Recreational Marijuana News


A record number of Americans say pot use should be legal

For example, Americans who are aged 65 through 79 today - born between 1936 and 1950 - are more supportive of making marijuana legal in 2015 than those born in the same years were 15, 30 and 46 years ago.

As the poll notes, support among young Americans, ages 18 to 34, has always been higher than others.


Medical marijuana users unsure what Trudeau has planned for them

Canada's major marijuana producers are bracing for big changes, with a pro-pot parliament waiting in the wings.

During his campaign, prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau said legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would be a top priority.

But Christopher Enns, who runs a Halifax medical marijuana shop, isn't sure the anticipated new laws will change much for him.

He's licensed as a designated grower, but technically only allowed to supply one or two people. His shop has been raided by police twice.

And while he said he hopes his customers will eventually feel less stigmatized under the new Liberal government, as a small supplier, he's also feeling a little left out.


10 tons of pot found in elaborate tunnel on Mexico-U.S. border


SAN DIEGO — Mexican authorities said Thursday they seized about 10 tons of marijuana in an elaborate tunnel with a rail car system that extended well into San Diego and was designed to smuggle drugs into the U.S. from Tijuana.

The discovery on Wednesday marks one of the longest and more sophisticated clandestine tunnels found on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The passage was 9 feet deep and about 2,600 feet long — about three-quarters of that distance in Tijuana and the rest in San Diego. It was lit, ventilated and built with metal beams to prevent collapse.

It was unclear whether any drugs got through the tunnel or if it had an exit yet in the U.S.

Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to comment.


Australia moves to legalise medical cannabis

Australia is making key moves to legalise the growing of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes, the government announced.
Health Minister Sussan Ley said on Saturday that changes to existing legislation that bans the growing of marijuana will be introduced to parliament, with the aim of providing alternate treatment for people with debilitating illnesses, reports Al Jazeera.
“This government is incredibly sympathetic to the suffering of those Australians with debilitating illnesses and we want to enable access to the most effective medical treatments available,” Ley said.
But growing cannabis for recreational purposes will still be illegal in Australia.


Haute high: How did marijuana go from shadowy activity to style's next commodity?

Walking down Toronto’s Queen West strip, you’ll pass a few decades-old head shops, Shanti Baba and The Friendly Stranger perhaps the most notable among them. Their happy bud signage – melting swirls and mystical icons – and array of psychedelic products are quickly turning into relics in a world where an increasing acceptance toward marijuana usage means more desire (and ability) to spend on recreational habits. And as we all know, where there’s a need, there’s soon a surplus of product to satisfy it.


Pot use doubled as laws slackened – even before all out legalization

The number of US adults using marijuana doubled between 2001 and 2013, as have the number of adults who are victim to marijuana dependence and abuse, according to a study published Wednesday in the JAMA Psychiatry, an American Medical Association publication. 


Number of Americans toking up doubles in 10 years, marijuana study finds

A heck of a lot more Americans were toking up in 2012-13 than 10 years before — and not for medical reasons, either — according to a new study. The percentage of American adults who had used marijuana within the last year was 9.5 percent, the study found. That compared to 4.1 percent in 2001-02.

The study — published this week in Jama Psychiatry, a monthly journal published by the American Medical Association — was sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It was based on in-person interviews with more than 36,000 Americans over the age of 18.

A marked shift in attitudes

With the increase in use has come an increase in the total number of what the study called “marijuana use disorders.”


What Montreal Will Look Like When Justin Trudeau Legalizes Marijuana

There will be more change than just a cloud of smoke over the city.

Let’s be real here people, one of the most appealing aspects of Justin Trudeau/the Liberal Party’s platform for a lot of us youths (at least the stoner ones) was the promise to legalize marijuana. During Harper’s reign, the idea of legal marijuana in Canada was but a fantasy, but now that Trudeau is in the house (of Commons) we may actually see a nation where marijuana use is no longer against the law.


Nature's Cure of Denver recalls pot products containing pesticides

A second marijuana business in Denver in just over a week has voluntarily recalled its products because they contain a pesticide not allowed for use on cannabis.

Denver health officials announced the recall by Nature’s Cure, which also is known as Colfax Pot Shop, Wednesday after tests found high levels of a pesticide that cannot be legally used to grow the crop.

The recall extends to all of the company’s plant material as well as its concentrates purchased before Oct. 6, according to the Denver Department of Environmental Health.

The business has one retail location at 1500 E. Colfax Ave.


New poll: Ohioans split 46%-46% on marijuana issue

Our opponents had always claimed that if we legalize marijuana, the sky would fall. However, this appeared not to affect support for legalization: the percent supporting legalization via Issue 3 (55 percent) is very close to the percent that support legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Ohio would make history by OK-ing both at the same time. ResponsibleOhio, the Issue 3 campaign, countered that “monopoly” wasn’t accurate, as “mono” means “one” and there are ten competing properties with ten different owners that would grow marijuana under the plan. Those suffering with cancer, Alzheimer’s, veterans with PTSD, children with epilepsy and so many other Ohioans with chronic illnesses will have the opportunity to find relief.


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