Recreational Marijuana News


Coming Soon: America's Next Big Cannabis Tourism Destination

If you're looking for a cannabis-friendly vacation spot, some destinations are no-brainers: Jamaica. Denver. And even Uruguay, which legalized cannabis in 2013.

But for those who prefer more off-the-beaten track travel with top-notch cannabis, and minimal restrictions on possession and consumption, you might want to pack your parka and plan ahead for a trip to Alaska.


Edible Marijuana a Key Issue in Massachusetts Legalization Debate

If recreational marijuana becomes legal in Massachusetts, it won’t be just for smoking.

Edible marijuana products – a broad category that could include such treats as cookies and candy – would also be permitted under the ballot question nearly certain to go before voters in November. As the legalization debate heats up, the smoke-free forms of the drug are quickly emerging as a central focus of discussion.

Edibles caught the attention of the state Supreme Judicial Court, which this past week pointedly ordered revisions to a summary designed to explain the question to voters. The justices said it was misleading not to specify that legal marijuana could include food products.


How Hard Will It Be To Get Medical Pot In Ohio?

New Ohio laws hit the books in September, legalizing medical marijuana - a drug Northside’s Nicole Scholten believes will help her daughter Lucy and thousands of sick and suffering patients across the state.

But just how soon patients like Lucy might be able to get the drug in Ohio is still a big unknown.

“Thank goodness the law has been passed, but good luck finding a doctor who will recommend it,” said Scholten, whose daughter Lucy has cerebral palsy and more than 150 epileptic seizures a day. “If you can’t find a doctor, it may as well be illegal.”

While Ohio's medical marijuana law goes into effect Sept. 8, it doesn't require the system to be fully operational until September 2018.


How Pot Legalization Affects Paranoia

Coloradans weigh whether the more liberal legal environment has freed pot users from one of marijuana’s worst side effects.

If you ask certain pot aficionados here, marijuana is “not a drug.” It certainly isn’t sold like one, now that pot legalization has swept through these spruce-dotted valleys like smoke through the neck of a gravity bong.

The tiny downtown area of this resort city, population 6,700, is home to six street-facing, bonafide pot shops. A gondola that ferries skiers up and down Aspen Mountain is referred to, lovingly, as the “ganjala.”


Cannabis-Infused Ice Cream A Popular Treat at LA Food Fest

The annual Los Angeles Food Fest showcases the best of the city's vibrant and diverse food scene.

This year, MERRY JANE teamed up with New York City's Mikey Likes It, a pop-culture ice cream shop with a cult-like following. Together we present the ultimate cannabis-infused dessert!

Presenting MERRY JANE's Addiction, a cannabis-infused pistachio ice cream dish with toasted nuts, chunks of baklava, and between 7 to10 milligrams of CBD in each serving.

Team MERRY JANE was on site to educate festivalgoers on the difference between CBD, THC, and answer questons. 


Up in Smoke? Anti-Marijuana Campaign Wants Legalization Measure Tossed

Opponents of the campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona filed a lawsuit Monday, asking a judge to bar the initiative from the November ballot.

The lawsuit comes as elections officials are verifying whether the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. The lawsuit was brought by 13 individuals and groups, including Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk,  the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Republican Rep. Paul Boyer, a Tempe school board member, and others.


The Democratic Party Made a Big Move on Marijuana

The Democratic Party just got a little more 420-friendly.

weed first year marijuana gets

The Democratic Party on Saturday announced that it was endorsing a "reasoned pathway to future legalization," Slate reported.

Supporters hailed the move as a big win for Sen. Bernie Sanders


Swedish Cannabis Cultivation Hits a High

Cannabis cultivation in Sweden has increased exponentially in recent years, to the degree that some parts of the country are now becoming self-sufficient, according to a report from radio station P1.

While in the past, Sweden imported the majority of the cannabis sold in the country from places like Afghanistan and Morocco, in recent years there has been a shift.

According to P1, the growth in home cultivation of the drug has made some parts of Sweden self-sufficient, and provided competition for imported Moroccan hashish in particular.


Residents in These 8 States Are Set to Vote on Marijuana This November

This is going to be a transformative year for the United States. Not only are we set to vote in a new president for the first time in eight years this November, but we could also see the most rapid expansion of marijuana ever, with eight states now set to vote on recreational or medical cannabis initiatives or amendments this fall.

What's at stake

The expansion of the cannabis industry was initially put in motion 20 years ago when California approved a compassionate use law for medical marijuana. Today, half of all U.S. states have approved a medical marijuana law. The two most recent approvals came from Pennsylvania and Ohio, which used the legislative process to pass medical cannabis laws.


Don't Want Canada's Legal Cannabis Market To Suck? Have Your Say Now

Filling out government surveys? Bo-ring. But, unlike the tedious-but-important slog that is, say, the long-form census, the survey we're talking about actually deals with a compelling topic: namely, what the heck marijuana legalization is going to look like in Canada - whether minimizing harms of use, to the restrictions surrounding medical marijuana, to how, exactly, the distribution system should work.

As with most government forms, the layout is a little bit complicated - but actually doing it is totally, 100 percent worth your time, seeing as it's among the public's first opportunities to help shape Canada's new policies on legal cannabis.


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