Recreational Marijuana News


Startups Get Creative With DC's Marijuana Laws

DC juice delivery service comes with a gift of cannabis.

When Washington, DC residents voted to legalize marijuana back in 2015, many stoners (while high, of course) probably imagined President Obama blowing O’s in the White House rose garden after a tough day at the office; however, due to the District’s lack of statehood, and the tempestuous relationship that exists between DC and Congress—even the President might have a hard time understanding the Chocolate City’s stance on the green.


Four Ways Justin Trudeau's Task Force Is Getting Legalization Wrong

The Canadian government's handling of pressing questions regarding marijuana legalization has raised a number of red flags. On June 30, federal cabinet ministers held a press conference on Parliament Hill to introduce the task force that will advise the government on regulating recreational marijuana use. During the event, Bill Blair - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada - promised an "open and transparent engagement process" for legalizing.


Enough Talk, Time for Pot Law

The Liberal government is making a hash of marijuana legalization by embarking on a needless consultation exercise led by a task force of well-meaning volunteers.

Four U.S. states made cannabis legal in 2012 and others are vocally following suit.

Canada, which has had a legal medical scheme for more than 15 years, has had calls for legalization for half a century.

The 1969 Le Dain Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs, set up by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's dad, recommended after three years' study that the country decriminalize cannabis.

There have been all kinds of smart people and a broad range of groups - mayors, chiefs of police, former attorneys general, medical officers of health - who have since echoed the message.


Is Drug Decriminalisation on the Cards for Thailand?

Thailand’s Minister of Justice, General Paiboon Koomchaya, recently ignited a heated debate when he proposed re-scheduling methamphetamine as a ‘medicine’ rather than a ‘narcotic’ drug. But given that one of the Minister’s objectives is to avoid punishing people who use drugs, in particular ensuring they do not end up in prison,’ the proposal to reschedule is essentially a ‘red herring’.


Ghana Is 3rd Consumer of Marijuana Globally - Report

Ghana has dropped to 3rd on the 2015 global rankings of countries where Cannabis Sativa, popularly known as India Hemp or marijuana, is largely smoked or used.

Ghana, who only last year was cited in a United Nations 2014 Report as the number one consumer of the substance in the world, remains the 1st in Africa. The Upper East Regional Minister, Albert Abongo, disclosed this during this year’s celebration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Held in Bolgatanga, the Upper East regional capital, the event was themed: “Listen First: Drug Prevention among the Youth and Children.” It was organised by Life out of Alcohol and Drugs Ghana (LOAD Ghana) in collaboration with Basic Needs Ghana.


Canadian MMJ Shares Rise Due to Recreational Marijuana

Shares in medicinal marijuana firm MMJ Phytotech have surged after Canada's health regulator announced a taskforce to help design a framework for recreational use of the drug.

MMJ Phyotech recently won a licence in Canada to grow marijuana for medical use.

MMJ said on Tuesday that the requirements for consumer protection and product quality control for recreational use were expected to be similar to those governing marijuana for medical use.

The recreational cannabis market in Canada is believed to be worth about $CAD5 billion ($A5.2 billion) a year.


Just Like That Legal Marijuana Sold in Uruguay

Starting August, legal marijuana in Uruguay will be dispensed in "normal bags" of 10 grams without advertising and with information on its composition and its effects, said EFE Secretary General of the National Drug Board, Milton Romani.

Recreational cannabis bags will not be on public view in the pharmacies that are authorized for marketing and these can store a certain amount of marijuana a week, which has not yet been stipulated, Romani said.

The fact that the 'stock' is accounted for weekly matches that the users have a weekly purchase limit of 10 grams (40 per month).

While prices have not yet been set, it is expected to be marketed at $1.2 per gram with establishments acquiring it for $0.9.


Where the Stoners Are: America's Top 10 Marijuana Using States

Acceptance of marijuana seems to have reached a tipping point in the United States. Four states and the District of Columbia have already legalized it, half the states have medical marijuana laws now (two-thirds if you count the CBD-only states), and as many as a half dozen states, including California, could vote on legalization in November.

Public opinion polls now consistently report majority support for legalization nationwide, and pot is increasingly moving from newspapers' crime pages to the finance and culture sections.


Canadian Pharmacists Open to Dispensing Medical Marijuana, Not Sold on Recreational

As the provincial government prepares for legal marijuana sales, pharmacists say they welcome the opportunity to dispense the drug for medicinal purposes — just don’t get them into the recreational market.

The Canadian Pharmacists Association released its position on medical marijuana in April, stating that, given that there is a growing number of Canadians obtaining medical marijuana licences with minimal oversight by health-care professionals, it’s important pharmacists play a front-line role in patient management and dispensing of medical marijuana.


Canada: Marijuana Impairment 'a Big Concern' as RNC Officer Starts Work on Pot Legalization

A Royal Newfoundland Constabulary officer recently named to a task force on legalizing and regulating marijuana says one of the biggest hurdles they face is dealing with impairment.

"I do believe it's going to be a big concern," Supt. Marlene Jesso told CBC Radio's St. John's Morning Show.

"That's something we'll have to look at as a task force, and see if we can come up with certain ways and different ways to be able to do that, because that, I think, may be a major issue in relation to the legalization of marijuana."


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