Recreational Marijuana News


Uruguay aims to produce 6-10 tons of marijuana a year

Uruguay, the world's first country to legalize marijuana, is aiming to produce between six and 10 tons of pot a year for local use, a senior government official told AFP.

National Drug Board chief Milton Romani told AFP in an interview that the pot would be distributed through pharmacies and sold to registered users at $1.40 a gram.

Almost everything is set so that sales can begin, Romani said. Officials need to choose companies to distribute the weed, and "we just need to fine-tune the software for registration and pharmacy sales," he said.


Marijuana vote in Ohio difficult to predict

The television commercials, direct-mail ads, endorsements and debates are over: It’s time to decide whether marijuana will be legal in Ohio.

Eyes across the country will be on the Buckeye State on Tuesday to see what voters decide on State Issue 3, the for-profit constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in smokable and edible form for recreational use for those 18 or older, and for patients of any age with qualifying medical conditions.

The warring campaigns — ResponsibleOhio and Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies — are as different as you can imagine.

ResponsibleOhio is backed almost exclusively by 10 groups of wealthy investors who were expected to spend upward of $25 million on the legalization campaign.


Ted Strickland visits Warren, talks marijuana legalization


WARREN, Ohio (WKBN) – Former governor and U.S. Senate candidate, Ted Strickland, was in Warren on Sunday supporting current Warren Mayor, Doug Franklin, in his reelection.

Strickland also shared his thoughts on the issue of legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use.

“If this was a straight marijuana legalization vote, I would vote yes. I am troubled by the monopoly aspect of it,” he said.

Stickland is for recreational and medicinal use of marijuana, but if Issue 2, the Ohio Initiated Monopolies Amendment, passes, it will give a limited number people power.



High times 2015

Excuse me while I light my spliff. Good God I gotta take a lift. From reality I just can’t drift, That’s why I’m staying with this riff.”

IT was fitting that head of the Bob Marley Group of Companies, Marie Bruce, and Brand Manager Debbie Bissoon made a bold attempt to perform the opening verse from Bob Marley’s Easy Skanking, to signal the organisation’s endorsement of Rastafari Rootzfest Presents High Times 2015 Jamaican World Cannabis Cup.

The event is scheduled for Long Bay Beach Park in Negril from November 12-15. It was officially launched last Wednesday at the Bob Marley Museum in St Andrew. It will be the first ganja event to be sanctioned by the Jamaican Government since the amendment of the Dangerous Drug Act in April.


Things to know about Issue 3 for marijuana legalization on Tuesday's ballot


Ohioans could buy marijuana, pot-infused candies and other related products from potentially 1,100-plus retail stores around the state if voters approve a legalization measure on Tuesday's ballots.

The proposed constitutional amendment, known as Issue 3, would let adults 21 and older purchase marijuana and grow up to four plants at home. The initiative lays out a regulatory scheme, while creating a network of 10 authorized growing facilities and establishing nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries.

Here are some things to know about how retail stores would be work under the measure.



A Very Big California Marijuana Legalization Announcement Is Coming Tomorrow

California is the biggest marijuana legalization domino that is in play for 2016. I have had many conversations with members of the mainstream media about California, and I have said many times that many people will measure the success of the 2016 campaign by whether or not California succeeds. Several states could legalize in 2016, and while I think that even one state would be a huge victory, many others will consider it bittersweet if California fails to legalize again.


Manitou Springs tax collections booming amid recreational marijuana sales

Business is booming in Manitou Springs, and its sales tax collections are at record levels.

The city brought in $2.71 million through August, more than the total for all of last year. A noteworthy figure, considering the sales tax revenue collected in 2014 was the city's largest total in at least a decade, according to data provided by its finance department.

And while a string of summer months devoid of major fires and floods and an improving economy have helped contribute to Manitou's success, recreational marijuana sales cannot be ignored.

"We were well on our way to financial health and recovery of our community," Mayor Marc Snyder said. "And the new taxes from recreational marijuana were just a real boost."


Pot Legalization Brings Struggling New Arrivals to Pueblo, Colorado

Meanwhile legalized marijuana usage in Colorado has produced unexpected consequences.

“I think the world is looking at Colorado and I think this is this great period with great social and economic change around controlled substances”.

Marijuana candy. Trick or treat? a billboard on a major Denver thoroughfare warned.


Some Non-Profit Organizations Are Still Wary Of Marijuana Industry Donations

I have said many times that the marijuana community can do big things outside of the marijuana world. The marijuana community over the years has built a machine that can spread awareness like no other, pool together resources like no other, and mobilize volunteers like no other. These things have benefited cannabis reform greatly, and they can be used to benefit other worthy causes. Any non-profit organization should be grateful to get the level of assistance that the marijuana community can provide.


The Newest Trend In DC Real Estate: Marijuana Grow Closets

Washington, D.C., realtors are constantly looking for new perks to help sell houses in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country. Their latest endeavor: marijuana grow closets.

When the District legalized the possession of marijuana in February a new market of would-be growers formed, and now realtors hope to cash in on that market, NBC Washington reports.

Developers across the city are planning to add grow closets to future developments and companies that specialize in selling the equipment needed to grow marijuana indoors.


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