Recreational Marijuana News


Inside the hippie wonderland with the world’s largest hash market

When you think of the notorious hot spots of Europe, you most likely imagine Amsterdam with its bright flashing neon lights in the infamous red-light district and its friendly stance towards cannabis.

But have you heard of the less conspicuous green-light district? As one would expect, this isn’t a feature of Amsterdam; rather it’s located in the heart of Denmark’s capital Copenhagen.

This is a place where, despite your background, people from all walks of life come together to unwind in perhaps one of the largest communes in history. We’re talking about hippies, businessmen and outsiders — everyone.

Christiania is a stand-alone municipality not far from central Copenhagen. Not something one would expect upon visiting the seemingly perfect and orderly city.


Will Ohio Legalize Marijuana Next Month?

It’s now less than three weeks until Buckeye State voters head to the polls in an off-year election, and they make make Ohio the first Midwestern state to legalize marijuana. A poll this week that asked specifically if respondents supported the initiative on the ballot had 56% saying yes.


Tech Entrepreneurs In The Marijuana Industry Deliver A Phone App To Tell You If You're High


A shot of vodka is a shot of vodka, but the THC level in a marijuana joint, vape or edible can vary tremendously from one strain or brand to another. This lack of uniform potency can make it harder to monitor marijuana’s impairment effects, and as marijuana legalization moves from state to state, more people will wonder how to use it safely. That’s what inspired the creators of Canary, an app that will tell users if they are impaired.


The South Says No to Marijuana but Yes to Hemp

LEXINGTON, Ky. • For more than 100 years, Jane Harrod’s family set aside a corner of their farm to grow tobacco. The 20 acres they grew when she was a girl was only a fraction of the 400 acres the family owned outside of town but it promised good money — about $1,000 an acre.

“Most all of us farmers raised some tobacco,” said Harrod, 63, of Lexington, Ky. “Tobacco definitely put the clothes on our backs when we were kids.”

But tobacco isn’t the reliable cash crop it once was. That has Harrod and hundreds of other farmers across the South revisiting a plant from deep in the region’s past: industrial hemp.


Mexico close to legalising marijuana as supreme court discusses allowing it for recreational use

Cannabis is legal for recreational use in several countries around the world (Source: Getty)

High hopes for the legalisation movement: Mexico could be close to legalising marijuana, as the country’s supreme court gears up to discuss the issue later this month.

The supreme court will be discussing a proposal that would legalise consumption and production of marijuana for recreational use.

Mexico has already approved medical use of the drug, as a lower court in the country granted a couple the right to import marijuana-based medicine to treat their daughter’s epilepsy in August.

Since recreational use of the drug has been made legal in several US states, political pressure has been mounting on Mexico to follow suit.


The NFL Should Be Investing In Marijuana Research If It Wants To Survive

The National Football League has survived more public relations crises in the past year than most multi-billion dollar organizations endure in a decade. Yet the greatest existential threat to the NFL - if not to the existence of football itself - still remains Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or “CTE.”

As former All-Pro linebacker Junior Seau’s documented struggle with CTE demonstrated, the presentation of symptoms that occurs in most stricken with the disease are not always readily apparent. Concussions and sub-concussive impacts on the brain cause the rapid brain decay that is a precursor to CTE. Eventually, the lobes of the brain blacken and loose density—causing depression, early on-set dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and eventual death.


Poll Finds Ohio Voters Both Favor and Oppose Marijuana Legalization

Responsible OhioAccordiing to a recent survey commissioned by WKYC, the NBC station in Cleveland, most Ohio voters support Issue 3, an initiative on next month's ballot that would legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use. The same survey found that most voters also support Issue 2, an initiative aimed at nullifying Issue 3. In fact, most of the voters who favor Issue 2 said they favor Issue 3 as well.


Australia to Green-Light Medical Marijuana

Growing cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes came a step closer to legislation in Australia, as ministers announced planned changes in legislature.

Health Minister Sussan Ley said in a statement Saturday that the parliament will debate a revision to the current law to provide for alternative treatment for those with debilitating illnesses, VICE News reports.

The announcement follows the move by the state of Victoria to create a legal framework around medical cannabis, and statewide sales are set to begin before 2017. Access will be given to children suffering severe epilepsy.


New Yorkers are smoking pot in public like it’s no big deal

The city is getting higher by the day — and we’re not talking about Manhattan skyscrapers.

In the span of a few hours in broad daylight last week, The Post encountered six people smoking reefer on busy downtown sidewalks.

Mayor Bill de Blasio decriminalized low-level marijuana possession last November — but many New Yorkers evidently mistook that for de-facto legalization.

You can still get cuffed for smoking a joint in public — as a female stoner ­was warned recently when Police Commissioner Bill Bratton saw her toking on Wall Street.


Opinion: No clear majority on marijuana

A sample of cannabis is shown in a sniffer at Shango Premium Cannabis, in Portland , Ore., Oct. 1. Oregon marijuana stores have begun sales to recreational users, marking a big day for the budding pot industry in the state.(Photo: AP File)

No clear majority on marijuana

Media coverage depicts legalization as a done deal, just waiting for Gov. Shumlin’s signature in 2016. Vermont’s lawmakers and officials have stepped right in behind Shumlin and the paid marijuana lobby to make us believe this.


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