Recreational Marijuana News


UN World Drug Report Shows Increased Acceptance of Cannabis Use

As more and more harmful cannabis laws are improved worldwide, along with that seems to come increased and widespread acceptance of its use.

The 2016 World Drug Report, coming from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), was released at the end of June. This report gives a world overview of the supply and consumption of opiates, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamine-type stimulants and other psychoactive substances. The report also details the impact these various drugs seem to have on the health of those who use them and on public safety as a whole.


Uruguay Marijuana Growers Compete in Cannabis Cup

Uruguay is home to the world’s first government-regulated national marketplace for pot, so it’s not surprising that growers have a competition for best marijuana.

At the Cannabis Cup over the weekend, a panel of regional experts judged entries for aroma, flavor, effects and strength before picking the winners of the best indoor and outdoor crops.

Silver cups were awarded to the winners, such as Guillermo Amandola, who won in the self-grown outdoor crop category, and Eduardo Bandera, for self-grown indoor pot.


This Organization Is On a Mission To Decriminalize Drug Addiction

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) is a nonprofit focused on drug policy reform, drug regulation, and the destigmatization of addiction. 

As marijuana slowly becomes legal across the United States, there are still many that are opposed to it, especially in law enforcement. Yet there is one organization, LEAP (which stands for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) that’s trying to de-stigmatize addiction and pull back the draconian laws that still exist against marijuana.


Michigan State Police to Begin Swabbing Drivers Suspected of Being Impaired

Michigan will begin a one-year pilot test program later this year that allows trained state police officers to take roadside saliva drug tests from drivers whom they suspect are driving while impaired from drugs.

Five counties, to be chosen by state police from areas where the most drug-related arrests and impaired driving accidents have occurred, will begin the program sometime after this summer, state police officials announced Wednesday.

The Michigan program is expected to be watched by other states amid rising concern among  lawmakers and law enforcement on how to effectively police those who  drive while using  drugs  ( policies for drunk driving are well-established).


Lawmakers: Decriminalizing Marijuana Could Be Good for Texas Business

Texans who are arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana shouldn’t be locked out of jobs and haunted by minor lapses in judgment for the rest of their lives, business and legislative leaders say.

As acceptance of marijuana — medical and otherwise — grows nationally and in Texas, members of both major political parties in the Legislature have staked out positions supporting the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana. The proposed change could be beneficial for Texas businesses, proponents have said.


Marijuana Laws On The Ballot in Seven States And Climbing This November Election

With interest in topics like “marijuana” and “cannabis” hitting all-time high levels according to Google Trends, nine states in the U.S. will vote on marijuana measures in the world’s most important general election Nov. 8, according to the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center.

Voters in California, Florida, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Arkansas will definitely be casting a ballot to affect cannabis policy in their state. Voters in Missouri, Montana, and North Dakota have submitted signatures to place marijuana proposals on the ballot, while Oklahoma has cleared to circulate a last-minute measure.


Not For Kids: Washington State Introduces Warning Labels For Edibles

Considering that infused goodies can look identical to normal, kid-friendly snacks, it's important to explain to the little ones why they can't go around snacking on random goodies they find in the house. 

Dr. Alexander Garrard, managing director of the Washington Poison Center (WAPC), tells Western Washington news station K5 the center has received in excess of 150 calls about kids accidentally ingesting cannabis products this year.


These Dutch Tips on Responsible Cannabis Use Are Downright Charming

It’s funny how even the most well-meaning of advice can sometimes come off as condescending, patronizing, or even rude. This is especially true when it’s cannabis advice. 

So imagine our surprise here at Leafly when a list of helpful, friendly and nonjudgmental advice popped up on Reddit via Amsterdam’s cannabis coffeeshop circuit. 


Why Does Cannabis Get You “High” and Make You Feel Good?

You've probably heard of the commonly held myth about the chemical that is blamed (or credited) for the cannabis “high”: dopamine. Many media reports over the past few decades explain that THC induces a “flood of dopamine” that causes the pleasurable “high” cherished by recreational cannabis consumers.

Where did the media get this idea from? For more than four decades addiction scientists have embraced the unifying theory — the dopamine theory of addiction — that nearly all addictive substances and activities flood the limbic brain with dopamine.


Marijuana Task Force Faces 'Fascinating Journey' in Crafting Legal Framework

Mark Ware was working with patients suffering from a painful blood disease in the late 1990s when he noticed that many of them were self-medicating. The sickle cell anemia research clinic where he was working was in Jamaica, and the pain reliever of choice for a growing number of his patients was cannabis.

The episode put the British-born, Jamaica-raised doctor on the path that has made him a world-renowned expert on the use of cannabis in pain management.

Now based at McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Ware will turn his attention in coming months to the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. As a key member of a new task force, he will help the federal government to create a legal regime for all adult pot users.


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