Recreational Marijuana News


The World’s First ‘Cannabis Gym’ Is Opening in San Francisco

Marijuana and fitness are generally not associated with one another — but gym owner Jim McAlpine is hoping to change that.

McAlpine will be opening the world’s first “cannabis gym” in San Francisco in May. In addition to being a traditional gym and wellness center, Power Plant Fitness will allow members to consume cannabis at the gym before or after their workouts.


Massachusetts in 'no man's land' on legal marijuana, Gov. Charlie Baker says

As Springfield police officers shuttered a store handing out marijuana for "free" while charging an admission fee, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker acknowledged the state is in a "no man's land" four months after voters broadly legalized the controversial substance for adults who are over the age of 21.

In a Wednesday sit-down with the editorial board of and the Springfield Republican, Baker called incidents like the Page Boulevard store, which operated under the name Mary Jane Makes Your Heart Sing, "troubling."


Jeff Sessions Says Legalizing Marijuana Will Boost Crime - He's Wrong

Although this probably goes against everything you’ve ever thought about marijuana and the laid-back stereotype of people who use it, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested earlier this week that legalizing weed would lead to an increase in violence. “I don’t think America is going to be a better place when people of all ages, and particularly young people, are smoking pot,” Sessions said to reporters on Monday, per The Huffington Post.


Virginia: Garrett introduces legislation to remove marijuana from controlled substances list

5th District Congressman Tom Garrett introduced legislation aimed at federally decriminalizing marijuana.

The short title for this legislation is cited as the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017." If passed, this bill would take marijuana off the federal controlled substances list - joining other industries such as alcohol and tobacco.

Originally introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders in 2015, this bill fulfills a responsibility to create a level playing field across the country.

Upon introduction of this legislation, Rep. Garrett released the following statement:


Are White House Comments a Sign of Trouble for Marijuana Legalization in Canada?

Four U.S. states have legalized recreational cannabis, and another four will follow after ballot victories last November.


What's Happening in the UK, DrugWise?

There’s no such thing as a current overview of drug trends: “By the time they’re published, most official reports are way out of date,” says freelance journalist and celebrated Narcomania author and columnist Max Daly, explaining the impetus for “Highways and Buyways.”


3 Ways That Trump Will Impact The Cannabis Industry

President Donald Trump has had a profound impact on many areas of the government - from military spending to immigration. When it comes to the cannabis industry, Trump’s talk has been materially different than his actions. He seems to support states’ rights and medical marijuana in speeches, but the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Tom Price to head the FDA could pose some problems for the young industry.

In this article, we will take a look at three ways that the Trump Administration could impact the cannabis industry over the coming four years.


Marijuana Company With Alabama Roots Becomes Major National Pot Brand

In 2008, real estate developers Tripp Keber and Chuck Smith owned and operated an upscale RV resort just outside Gulf Shores with aspirations of building a national chain.

But the recession would see those dreams dashed, and in 2009 the business partners took a risk and diversified their investment portfolio in a new way by putting money into an up-and-coming cannabis company in Colorado.

Business was good, and they soon realized that legal pot was quickly becoming a booming industry. So in June 2010, they took the next step, incorporating a humble Denver-based cannabis start-up called Dixie Elixirs.


Texan Pot Smokers Rejoice: Small Amounts of Marijuana Now Can Lead to Class, Not Jail

It's a new day for small-time pot smokers in Harris County.

A new policy that went into effect at midnight Tuesday will allow people caught with up to four ounces of marijuana  to avoid arrest or jail time by taking a four-hour drug-education class.

The policy, announced recently by District Attorney Kim Ogg, is expected to save the area more than $25 million in costs for the jail, courts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, lab testing and officers' time.


Colorado AG Wants Sessions to Look at State's Marijuana Industry Before Imposing Crackdown

Attorney General Jeff Sessions painted a grim vision of violence in America on Tuesday, telling state law enforcement officials that a recent uptick in killings threatens to undo decades of progress and suggesting police would be more effective if they were subjected to less federal scrutiny.

In his first major policy speech as attorney general, Sessions said his Justice Department would continue to prosecute officers for wrongdoing, but suggested federal civil rights investigations could hinder their effectiveness.


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