Recreational Marijuana News


Moon Denver First to Add Marijuana Tips to Mainstream Travel Guide

How important is pot to Colorado tourism? “It is the elephant in the room,” said Cathy Ritter, the new state tourism head, who moved here from Illinois, shortly after she started in January. “Everyone does want to know about the impact of marijuana in Colorado.”


Like Seriously! Marijuana Is Legal in These 7 Countries

New Delhi: One must have seen naga babas consuming marijuana. Consumption of Cannabis is legal in various states across the United States of America and some other European countries, but that of course comes with T&C applied.

Here, we bring you some countries where consumption of marijuana is legal:

Czech Republic:

Marijuana is legal in this European country that permits its possession up to 15 grams. It has been legalised for medical use on prescription since 2013.


Stats May Finally Back Claim Marijuana Is Oregon's Top Crop

Sales and tax figures collected by state agencies may finally solve one of Oregon’s long-running farm crop questions: whether marijuana is indeed the state’s most valuable crop, as cannabis advocates have always maintained.

Tight controls and reporting requirements by the Oregon Department of Revenue and Oregon Liquor Control Commission should result in accurate information about pot, said Bruce Pokarney, spokesman for the state Department of Agriculture. The department compiles an annual list of the state’s most valuable crops.


A Busy Week in Canadian Cannabis News

Toronto begins to look at dispensary regulations, US FDA learns about the MMPR, Canadian researchers in Poland, a possible task force announcement and more.

It’s a big week for those focussed on cannabis and cannabis policy in Canada. Several meetings and expected announcements, as well as one possible discussion are lined up for this last week in June.


High marijuana use a growing phenomenon in Iran

In the ultraconservative nation of Iran that is known to uphold a harsh code of conduct, the popularity of marijuana is growing with little interference by the government. 

According to a New York Times report Saturday, Iranian police pay little heed to the vast use of marijuana, which is allegedly vaguely mentioned in the country's Islamic penal code.


Vaporizer Brings Coffee-Pod Technology To Medical Marijuana

Discouraged by the side of effects of medicines prescribed for his anxiety, Michael Borque found a medicinal haven in a more natural remedy: marijuana. Given that his home state of Massachusetts had yet to sell the drug medicinally, the 40-year-old went about acquiring his first ever buds the traditional way. One parking lot deal and rolled joint later, Borque realized that he liked the high, but hated the burning sensation he felt in his throat and lungs that followed a smoke. Fast forward two years and Borque is now the CEO of Stoneham-based CannaKorp, maker of the CannaCloud vaporizer.



Massachussets: Opponents Of Legalized Recreational Marijuana Warn Of Dangers From Edibles

The campaign over whether the state should legalize recreational marijuana use is heating up, as opponents of a legalization referendum warned at a news conference Thursday that edible marijuana products could pose a danger for unsuspecting children.

Standing before a table covered with THC-infused candy, cookies, soda and other edible products, state Rep. Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury), of the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts, warned that similar products would flood the market, should voters approve a proposed referendum in the fall.

Kane said she fears the products would be especially enticing to children.


Inside incredibles, the Willy Wonka Company of Marijuana Edibles

Edibles sales are exploding. Legal cannabis sales hit $5.4 billion in 2015 according to ArcView Market Research, and dispensary owners say edibles sales might make up as much as half of that. In Colorado alone, the state's Department of Revenue said edibles sales jumped from more than 3.3 million infused edible units (sold from Jan-Sept of 2014) to more than 5.6 million over the same timeframe in 2015. A big chunk of those sales came from incredibles. Yes, their brand is spelled in all lowercase letters (thanks, Pixar).


In Their Own Words: The Story of the UK's Cannabis Social Clubs

On the eve of the largest event in the UK cannabis calendar – Product Earth Expo, we invited Stuart Harper and the board of the United Kingdom Cannabis Social Clubs to share their account of the organisations history, and their grassroots activism.

When I tell people about the UK’s cannabis social clubs, I am often, if not always, met with the same reply:

‘We have cannabis clubs in the UK?’


Stoner's Guide to What It Means to Reschedule Marijuana

Ever since the Santa Monica Observer published a report earlier this week claiming a loose-lipped attorney for the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration told them that the agency is planning to downgrade the cannabis plant to a Schedule II at the beginning of August, a large majority of the stoner nation has been going on a wild and rampant social media posting tangent, spreading a misguided message that marijuana will soon be legal in all 50 states.


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