Recreational Marijuana News


Your Missouri Drug Conviction Could Go Away Thanks to New Law Signed by Jay Nixon

A bill signed into law this week by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon will fundamentally change how the state handles convicted criminals seeking to expunge their records and move on with their lives. And that's great news for those carrying burdensome convictions for non-violent drug offenses. 


6 Unusual Cannabis-Infused Products You Never Knew Existed

Move over edibles, lotions and tincture potions — there’s an entire new realm of cannabis-infused products hitting the shelves of dispensaries and recreational shops as marijuana moves even further into the mainstream.

What was once almost always smoked is now also available to mix in with your morning smoothie, gargle as a mouthwash, or even insert into your, ahem, lady parts. The science of extracting THC to make the base oil used in many of these products is a fairly standard practice, which begs the question, “What can’t we infuse?”


How Marijuana Legalization Could Affect Employers' Drug Testing Policies

As marijuana legalization looms on California’s horizon, employers are conflicted about their policies of drug testing.

If voters agree to legalize pot on November 8, business leaders and employment experts say employers can find themselves in trouble for asking an underling to pee into a cup. That common pre-work screening could violate an employee’s privacy regarding a medical condition. And, for potential employees, deciding whether to comply with drug testing often means a choice between refusing and not getting the job, or agreeing and being outed as a pot user.


Arizona Chamber Files Lawsuit Against Recreational Marijuana Backers

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry has joined forces with leaders from across the state to stop a group that is trying to get a recreational marijuana initiative on the ballot this fall.

In a complaint filed in the Superior Court of Arizona, the plaintiffs allege that the circulars used to convince Arizona voters to sign a petition to get the measure on the ballot were fraudulent and misleading. A preliminary hearing is expected tomorrow.

But J.P. Holyoak, chairman for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, said his opponents are willing to do and say anything to maintain the failed policy of marijuana prohibition.


A Strange Blend: Why Are Europeans Mixing Cannabis and Tobacco?

Cannabis doesn’t carry the sort of health hazards tobacco does, a majority of studies say. But that doesn't change the European habit of mixing the two. It’s something North American cannabis consumers don’t often do: Even cigarette smokers in Vancouver or L.A. tend smoke their flower pure, strictly separating nicotine and cannabinoids. So where does this difference come from?


Colorado Racks up Almost Half a Billion Dollars in Weed Sales in Five Months

Sales of legal marijuana in Colorado are more potent than ever.

According to the Colorado Department of Revenue as of May 2016 revenue from recreational and medicinal marijuana sales totaled $486 million.

In April, sales hit an all-time high of $117 million but lost a little buzz, settling back down to $98.6 million May.

There were $588 million in recreational sales last year. Five months into 2016, $308 million has been spent on non-medicinal marijuana.

In 2015, a record 71.3 million tourists visited the state, although only 8% reported visiting a dispensary, according to Colorado tourism surveys from Strategic Marketing and Research Insight.


The Marijuana Diet: The Secret to Getting Lean by Getting Lean

Forget Lean in 15, this is ‘Lean in 15 Tokes’. You may not necessarily correlate losing weight with smoking weed, what with the unholy munchies that usually come with it, but there must be a reason Rihanna, Miley Cyrus and Kristen Sweart aren’t putting the pounds on. Science has previously shown that weed increases your metabolism, and while that sounds good right off the bat, that’s actually what gives you the munchies. But that hasn’t prevented it from becoming the new fad diet:

So we’ve put together some techniques for people that love getting stoned, but hate being fat.


Humboldt release cannabis-infused vodka

Humboldt Distillery have released a cannabis-infused vodka that uses America’s first legal crop of hemp since restrictions were lifted in 2014.

According to CivilizedHumboldt County grows some of America’s most potent cannabis, but through this may be the case, it seems that it is only lending its name to the vodka as the drink itself is made using hemp.


51-Foot Marijuana Joint Coming to Philly for the DNC

When the Democratic National Convention comes to town next week, the city will be abuzz with activity at a time when marijuana activists find themselves making political progress much quicker than they’d imagined they ever could.

So, it only makes sense that several DNC events will have a marijuana sensibility to them, none more visually compelling as activists and supporters’ plans to march a 51-foot joint from City Hall to the Wells Fargo Center.

Before we get to the litany of events planned, let’s talk a bit about what goes into not only making a 51-foot joint, but how to transport such a thing the near-length of South Broad Street.


Marijuana and Yoga Come Together at a Retreat in the Rockies

A different kind of retreat set to take place in Colorado's Rocky Mountains this fall will meld the relaxing effect of yoga with another well-known stress relief provider – marijuana.

The 420 Yoga Retreat set to take place in Colorado's Rocky Mountains this fall will not be your typical meditative getaway. The retreat will invite its participants to combine the relaxing effect of yoga with another well-known stress relief provider - the intake of cannabis.

The event is scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at the Aspen Canyon Ranch - which made the news early in March for opening as "America's first cannabis resort." Guests can smoke marijuana publicly at the mountain ranch, up in the Rockies about 1.5 hours away from downtown Denver, CO.


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