Recreational Marijuana News


Canada's Plans for Cannabis Legalization May Be Slowed by Provinces

Ottawa’s plan to legalize marijuana by next year could hit serious roadblocks across the country, as provinces and territories are expected to have different approaches to solving complicated policy issues such as where to sell cannabis and how much to tax the drug.

The government signalled this weekend it expects to roll out legislation before April 20 – a day cannabis is celebrated across the globe – and that the recreational use of the drug would reportedly be legalized by July 1, 2018.


Cannabis Infused Candy Floss Edibles Now Exist and They Need to Come to the UK

Proving that the West Coast has the best of everything, a San Diego-based company has just launched a load of cannabis-infused candy floss edibles.

B-Edibles have created cannabis-infused candy floss using 100mg vials of THC.

A far cry from the very chewy, badly baked hash brownies you spend most of your fresher year making, these bad boys are made with organic ingredients and come in a host of fancy flavours.


Jamaica: Ganja Data War - MOH Backs Drug Watchdog In Weed Clash, Lobbyist Standing Ground

A standoff between the Ministry of Health minister and a lobbyist of the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has forced the National Council on Drug Abuse (NCDA) to defend its research methodology which provided data suggesting increase ganja use among adolescents since possession of two ounces or less is no longer a criminal offence.

Yesterday, Health Minister Dr Christopher Tufton responded sharply to criticisms from CLA Director Delano Seiveright that the ministry and some of its officials were the biggest humbug to efforts of the CLA to advance ganja decriminalisation efforts in Jamaica. The NCDA provided data to the MOH for The Sunday Gleaner story titled 'Ganja babies'.


Vancouver Seeks New Home for Annual 4/20 Marijuana Rally

The hunt is on for a new location for Vancouver’s 4/20 marijuana rally, starting in 2018.

Vancouver Councillor Adriane Carr is expected to introduce a motion Wednesday asking staff to find an appropriate non-residential site for the city’s largest cannabis rally, which draws more than 10,000 people annually and cost taxpayers $148,000 last year.

“The event is not going away,” said Carr. “For public safety and to ensure taxpayers aren’t burdened with costs of this event, it needs to be permitted, and it looks like the city has to take the lead.”


Cannabis: This is No Bubble, It’s Just Starting

When it comes to Cannabis, the industry as a whole is expected to be one the biggest, outperformers of our lifetime. It is the end of marijuana prohibition after-all.

Some stats: 13% of U.S. adults admit to currently smoking pot on a regular basis, while 43% say they have at least tried it, according to a Gallup poll from 2016.

I would put money on these stat figures being largely incorrect, people tend to not like admitting certain things to strangers on the phone. You could probably safely double those numbers, which sounds more realistic to me.


Meet Tweed Main Street: A New Standard in Cannabis Variety

Online sales could be one way recreational marijuana is sold after legalization.

Canada's biggest publicly traded marijuana company is readying a new online store to hawk its wares, in a move that hints at how legal marijuana sales might soon look.

Canopy Growth Corp., which owns the Tweed, Mettrum, and Bedrocan brands of medical marijuana, will launch the Tweed Main Street store in the first half of April.

Between them, the three brands have more than 50,000 registered clients, according to Canopy. Right now, those customers have to shop for their products separately, on each brand's individual website.


The DEA Claims That Synthetic THC Is Safer Than the Natural Stuff in Regular Marijuana

Syndros, a liquid marijuana substitute that contains a synthetic version of the marijuana ingredient that makes users feel high (THC), has been assigned a less restrictive drug category than real weed.

The liquid is developed by Arizona-based pharmaceutical company InSys Therapeutics, the company behind synthetic opioid Fentanyl, which is around 100 times more powerful than morphine.


Coachella Is Getting a Marijuana “Oasis”

Just because marijuana is legal in a state doesn’t mean it’s legal at a music festival; Coachella attendees are officially prohibited from bringing drugs on festival grounds, even though obtaining legal marijuana in California is as easy as walking into a store and saying, “Hey, I’d like to buy some legal marijuana.” But WeedMaps, described by Tech Crunch as “the Yelp of marijuana dispensaries,” has a plan: TMZ reports that WeedMaps and marketing firm Talent Resources are partnering up to build an “oasis” for weed smokers, located six miles from the festival.


ZoomAway Travel Inc (CVE:ZMA) Announces Plans To Research And Pursue Opportunites In The Cannabis Hospitality And Tourism Industry In The United States

ZoomAway Travel Inc (CVE:ZMA) has announced that ZoomAway, Inc, its subsidiary based in Nevada has started a research on Unites States’ upcoming Cannabis Hospitality and Tourism Industry. The Cannabis Hospitality and Tourism industry in the United States is growing at a high rate following the legalization of Marijuana by several states including Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, California and Alaska.


Higher Achievers Smoked More Weed When They Were Teenagers

A study published by the British Medical Journal has corroborated earlier findings that link academic aptitude with a proclivity for cannabis.

The research, by James Williams and Gareth Hagger-Johnson of University College London, found that 'high ability' students were more likely to have smoked cannabis in their teenage years compared to their lower ability contemporaries.


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