Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado Health Department's Top 17 Slang Terms for Marijuana

For instance, Good to Know's latest effort sketches out the risks of cannabis use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

But the CDPHE-blessed item that recently caught our eye appears under the umbrella category "Marijuana 101" — specifically, the slang terms for marijuana that parents should know before talking with their kids.


Colorado marijuana shops shattered record, sold $7.3M worth of pot on 4/20: report

Marijuana dispensaries in Colorado sold $7.3 million worth of legal pot on April 20, shattering previous records and giving the Centennial State its best day and month ever for retail weed sales.

The millions of dollars worth of marijuana sold by state-sanctioned shops on April 20 — or 4/20, in pot-smoker parlance — amounted to a 53 percent increase over sales figures from that same date in 2015, MarketWatch reported Tuesday.


Trip to Colorado convinces NJ senator he's right on legalizing marijuana

A state senator who wants New Jersey to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana for recreational use returned this week feeling good after a fact-finding visit to Colorado.

Sen. Nicholas Scutari, D-Union, didn’t try the product. But he’s more convinced than before that New Jersey should legalize pot after experiencing how legalization has positively impacted Colorado’s economy, tax revenues and crime rates.

“Change is always difficult. Do I see it as an uphill fight? Yeah, it’s an uphill fight,” Scutari said. “But it’s changing. It’s not as uphill as when I stood here two years ago and told you that I wanted to legalize marijuana. We’re in a lot better position now. And I’ll tell you what: I feel a lot more comfortable doing it now that I’ve seen a really good industry.”


What Needs to Happen for Recreational Marijuana to Be Legalized in N.J.?

As many as 10 states could join Colorado, Alaska, Washington, Washington, D.C., Oregon and legalize recreational marijuana this year. On Tuesday, a New Jersey lawmaker will hold a press conference Tuesday to discuss how a similar law might work here. Still, it's a safe bet legalization remains a long way off in the Garden State.

Here's a look at what likely needs to happen for New Jersey to legalize recreational pot.

1. Elect a new governor.


Press Conference: Pennsylvania House Judiciary Plans To Raise Marijuana Fines

The Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on a bill, HB 1422, that seeks to massively increase fines for marijuana possession.

Although HB 1422 downgrades 30 grams of marijuana or less from a misdemeanor to a summary, those convicted will live with the burden of a criminal record.

Legislators, marijuana reform advocates and potential medical marijuana patients will speak in Harrisburg about the problems with HB 1422 tomorrow. The press conference takes place in the East Wing Rotunda at 2:00PM on 6/14.

Chris Goldstein is on the Board of Directors at PhillyNORML and has extensively researched marijuana arrest statistics in Pa.


Marijuana is Central to the Future Economy and New Companies are Growing like Weeds

Marijuana Central has seen incredible growth in the past six months and now receives over 300,000 unique visitors per month. Company founder Korban Stone says, “We have not done any marketing yet, but we continue to see the number of visitors rise.” He plans to begin advertising and marketing the site and last month the website began to monetize by accepting listings from marijuana related companies. “We’ll be investing our revenues into driving more traffic to the site. I don’t see this growth trend ending any time soon as this is just the beginning of this industry and we’re positioned to grow with it.”


Edibles And Concentrates Are Red-Hot, According To Latest Numbers

Colorado's legal cannabis sales continue to smash records, mainly because of the increased interest in concentrates and edibles. Dispensary sales in April surged by 58 percent over the same period previous year, according to Boulder-based BDS Analytics.

What's more, the monthly sales of $117-million beat last December's record $101-million in sales.


How Canada's Current Approach To Legalization Is Harming Young Adults

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government came to power promising to legalize recreational marijuana use in order to eliminate the black market and thereby keep cannabis away from kids. Now the New Democratic Party is alleging that the government's delays on this file is actually endangering the wellbeing of younger Canadians - although young adults in this case, not underage youth.


The Value of Community in the Legalization Movement

The 2016 NORML Aspen Legal Seminar

I just returned a few days ago from a lovely long weekend in beautiful Aspen, CO, a charming old silver-mining town in the Rocky Mountains with breath-taking views, that serves as a popular playground for skiers in the winter and biking and hiking enthusiasts in the other seasons. And it is the location of an annual NORML legal seminar held each year in early June.

The Seminar Itself

First, for those attorneys who attend this event, it is a truly unique opportunity to hear from some of the most brilliant and creative criminal defense and marijuana business attorneys in the country.


Pot Matters: Marijuana Use in the States

Colorado leads the nation in the prevalence of monthly marijuana use by adults 18 and older, according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). When it comes to annual adult marijuana use, marijuana is the most popular in our nation’s capital, Washington D.C.


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