Recreational Marijuana News


7 Things Weed Lovers Have to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Because, gratitude.

The upcoming holiday season serves as a nice reminder to consider all the things we are grateful for in this big, beautiful world. Oh, we are so incredibly grateful for cannabis. And, why not? Weed is amazing! Today, over 60 percent of U.S. citizens support legalization, that’s the highest amount in recorded history. Here are seven reasons why cannabis lovers should be grateful. If you don’t love weed, that’s OK. This list may nudge you to appreciate it a little more. There’s a lot of goodness happening here.


6 New Social Apps to Help Cannabis Lovers Find Each Other

With marijuana now a legal business in many states, enthusiasts want to meet online like everybody else.

Marijuana has always been a shared experience. As a prohibited substance, users gathered together, sometimes in the shadows. Because it was once relatively scarce and expensive, it was passed around in private. And, because use enhanced experience, the smokers needed someone to listen.


Marijuana Grown in Uruguay Only Enough for 25% of Consumers

Marijuana grown in Uruguay only enough for 25% of consumers. The Monitoring Cannabis team of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic estimated that only 25% of regular consumers will be able to access legal marijuana from Uruguay.

By October 2016, 5,332 farmers were registered in the regulatory framework program, as required by law. Additionally there are 22 buyers’ clubs registered in the Institute of Regulation and Control of Cannabis. Each club is allowed to have a maximum of 45 affiliates..


How to Safely Cook With Cannabis on Thanksgiving

Cannabis can stimulate appetite, reduce anxiety, and make you feel more emotionally open. So it's no wonder that some people would want to incorporate a little marijuana into their festivities and food over the Thanksgiving holiday.


How The New Marijuana Breathalyzers Work

New technology will allow officers to test for marijuana on someone’s breath, and could save lives.

One version of the pot breathalyzer is being developed by a chemist at the University of California Berkely. Matt Francis has been working on the project for the last 18 months.  “We had to develop some new chemistry that can actually be done.  It was not obvious when we started that we could tag this.”  The technology would allow officers to be able to detect marijuana on someone’s breath and determine if they had smoked it recently.


Marijuana Industry About to Go Global

Although the United Nations international drug treaties have upheld an official prohibition against marijuana, the marijuana industry has spread across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.


When Will Marijuana Legalization in Canada Happen?

Recreational marijuana legalization in Canada was a key component of Justin Trudeau's 2015 campaign to become prime minster, and it appears he's making good on his promises for marijuana legalization and reform.

And if recreational marijuana is legalized in Canada, it will be a boon for the government and investors alike…

According to data from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, marijuana legalization in Canada could generate as much as $5 billion for federal and provincial governments.


Why Arizona's Legalization Initiative Was The Only One That Failed Nationwide

Two things need to happen in the wake of Arizona’s failure to become the 9th state to legalize recreational marijuana on Nov. 8, according to the state director of Arizona NORML.

“We need to have the campaign, whatever campaign it is, address the fact that there’s 40 percent of the population that does not live in the Phoenix Metro area and those people need to be part of the picture," said Mikel Weisser. 

"And we need to come up with some agreement on what we want to do, because we can’t make progress when we’re fighting against each other."


Weed Sales Bring Record Windfall for Washington State

The first three months of 2016 saw spending on spirits exceed weed by $54.8 million.

This lead was reduced to $37 million in the April-June period. The alcohol statistics do not include wine and beer sales.

On November 16, Denver became the first US city to legalize marijuana in bars, restaurants and other businesses throughout the Colorado capital. The catch is that pot smoking will not be allowed inside, but it may signify an important step on the way to more widespread acceptance.

Marijuana sales in the US state of Washington have for the first time exceeded $200 million in the second quarter of 2016. Washington is one of a small number of states which went the legalization route, raking in massive dividends.


Weed Wednesday, Green Friday: Marijuana Sales Spike at Thanksgiving

“Maybe it’ll make your slightly racist uncle a little bit more tolerable.”

First you'll hit the grocery store for a turkey, or sweet potatoes, or pie. Then maybe the liquor store for a bottle of wine to bring to dinner. And then, depending on where you live, perhaps the dispensary, for an extra Thanksgiving pick-me-up—some marijuana.


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