuana

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their guidelines earlier this month for prescribing opioids to patients. According to the modified guidelines, the CDC advises that doctors stop testing patients for tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana.


American Support for Legalizing Marijuana Hits New Record High

More Americans support legalizing marijuana than ever before.

A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research at the University of Chicago shows Americans’ support for legalizing marijuana has rocketed to 61 percent, as reported by The Washington Post.

The same poll, released March 25, found just 39 percent of Americans oppose legalizing marijuana.


Hillary Clinton Talks UFO's, Marijuana With Jimmy Kimmel

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — As the race for president heats up, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton let down her hair and put her tin foil hat on as she spoke openly on some surprising topics with late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

Reading a light-hearted leaked Clinton email, in which she spoke about ordering apples, Kimmel used his comedic touch to segue into her opposition with rival Bernie Sanders over legalizing marijuana.

Sanders has called for decriminalizing the drug at the federal level.


Exploring The "Grey Area" of Medical Marijuana Dispenseries

A Toronto mother of three has opened up a medical marijuana shop on Parkdale’s main strip on Queen Street West and a passer-by wouldn’t even know it.

Nestled between a flower shop and a bar, The Caylx Wellness Centre has no enlarged marijuana leaf emblazoned on the store front, its name isn’t a play on words associated with weed and there’s no neon lights; the go-to marketing designs for dispensaries.

Instead store owner Danielle, who requested to not have her last name published, went a different route and focused on the importance of discretion.


Five former presidents demand an end to the war on drugs

AS THE drug war has rumbled on, with little to show for all the money and violence, its critics have become a more diverse bunch than the hippies and libertarians who first backed drug reform. The latest broadside against prohibition was fired on March 24th by a group of former heads of state and businesspeople, who put forward a sober case for rethinking the international approach to drug control.


Iowa Needs Medical Cannabis Law That Works

In 2014 the Iowa Legislature passed a bill allowing patients with intractable epilepsy to possess cannabis oil. This bill was a good first step, but this law will expire in June 2017 and has helped fewer than 100 individuals. Having a law that helps only 1 percent of the population it was intended for is a strong indication that the law is broken and needs fixed.


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