Recreational Marijuana News


Marijuana and the Brain: What Do We Know?

Amy Turncliff, a mother of three, is concerned.

Her children are 10, 8 and 4 years old. In November, voters approved legislation that made recreational marijuana legal in Massachusetts. However, a lot of legislation is still coming down the pipeline.

Turncliff, a neuroscientist who lives in Ashland, thinks a lot is at stake. She and her husband are worried their children will grow up in a culture where “marijuana use is treated like alcohol use and is believed to be a rite of passage.”

“I’m not even sure 21 is the right cut-off age,” she said, referring to the current legal age for owning, using and home-growing marijuana. She thinks it should be higher.


The Problem with America's Marijuana DUI Laws: Science

Everyone can agree that driving while stoned is dangerous, but how do states remedy the flawed science behind marijuana drug tests?

Gagan Singh rolled a “fat blunt” before he hit the slopes at Lake Tahoe on a sunny Wednesday morning.

By the end of the day, he needed a refill, so he drove to Reno and stopped at one of the local medical marijuana dispensaries. With his Patagonia jacket and bleached-blond man-bun, Singh was eager to head to his hotel and smoke.

The only reason he wouldn't be smoking while driving to the hotel was because he believes Nevada cops are stricter than the ones in the Bay Area.


A 'Massive Undertaking' as California Races to Regulate Marijuana So Legal Sales Can Begin Jan. 1

The passage of California's Adult Use of Marijuana Act in November left a 14-month gap before businesses could begin selling marijuana to recreational users.

For residents eager to purchase and use cannabis, that may have seemed like a long time. But that period is almost half over — and for the state, which has been tasked with regulating the sprawling cannabis industry, there's a lot more to do.

"In order to start issuing licenses on Jan. 1 or Jan. 2, we need people in place and we need them to be up to speed," said Alex Traverso, chief of communications at California's Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation, or BMCR. "From everything we've seen and heard, there's an amazing amount of interest. We expect to be busy on that Jan. 2 date."


B.C. Activist in Town to Talk Pot, Spread Thousands of Cannabis Seeds

Dana Larsen has shipped millions of cannabis seeds across Canada in an effort to 'normalize the cultivation' of the plant ahead of marijuana legalization.

The man who’s helped ship millions of cannabis seeds across the country for the last couple years is visiting Winnipeg Monday to drop off tens of thousands more.

B.C.-based cannabis advocate Dana Larsen, 45, is touring cross-country with his group Overgrow Canada, which aims to hand out five million cannabis seeds this year.

In 2016, they spread 2.5 million seeds, encouraging Canadians to plant cannabis in public places like parks to "normalize the cultivation" of the plant, Larsen said in an interview Monday.


Cashing in on Cannabis: How New Freedoms Began a Green Gold Rush in the United States

Like many states, Illinois is in deep financial trouble. Looking at the latest audit,  its black hole has deepened to $9.6bn (£7.6bn) and, according to the state’s financial comptroller, the books are “abysmal”.

But there could be salvation at hand if it becomes the first state in the midwest to legalise and tax the recreational use of marijuana. Two Democrats in the state legislature have introduced a bill to change the law, arguing this could raise as much as $700m a year.

Should the bill go through, it would bring the number of states where recreational pot is legal up to nine. If you throw in Washington DC, then more than 80m Americans would be free to enjoy cannabis.


Super-Strong 'Shatter' Cannabis Hits the UK – and People Are Blowing Themselves Up

Shatter’s also known as butane hash oil (BHO) – and users make it using large amounts of (highly flammable) butane gas.

At least two people have died and 27 people have been injured across the UK in explosions thought to be associated with the drug.

Shatter is made by using the solvent to strip THC – the active ingredient in cannabis – out of the plant, creating a glass-like or oily extract.


7 Reasons Why Cannabis Will Dominate the Wellness World in 2017

This week on The Plus Factor, we’re talking about an herbal ingredient earning a blazing reputation in the wellness world: marijuana.

Remember when cannabis had a not-so-healthy image? (Think red eyes and munchies.) Well, those days are fading fast, as the potent plant’s healing powers have started to attract some serious interest from wellness brands in all categories—food, beverage, beauty, and beyond.


Canadian? Curious About Cannabis? Here Are Some Answers

What you need to know about legalization in 2018, from taxes to home cultivation.

Full legalization of marijuana appears to be on track for July 2018, which will make Canada just the second nation in the world after Uruguay to completely legalize the cultivation, sale and possession of the drug for medical and recreational purposes.

With lots still unknown before the legislation is unveiled, Canadians have questions about how legalized marijuana will work.

CBC News business reporter Jacqueline Hansen and writer Solomon Israel responded to some of those questions — and comments — during a live chat on Thursday. Here's a sample.


Jerry Jones Wants NFL to Relax Rules Against Marijuana Use

Jones also wants the league to ease up on investigating off-field conduct.

Jerry Jones isn’t one to shy away from controversial topics. During an owners-only session at the NFL’s owners’ meetings in Phoenix last week, he said he’d like the league to reconsider its stance on marijuana use by players, and he wishes the NFL would ease up on its approach to investigating off-field incidents.

During the owners-only meeting — which is unusual during this event, but not completely unheard of — Jones addressed the group and said that he wants the league to stop disciplining players who test positive for marijuana, according to Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio.


John Oliver Says It's High Time to Update Federal Marijuana Laws

The marijuana segment starts at 8:36 in the video above.


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