Recreational Marijuana News


Omaha Tribe to consider legalizing marijuana

The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska is considering getting into the lucrative marijuana business, but at least one tribal expert fears doing so could put the tribe at risk of losing any investment it may make in marijuana industries.

The tribe plans to hold a referendum Tuesday in which members will vote on whether the tribe should allow recreational use of marijuana, medicinal use of marijuana, and growing industrial hemp on its northeast Nebraska reservation.

Ultimately, however, the Omaha tribal council will decide all three questions. The referendum vote simply will give the council guidance on whether to move forward, according to an information sheet distributed by the tribe.


Love Triggers Your Brain’s Weed Receptor

Bonding with other humans really does give a natural high.

What happens when “love hormones” and “bliss molecules” collide? A whole lot of happy akin to smoking a joint, a new study suggests. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) found that oxytocin—often dubbed the “love hormone” due to the good feelings it produces during social interactions—is able to enhance pleasure by stimulating the brain’s marijuana-like cannabinoid neurotransmitters.

“Why do social animals—us included—enjoy the company of their own species? Our study addresses this question from a neurobiological perspective,” explains Daniele Piomelli, the paper’s lead author.


Goodbye Cotton, Hello Hemp?

Cotton. You love it, I love it, but Mother Nature freakin' hates it.

About 20 million tons of cotton are produced each and every year, making it far and away the world's most profitable non-food crop. But it's resource intensive in a big way.


Issue 3 is bad for Ohio

Colorado: the mountains, the Wild Wild West and when it comes to growing marijuana, Colorado is at least to a degree the Wild West because there, if you pass a licensing test you can have a grow facility.

That is unlike the Ohio model where there would only be 10 grow farms. But it does far more than that; it would allow recreational use of the addictive version of the drug, as well.

And as in any Wild West, there needs to be a new sheriff in town, “I’m Andrew Freedman and I’m the director of the Governor’s Office of Marijuana Coordination”.


Oregon's marijuana divide

About 30 chamber of commerce members turned out Oct. 23 to tour Plantae Health, a marijuana dispensary, among them bankers, escrow officers, a retired engineer, a city councilman, a public health official and the mayor.

The guests sipped coffee and sampled pastries while mingling in the clean, sparse reception area of the dispensary in a small commercial strip on U.S. Highway 97 just south of the center of town.

The morning conviviality gave way to questions and answers.

No, said Andrew Anderson, co-owner of the dispensary with his wife, Jocelyn Anderson, the aroma of marijuana wafting from a neighbor’s greenhouse won’t get you high, and the plant roots do not contaminate the soil with psychoactive chemicals.


Ohioans mull marijuana legalization

COLUMBUS — Two issues on this week’s ballot stand alone, but the fate of one may depend on the other.

Ohio is about to make a historic decision on Issue 3. Should the state become the first east of Colorado to legalize marijuana for recreational, medical, and commercial purposes?

But state voters also have a decision to make on Issue 2. Should private individuals have the right to etch their own commercial monopolies into the Ohio Constitution?

If Issue 2 passes, the marijuana legalization amendment may never take effect, even if voters support it.


Ohio Could Become the Fifth US State to Legalize Marijuana

Voters in Ohio will decide Nov. 3 whether to become the fifth U.S. state to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, 

As in other states, legalization will be decided by way of a ballot that would lift criminal penalties for growing marijuana at home and possessing up to an ounce of the plant.

Voters in Oregon and Alaska last November approved the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, following approvals in Colorado and Washington state. Marijuana is also now legal in the District of Colombia, the U.S. capital.

Ohio better vote no for the Marijuana monopoly — Jack Herer (@KeKoJoNeZ) October 31, 201


What can Ohio voters learn from legal pot in Colorado?

“It’s not all about making money and about profiting”, said Ean Seeb, co-owner of Denver Relief, a dispensary whose monetary and volunteering donations include Ekar Farm and Garden, which grows vegetables for food banks. In 2012, Colorado passed a law legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.


Officials: edible marijuana not yet a trend in St. Johns County

You can now smoke your pot and eat it, too.

The legalization of medical marijuana in a number of U.S. states and for recreational usage in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Alaska and Washington, D.C., has created a new market for marijuana-infused edibles.

And these treats go beyond the old fashioned pot brownies.

According to a recent NBC report, bakers whip up laced treats in industrial kitchens that are later sold in legal dispensaries. In Colorado, consumers bought 5.8 million infused edibles and concentrate products in 2014, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue Annual Update.

While edibles are popular elsewhere, local law enforcement officials say they are not yet a significant part of the underground drug market in St. Johns County.


5 Highly Successful Americans Who Defy Every Stereotype of Being a Stoner

That stoner kid who hacked the CIA director's personal email is the latest to give the lie to the stupid pot smoker stereotype.

When somebody hacked into the private email account of CIA director John Brennan last month, the irony was palpable. Here's the head of the world's spookiest spy agency getting played by some kid. And when it turned out that kid was a self-proclaimed stoner hacker, the schadenfreude meter went from the ridiculous to the sublime.


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