Recreational Marijuana News


What Thanksgiving Would Look Like If Pot Were Legal And Alcohol Wasn't

Imagine a parallel universe to this one where friends and families are getting together over a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. But in this alternate universe cannabis is legal, and alcohol isn't.

A tradition steeped in booze

We already know what Thanksgiving will look like in our world. Alcoholism will be prominently on display setting the stage for another year when things get awkward, people drink too much, icy glares from spouses or children chill the room and people drive home despite knowing they shouldn't.


Marijuana tourism’s reach expands

DENVER — Every seat filled, the little tour bus navigates the busy streets of booming Denver, whisking its passengers to a glassblowing demonstration. Or they can choose a painting class. Or a cooking lesson. Or visit a farm.

If this sounds like a comparatively unexciting way to see the Mile High City, look closer. Or, better yet, take a whiff.

This party bus is filled with smoke and happy people, and smells like an art-school dorm. The tattooed glassblower is crafting high-priced bongs and pipes. The cooking class is for gourmands who want to flavor their cuisine with an herb you probably don’t have in your spice rack. The painters’ creativity is whetted by weed. And the farm is the 40,000-square-foot “cultivation facility” of one of Colorado’s top cannabis producers.


The Civilized Guide To Cannabis Thanksgiving

If you're living in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington or DC, you can show your thankfulness for legalization this Thursday with a cannabis Thanksgiving feast. We've put together a full menu of THC-infused cuisine. But don't feel the need to go overboard by making the whole spread!

The Main Event

Normally we'd start with an appetizer. But turkey is the centerpiece of an American Thanksgiving feast, so let's begin with how to baste your bird in garlic cannabutter:


Turkey's the main attraction, but your table will look pretty sparse without a supporting cast of side dishes. Let's start filling your plate with THC-infused stuffing.

Now add some delicious cannabis cranberry sauce. (Note: takes two days to prepare!) 


Recent Studies Confirm That Medical Marijuana is Safe For Long Term Use

The debate on medical marijuana has long existed since its legalization. The said debate however is about to end as the latest study in regards to medical marijuana's usage stated that it is safe for long term use.

According to Science Daily, the latest Canadian study on medical marijuana is said to be a safe option for those who are using it to treat chronic pain. The website then added that the study is the largest study that was conducted in regards to long term medical marijuana usage.


Why was this massive pile of cannabis plants dumped on the side of a road in Cardiff?

A resident said the plants were dumped on Tremorfa Industrial Estate at around 10pm on Wednesday

A large pile of cannabis plants were dumped on an industrial estate in Cardiff.

Residents reported finding a number of the plants on Martin Road on Tremorfa Industrial Estate that are believed to have been dumped there at around 10pm on Wednesday.

David Roberts, who lives nearby, said: “I came out of my house last night because I heard some noise and by the end of the road there was just this massive pile of cannabis. It was everywhere.


Smoking pot in car not protected by marijuana law

Medical marijuana patients can't smoke pot in their car if in public

Medical marijuana use in a car parked in a public place not protected by state law, justices rule(Photo: File art)

LANSING, Mich. (WZZM) -- Smoking a joint inside a car while parked in a private lot is not protected under Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act, the state Court of Appeals has determined.

The case involves a man who was smoking medical marijuana inside his car in the parking lot of Soaring Eagle Casino in August, 2013.

In a 2-to-1 ruling, the Appeals Court said even if Robert Michael Carlton was in a locked car, the fact he was in a parking lot accessible by the public constitutes a public place and is therefore illegal under Michigan's 2008 Medical Marijuana Act.


D.C.'s Weed Scene Burns Bright In New Web Series

Dozens of differently-sized weed plants grow beneath lights as a plate of cocktail weenies goes by.

Did I die and go to heaven? Nope, I just stumbled on the set of East Coast Grow, currently filming at Brookland's Mess Hall Culinary Incubator.

The comedic web series from Aboveboard Productions focuses on the D.C. marijuana industry. "It's a unique setting that has never been approached in narrative," says Matt Doherty, co-creator and executive producer of East Coast Grow. "It's an opportunity to highlight the city and a community that you don't see in other productions. We don't normally see stuff that gives justice to the culture of this town."


Five Scientific Benefits to Smoking Marijuana on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a special occasion to spend time with family, eat good food, and express gratitude for the things that you have. But for some, the holiday is a stressful affair that involves hours of preparation, heated political debates over the dinner table, and a prolonged period of stomach pain following multiple servings of turkey.


12 Overdose On ‘Spice’ Synthetic Marijuana In California, Including 13 Year-Old

A bad batch of marijuana in the Plymouth of the West has endangered he lives of 12 people so far, as at least three locations in the California city have been reported as having people suffering from a bad San Diego cannabis reaction.

The city's Fire Rescue received calls from at least a dozen sick people from San Diego cannabis last Sunday alone, as victims from a bad batch of synthetic marijuana, called "spice," experienced overdose symptoms from bloody noses to even seizures, as apparently the manufactured substance can vary in strengths depending on who makes it, leading to these disastrous results in this particular case.


Medical Marijuana tourism taken to the streets with 420 Tours

LAS VEGAS (KSNV News3LV) – It’s taken 15 years, but one-by-one medical marijuana businesses are opening across the valley, giving patients more access to the drug.

Four dispensaries are doing business now and a fifth will open in January. The promise of more storefronts is spawning business of another kind, catering to tourists. Now, instead of taking a tour of the Hoover Dam or up and down the Las Vegas Strip, tourists can stop at medical marijuana locations across Clark County.

Medical Marijuana Tour Promoters are now looking for business, decked out in bright green vests.
The 420 Tours began rolling about a month ago, driving patients from one medical marijuana dispensary to the next.


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