Recreational Marijuana News


5 Father's Day Gift Ideas for Your Pro-Cannabis Pop

Father’s Day is just around the corner, which inspired us to highlight a few cannabis products that your dad would love. Whether he’s a marijuana newbie or ganja old-timer, these items are a great addition to your father's stoner toolkit.




Myster Stashtray

Myster Stashtray


Oregon's Joint Committee On Marijuana Legalization May Be Dissolving

Oregon’s Joint Committee on Marijuana Legalization may be dissolving before the next legislative session in 2017. The committee, which has been dealing with implementation of Measure 91 and the rewriting of Oregon’s medical marijuana program, was handed a complicated task to be sure. They have been attempting to understand the implications and problems surrounding the legalization of marijuana for adult use, and how to continue the current Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP).

There is yet any official word on its dissolution, but Rep. Carl Wilson, a member of the Joint Committee, told OCC in an email said he understands that the joint committee is being dissolved, but said, “No official word to me yet.”


Worry about bad marijuana—not Big Marijuana

Many critics and proponents of marijuana legalization alike have voiced concerns about the potential emergence of Big Marijuana, a corporate lobby akin to Big Tobacco that recklessly pursues profits and wields sufficient clout to shape regulation to its liking.

Although marijuana remains illegal under federal law, medical and/or recreational marijuana is now legal in more than two dozen states. As the federal government has largely tolerated state legalization, corporate capital and muscle have begun moving in on these new state markets. Such commercialization raises a new set of concerns about how industry dynamics may impact consumer behavior and potentially incur social costs.


Yoga and Marijuana: The Enlightening Combination

For those of us who have spent the time studying spirituality, meditation, yoga and various other hippy-dippy ways of being content in the moment, you know what these things can do to improve your quality of life considerably. If you also happen to be a marijuana enthusiast, then you are aware that it’s a whole lot easier to find your Chi when you’ve had some Chiba.


Uruguay's First crop of legal marijuana: 300 grams of cannabis per plant

Licensees for distribution began planting and harvesting this week. The product will be delivered to pharmacies in packs of 5 and 10 grams

The two companies responsible for the production of legal marijuana in Uruguay are collecting about 300 grams per plant in the first harvest that began this week, reports the local publication, working with government sources.

The president of the National Drug Board (JND), Juan Andrés Roballo, told reporters "soon will be the first harvest of the successful tenderers (ICCorp and Simbiosys)" which since February have been working in the fields of the Institute of Regulation and Control of Cannabis (IRCCA) for the production of the plant.


EDITORIAL: Follow the money in marijuana debate

New Jersey could raise at least $300 million a year by regulating and taxing legal pot, according to a recent report by New Jersey Policy Perspective and New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform.

Sen. Nicholas Scutari is an enthusiastic proponent of the full legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey, even more so after a recent fact-finding tour of Colorado, where pot has already been legal for more than two years.

All jokes aside about what Scutari was doing out in Colorado — he says he did not partake — the senator was so inspired by the trip that he says he now plans to restructure an earlier legalization proposal in hopes of sparking more Statehouse interest.


Legalizing marijuana in Canada has many business considerations, says lawyer

In one episode of HBO's hit show The Wire, Stringer Bell, the brutal head of a heroin drug cartel in Baltimore, insists that his meetings about the day-to-day operations of the "game" run in strict compliance with Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, a book first published in 1876 that gives guidelines for fair and orderly meetings.

Indeed, Bell’s street corner pushers were required to be recognized by the chair before speaking.

At the time, the scene seemed outlandish. However, perhaps it was just ahead of its time.

Recently, the Canadian government announced at the United Nations that it will table legislation in the spring of 2017 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

This will create a cash cow.


Economics of Pot: The Problems With Investing in Marijuana

As more states consider legalizing marijuana for recreational use, forward-thinking investors are wondering how to profit.

There is a lot of money to be made from cannabis.

Marijuana retail sales rose to $4.8 billion last year from $3.4 billion in 2014 and could hit $25 billion by 2020, according to U.S. News & World Report.


Calgary: Medical pot counselling businesses to be treated like liquor stores under new rules

City council has approved rules to prevent medical marijuana counselling businesses from clustering in communities or opening near schools, in an effort to prevent illegal dispensaries from littering neighbourhoods.

While the rules may be aggressive in a city with just two medical marijuana counselling outfits (that can’t legally dispense the drug), some councillors said it’s important to get ahead of what could be a major problem down the road.

“I’m not one to typically be supportive of overregulation but, in this particular instance, I think it’s a prudent step,” Coun. Andre Chabot said during Tuesday’s debate on the changes.


Cannabis remains Ireland's illicit substance of choice

It’s a substantial increase on 2015’s 60.8% user rate and proves that when it comes to drug taking we’re actually a pretty conservative bunch.

That cannabis supplies are abundant is evident from the fact that resin now costs an average €18.30 per gram as opposed to last year’s €25. Even so, Irish cannabis is still among the most expensive in the world with only Norwegians (€22.80) and Canadians (€31.60) having to pay more to indulge.

Skunk will set you back an average €23.10 per gram.

Despite its prevalence, only 1.7% report seeking emergency medical treatment as a result of their cannabis use.


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