Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado's crime rate was declining...until they legalized marijuana

Despite what the Big Pot lobbyists claim, the evidence is starting to mount that Colorado's experiment with legalized marijuana has led to increased crime in the state.

According to the latest 2014 Crime in Colorado report by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, the crime rate – based on arrests statistics – increased 9 percent from 2013 to 2014.  But that is only part of the story.

Looking back on the crime rate data over the preceding decade, the state's crime rate was rapidly declining (by 32 percent overall) from 2004 through 2012.  Since 2012, the crime rate has increased more than 21 percent.



Fly High with the CannaCloud™

It's never been done before. A vaporizer system that operates on single-serve pods filled with cannabis. CannaKorp recently announced the launch of CannaCloud™ , which has been described as the Keurig of Cannabis. 


Recall: Pesticide residues found in pot candy

DENVER – A marijuana infused manufacturing facility is voluntarily recalling marijuana products due to the presence of potentially unsafe pesticide residues in products samples, Denver Environmental Health said Tuesday in a press release.

The EdiPure recall affects 7,770 units of 17 different products, including a variety of infused candy products.

Contaminated hash oil was used to produce a variety of EdiPure candies, some of which tested positive for one or more of the following: Myclobutanil, Avermectin, and Imidacloprid – which cannot be legally used on marijuana in Colorado.

DEH said the products were widely distributed to store locations around the state. So far, there have been no reports of illness.


Man sues Border Patrol over right to carry medical marijuana

LAS CRUCES - A Deming man is suing the U.S. Border Patrol, alleging agents are failing to adhere to a new rule that allow him to carry medical marijuana without risking federal charges.

Raymundo Marrufo, who participates in New Mexico's medical marijuana program, filed the lawsuit Monday in federal court seeking an injunction against the U.S. Border Patrol in connection with questions the agency poses to travelers at border checkpoints.


The flowering embassy in the heart of Vienna

One almost never sees potent cannabis plants flowering in public and while this was a common sight almost everywhere only 80 years ago, it is now banned in most corners of the earth. Until recently, the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museums in Amsterdam and Barcelona, the Cannabis College in Amsterdam, the Hemp Museum in Berlin, and the Museo Della Civilta Contadina in Bologna were the only places in the world either solely devoted to the heyday of cannabis, or actually permitted to display real cannabis plants.


Marijuana Chocolates and Cookies Rise in Sales in Omaha

Marijuana is making the rounds in Omaha in chocolate, cookie and candy form.

According to Sgt Dave Bianchi of the Omaha Police, these varieties of marijuana merchandise allow people discretion when they use the drug. He says purchase of the marijuana-infused goodies have been growing. He suspects these are supplied to Omaha by a group of people from Nebraska, who may be purchasing pot from Colorado where marijuana retail sales has been allowed since January 2014.


Canada's new marijuana laws must attend to business: Don Pittis

As rural youth have known for more than a generation, growing pot, even in the Canadian climate, is not so difficult. A sunny patch between young pines, a bit of fertilizer and seed and then go away till autumn.

The constraint on pot production has never been agricultural.  

Marijuana laws have been in place for so long that there will be political pressure to make sure any changes put health and safety first as Canada leads the way on pot regulation. But as governments across the country consider how to liberalize the rules on the distribution and use of cannabis, they are also laying the ground rules for a multibillion-dollar industry.


Money woes? Legalize hemp and cannabis


So Columbia needs $100 million for the Columbia canal, broken in the October storm. More than likely we will go to Washington seeking relief instead of divorcing ourselves from archaic laws that stifle revenue within our own state.

Laws against hemp and cannabis need to be stricken from statutes quickly. To date, four states (Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska) have removed those laws, and their citizens are reaping tremendous benefit, including a decrease in both crime and arrest rates. Another major benefit those states have seen is a massive bump in tax and fee revenues from cannabis businesses.


In Uruguay, the Only Country with Legal Cannabis, Price is Less than $1 a Gram

With Canada currently examining ways to legally regulate the distribution of recreational cannabis, we thought it was a good idea to take an updated look at the only country in the world that has legalized the sale of cannabis; Uruguay (other countries may turn a blind eye to cannabis sales, but Uruguay is the only one where it has been statutorily legalized).


Is the Word "Marijuana" Offensive?

Is the word "marijuana" offensive?

Over the years, plenty of people have pressed this argument — and recent indications suggest that the debate could be heating up again in Colorado and beyond.

A new article from the Summit Daily goes after "Colorado stoner stereotypes," with various business owners in the Aspen area expressing antipathy for terms that are deemed derogatory, including "stoner" and "dope."

But a main focus of folks at LeafAspen dispensary is using the term "cannabis" in place of "marijuana" and encouraging others to do likewise.


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