Recreational Marijuana News


Synthetic marijuana drug spice causes multiple overdoses in downtown San Diego for second ...

SAN DIEGO – Authorities said 16 people have been sickened in downtown San Diego after taking the synthetic marijuana drug spice.

Fire officials treated the patients during numerous calls on Saturday, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Fire spokesman Lee Swanson said the patients, mostly in their late teens to early 20s, had symptoms ranging from nausea and fast heartbeats to breathing difficulties and even unconsciousness.

Eleven of the 16 were taken to hospitals, three in serious condition, but Swanson said none of the problems were life-threatening.

Police are trying to discover the source of the spice.


Newcastle University changes stance on zero tolerance approach to drugs in student halls

The university has changed its approach to drugs and illegal substances in accommodation following a petition and motion from an action group


A top North East university has changed its zero tolerance approach to drugs and illegal substances in student halls.

Under the previous policy, Newcastle University students found to be in first-time possession of narcotics would be evicted from their accommodation.

Now, residents caught in possession of illegal substances will have their eviction suspended on condition that there are no further offences.


California legalizing marijuana would be major

Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes thus far. Many more states are considering doing the same in the Nov. 2016 elections. One of the most consequential of those states is California. Its sheer size and population would drastically change the marijuana game if legalized outright.

Consider this: The total combined population of all four states where marijuana is already legal is approximately 17.21 million people, according to United States Census data. California’s population, at approximately 38.8 million, is more than double that.


City plans to start releasing more marijuana sales tax data

Steamboat Springs — Steamboat Springs residents soon will get to see how much the new marijuana industry is putting into the city's coffers each month.

The upcoming monthly releases of marijuana sales tax data also could be used to estimate how many of the sales are coming from locals and how many from tourists.

To date, city officials have not released monthly sales tax data on the marijuana industry for two reasons.

Initially, there were only two dispensaries up and running, so disclosure would have violated city and state confidentiality rules.


Cannabis-infused joe becoming popular drink-of-the-day

NEW YORK – It was during an endless drive home from a camping trip in eastern Washington state that entrepreneur Adam Stites came up with his latest product. “What would happen if I infused heavy cream with cannabis, then mixed it with my coffee?” he mused. (“My van doesn’t go very fast, so I have a lot of time to think,” Stites explains.)

He road-tested the idea as soon as he got home. So strong was the first dose, Stites woke up 13 hours after he chugged a single cup. Nonetheless, his professional interest was piqued. Not long after, he set up Mirth Provisions to sell a commercial version of his creation: marijuana-infused cold-brew coffee, dosed up with 20 milligrams of THC per serving. Waggishly named “Legal,” it’s the ultimate wake and bake.


Wake and bake: Marijuana-infused, cold-brewed coffee

It was during an endless drive home from a camping trip in eastern Washington that entrepreneur Adam Stites came up with his latest product. "What would happen if I infused heavy cream with cannabis, then mixed it with my coffee?" he mused. ("My VW van doesn't go very fast, so I have a lot of time to think," Stites explains.)

He road-tested the idea as soon as he got home. So strong was the first dose, Stites woke up 13 hours after chugging a single cup. Nonetheless, his professional interest was piqued. Soon he set up Mirth Provisions to sell a commercial version of his creation: marijuana-infused cold-brew coffee, dosed up with 20 milligrams of THC per serving. Waggishly named "Legal," it's the ultimate wake and bake.


Montana Jury Candidates Refuses To Convict Anyone For Marijuana Possession

There is a weapon against marijuana prohibition that many American citizens don’t know that they have at their disposal. It can be used in states that have not reformed their marijuana laws, and don’t have medical or recreational marijuana legalization on the books. It’s like kryptonite. That weapon is jury nullification.


Baking Bad: Police say edible forms of marijuana hit new high in Omaha

Sgt. Dave Bianchi sets a bag of chocolates onto a table at Omaha police headquarters.

The narcotics detective isn’t handing out treats to his colleagues. He’s showing off the latest, tastiest ways to get high.

“It looks like a chocolate, a cookie or a chunk of candy,” Bianchi said. The marijuana-infused edibles, he said, allow people to “use marijuana, but be discreet about it.”

The edibles are becoming more common in the Omaha area, especially over the past year, Bianchi said. He suspects some Nebraskans decided to make their own pot products after visiting neighboring Colorado, which legalized recreational cannabis in 2012 and began allowing retail sales in January 2014.


Cannabis company to launch ‘weed weddings’ with vape stations and ice bongs

‘Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?’ ‘Sorry, what was the question again?’

It could be the future of weddings, after a new wedding expo for ‘weed weddings’ – offering vape stations and ice bongs for people’s nuptials.

This is in Denver, Colorado, of course, where weed has been decriminalised – and will take place in January, according to The Cannabist.


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