Recreational Marijuana News


Ireland to legalise supervised heroin use to cut overdose deaths

Ireland will move towards legalising supervised heroin use, and possible future decriminalisation of other drugs, according to Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, the Irish minister who is redrafting Ireland’s national drugs strategy.

The minister announced that new laws to legalise injection of heroin under medical supervision could be in force next year. Further measures to decriminalise the recreational use of other drugs could be on the agenda after that.

“Our national strategy is due for renewal, and my job is to review it and make sure it’s relevant, and addresses the constantly changing drug landscape,” said Ó Ríordáin, speaking at a workshop on drug control at the London School of Economics this week.


Ohio marijuana vote: Investors insist there's no monopoly

Ohio to vote on competing marijuana measures Marijuana investors backing Tuesday's legalization vote in Ohio dismissed claims they're trying to monopolize the nascent industry.

"We don't agree with calling it a monopoly," investor Woody Taft told CNN's New Day. "How can you call 10 competing people a monopoly?

Woody and Dudley Taft Jr., who are great-great grandnephews of President Taft, are among the 25 investors in 10 plots of farmland identified in Ohio's Issue 3.


Ireland plans to decriminalise drugs including cannabis, cocaine and heroin

Ireland has outlined plans to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of drugs, including heroin, cocaine and cannabis.

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, the minister in charge of Ireland’s National Drugs Strategy, announced the radical move in the country’s approach to drug addiction in a speech on Monday.

“I am firmly of the view that there needs to be a cultural shift in how we regard substance misuse if we are to break this cycle and make a serious attempt to tackle drug and alcohol addiction,” said Mr Ó Ríordáin, adding that he wanted to remove the “stigma” from drug addiction by preventing addicts from ending up with criminal convictions.


Voters In This State Could Make Marijuana History Today

Ohio voters are heading to the polls Tuesday to vote on whether or not to legalize medical and recreational marijuana.

The passage of Issue 3 would make Ohio the home of a lot of firsts: the first Midwestern state to legalize the drug, the first successful privately-funded legalization campaign, and the first state in the country to legalize medical and recreational uses at once, according to the Washington Post.


California's Sean Parker-backed Legalization Initiative: Here’s What’s Inside

A group backed by billionaire philanthropist Sean Parker released a major, viable new initiative to legalize marijuana in California in 2016.

Called the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act — it’s a complete end to cannabis prohibition in California. A seed-to-sale system of commercial regulations would take its place, and lay atop the newly released medical marijuana regulations. Here’s what’s inside the initiative, which was filed by noted environmentalist Michael Sutton and a rare, cannabis-educated Physician Dr. Donald Lyman.


Why marijuana's momentum seems unstoppable


"We will legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana” – Liberal Party of Canada.

Of the dozens of promises that make up the Liberal Party election platform, this one could have the greatest lasting impact on Justin Trudeau’s administration – and the country as a whole, according to industry experts who are eyeing a potentially sizzling new market.

In part, it’s a matter of scale. If the Liberals succeed in legalizing marijuana, an estimated 1.2 million Canadians could eventually use legal variants of the drug daily – and perhaps another 2.5 million will consume them occasionally. This assumes Canadians will embrace new rules as people have in Colorado, which legalized marijuana for recreational use following a 2012 referendum.



We have seen cannabis prohibition laws start to crumble over the past few years, and as they continue to do so, more research is being done on the substance that has long been a part of human existence.

Recently, a study was conducted to determine the effects of driving under the influence of marijuana versus driving under the influence of alcohol, and driving with both in the system.


Hemp, the sober cannabis cousin to marijuana, is making waves in SC

Walk along the aisles of Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, Earth Fare or health food and supplement specialty stores and you’ll see hemp seeds, hemp protein powder, hemp milk and hemp oil.

Hemp versus marijuana

Both hemp and marijuana come from the same plant cannabis sativa, but the difference between the two basically lies in its level of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which in higher concentrations produces a euphoria or high.


Why we shouldn't stop at pot

Just over a week ago, as the Justin Trudeau-led Liberal Party swept into power on October 19, social media erupted with stoner jokes about pot and the new prime minister.

At the top of many Canadian’s minds — business owners, activists and academics — was Trudeau’s longstanding plan to legalize marijuana use.


Cards' Rucker set to open marijuana business if Ohio vote passes

Cardinals defensive lineman will team with Oscar Robertson in southern Ohio marijuana farm if vote is approved

Arizona Cardinals defensive lineman Frostee Rucker will keep a close eye on Tuesday's election day returns from Ohio -- the state where the Cardinals just vacated following their 34-20 victory over the Browns.


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