Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper Gives Advice to States That Legalize Marijuana

In 2012, Colorado became one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Four years later, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper — who initially criticized the move as "reckless" — has changed his tune.

Though Hickenlooper remains skeptical about the long-term impact of legalization and encourages states to compile data on the pros and cons of marijuana reform, he acknowledges that many of the concerns expressed by opponents have not come to fruition.


Donald Trump Is Too Authoritarian to Trust His Marijuana Policy

November 8th is almost here (Thank you, Baby Jesus!) and Donald Trump still has a puncher’s chance of winning the presidency over Hillary Clinton. I have seen some legalization supporters post online about how Donald Trump would be good for the legalization movement, but I beg to differ. If cannabis legalization and greater civil liberty issues are important to you, then I argue that Donald Trump is the worst candidate available. If you are in a swing state, I urge a vote for Hillary Clinton.


Why marijuana will be a 'shadow' business for a long time

Never mind Clinton vs. Trump: Millions of Americans can expect to wake up Wednesday and indulge in a soothing palliative to take the edge off the results of a contentious presidential election.

On Tuesday, five states will decide whether to join Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Washington, DC, in legalizing marijuana for “adult recreational“ use.

Polling in California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine shows that, while legalization is slightly favored by voters, the margins are very close.

Taken together, a successful outcome for these ballot measures could add $4.2 billion to legal marijuana retail revenues by 2018, on top of the $6.5 billion projected for the current year, according to Matt Karnes of GreenWave Advisors.


Moms working in the pot industry band together

Before Chanda Macias drops her 6-year-old son off at school, she spritzes some Febreze on herself. If anyone sniffs a trace of marijuana on her, the mother of four worries she would be labelled an unfit parent — or at least a mother unfit to host play dates.

Macias, a former cell biology specialist at Howard University, left her job last year to foray into Washington, D.C.’s nascent pot industry and open a medical marijuana dispensary. Her business is legal, but the stigma has her questioning how to discuss her profession with her children.

In the male-dominated industry, there are few mothers she can turn to. Macias connected with other moms in the local marijuana business, forming a support group to navigate child-rearing in the murky age of legalization.


November Is A Most Dangerous Month For Marijuana Investors


The marijuana stocks in the U.S. and Canada are setting themselves up for a "buy on mystery, sell on history" trade but for different reasons.

In the U.S., there are four state medical marijuana and five state recreational marijuana legalization votes coming up November 8th including the legalization of recreational marijuana in California.

In Canada, the report from a Government appointed task force is scheduled to be released in November that will provide the template for the country to legalize recreational marijuana.

From May to October 2016, the U.S. marijuana stocks are up 95% and Canadian cannabis stocks are up 51% so there's a lot of good news built into stock prices.


California cities see chance to cash in on marijuana

Californians are expected to pass a ballot measure on Election Day legalizing recreational marijuana, and the prospect has cities and counties seeing dollar signs.

Proposition 64 would impose state taxes on the cultivation and sale of marijuana. But it also allows local jurisdictions to add taxes of their own, something many cities and counties said they plan to do.

Economists warn that burdensome taxes and fees on the nascent industry could backfire, fueling the black market and pushing marijuana businesses to decamp for towns where it’s cheaper to operate. For many city and county officials across California, however, the promise of new revenue to fill budget gaps and fund services is too alluring to pass up.


Follow the dots: Here's why marijuana should be as legal as alcohol

Legalizing the recreational use of marijuana is a big step, and it’s natural that some Nevada voters would be concerned about taking it.

But it’s a move that makes sense when marijuana is placed in the same context as alcohol.

Like marijuana, alcohol has been subject to a ban. But Prohibition didn’t work, so Americans undid it with the 21st Amendment in 1933 and began regulating alcohol again.

Eight decades later, the War on Drugs has been as ineffective at eradicating marijuana as Prohibition was for alcohol. Surveys and studies show that at least 30 million Americans use the drug, and the percentage of adults users has only grown in the last decade.


Don't Hold Your Breath for a Marijuana “Breathalyzer” Test

As cannabis wafts back into mainstream America on growing winds of legal change, a west coast company says it has reached a technological milestone that is quickly becoming crucial to the justice system: a device police can use to detect recent marijuana use—and the amount consumed—in the air a driver exhales.

But don’t hold your breath.


Nancy Pelosi backs California's legal pot proposition

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday she plans to vote in favor of a California proposition to legalize marijuana.


San Jose Passes Ban on Sale of Recreational Marijuana

A ban on the sale of marijuana passed in San Jose, California on Tuesday. The actions come as election-day voting on Proposition 64 approaches.

The city’s urgency ordinance “would prohibit commercial use of non-medical marijuana in the city, including commercial cultivating processing, manufacturing, distributing, testing and selling of recreational weed,” according to the Mercury News.

San Jose is only the latest in a run of California cities quickly passing restrictive marijuana laws. Bans are also in place in Berkeley, Palo Alto, Campbell, Foster City, Hayward, Davis, Martinez and more.


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