Recreational Marijuana News


Federal letter targets Las Vegas area marijuana festival

The Cannabis Cup is scheduled on Moapa tribal land this weekend.

The cup, which has been hosted in other states before, is a competition for the best of the marijuana industry.

The event, which runs this Saturday and Sunday, was being hosted on Moapa tribal lands because organizers thought that meant marijuana could be consumed at the event.

But organizers were forced to change their plans after the tribe received a letter from the U.S. District Attorney for Nevada stating that despite the state legalizing marijuana, it was still illegal federally. The letter comes as the Trump administration has shown a more strict attitude than the Obama administration towards marijuana policy.


The Marijuana Exception to Federalism

Last week White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer predicted "greater enforcement" of the federal ban on marijuana in the eight states that have legalized the drug for recreational use. This week Attorney General Jeff Sessions, an old-fashioned drug warrior who thinks "good people don't smoke marijuana," seemed to confirm Spicer's warning, telling reporters, "We're going to look at it...and try to adopt responsible policies."


Two Bipartisan Bills to End Federal Regulation of Marijuana Have Been Introduced. Do They Have a Chance to Pass?

Two bipartisan bills that would exclude marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and leave regulating the plant to the states have been introduced.

The most recent piece of legislation, titled the “Ending Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017”, was introduced by representatives Tom Garrett (R-VA) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on Monday.

If passed, federal criminal penalties for possessing and growing the plant would be eliminated, and the states would have power and flexibility to establish their own marijuana policies free from federal intervention.

In a statement, Representative Garrett said:


Edible Marijuana: What We Need to Know

Marijuana-infused foods – often called edibles – are becoming more and more popular in states such as Colorado, where recreational marijuana is sold.

In the first quarter of 2014, the first year recreational sales were allowed in Colorado, edibles made up 30 percent of legal sales. By the third quarter of 2016, that grew to 45 percent.

Edibles come in a variety of forms, from candy and baked goods, to trail mix and even coffee or soda.


Sir Patrick Stewart confesses he relies on cannabis spray to keep his hands working

Sir Patrick Stewart confesses he relies on cannabis spray to keep his hands working

The 76-year-old stars as an older and weaker version of the X-men founder Charles Xavier in the next Wolverine instalment Logan and he spoke out about ageing when quizzed in a new interview.

Patrick explained: "I'm reflecting on ageing anyway, it didn't take Logan to make me think about that. I think about it everyday. Not all the time. I'm not brooding on it, but I've come to a point where the numbers are against you. Physical things [make me feel old].

"You get to an age where you go to the doctor, you tell him how old you are and he just shrugs his shoulders and says: 'Oh, is that it?'"


Why More People Are Signing up for This Swanky Marijuana Dinner Party

The smooth rhythms of jazz reverberate across a crowded warehouse. Modern art and white string lights decorate plywood walls. Men in suits take long drags from tightly rolled joints in between spoonfuls of royal red shrimp ceviche.

This is the future of recreational marijuana in America and it’s beginning in Colorado.


Are Smarter Kids Are More Likely to Smoke Cannabis Than Their Less Gifted Peers?

Claim of link between intelligence and cannabis use in adolescence provides fresh headache for researchers. Academic ability may determine whether a child will use cannabis in later years.


Sessions Reviewing Whether to Crack Down on Marijuana Possession

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whose opposition to legalizing recreational marijuana has long been on the record, said Monday he hasn't yet decided whether to crack down on possession of pot.

Current Justice Department policy, spelled out during the administration of former President Barack Obama in 2013, calls for federal prosecutions in only a narrow subset of possession cases — those involving distribution to minors, the involvement of gangs or organized crime, sales across state borders and cultivation of marijuana plants on federal land.

While several states have legalized possession of small amounts of marijuana for recreational use, Sessions stressed to reporters Monday in Washington, D.C., that "it remains a violation of federal law."


Trump Tells Governors He’s All About States’ Rights. That Must Mean He’ll Leave Marijuana Laws Alone.

The idea that the feds may go after state pot laws is “totally counter” to what the president told us, says Oregon Gov. Kate Brown.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer rattled marijuana advocates last week when he warned that the federal government may start cracking down on states that have legalized recreational marijuana.

But that’s not the message President Donald Trump delivered to governors during a private breakfast at the White House on Monday.


The Cannabis Industry Is Too Big To Fail

Although many do not expect to see cannabis legalized for several years due to the massive amount of money against it from the likes of big tobacco, big pharma and big alcohol, we beg to differ!

The legal cannabis train left the station years ago and the amount of money needed to rollback this multi-billion-dollar industry is unfathomable. On top of this, the unemployment rate would immediately increase since hundreds of thousands of people would be out of work.

The Common-Sense Tactic


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