Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado marijuana users sue grower over fungicide

DENVER (Reuters) - Two Colorado marijuana users have sued a cannabis grower claiming a "patently dangerous" agricultural fungicide that becomes poisonous when ignited was applied without their knowledge to pot plants they later smoked, court documents showed on Monday.

Brandan Flores and Brandie Larrabee allege that distributor and retailer LivWell has for years applied Eagle 20, a fungicide that contains the chemical myclobutanil, to its marijuana crop. 

The fungicide is approved for certain edible agricultural crops, but not for smokable products such as tobacco, according to the complaint filed in Denver District Court.

"As such, persons who smoke cannabis that has been sprayed with Eagle 20 inhale ... poisonous hydrogen cyanide," the lawsuit said.


15 Things Everyone Should Know About Marijuana

By Eddie

There’s a lot of confusion on the topic of marijuana. How much of it is fact and how much is fiction? Read on for some awesome marijuana facts.

15 Things You Should Know About Marijuana

South Africa: The great dagga debate

Increasing numbers of American states and other countries are liberalising their stance on dagga.

In May, the Medical Innovation Bill came before the South African parliamentary portfolio committee on health, in consultation with the Medical Research Council. The Bill is intended to make provision for the use of cannabinoids in medical treatment.

It is a topical issue author Hazel Crampton decided to research further, linking dagga all the way back to the 19th century and beyond. According to her findings, dagga was used freely in South Africa for hundreds of years. It was used in


The Top 5 Uses for Kief

What is Kief?

When a cannabis plant reaches maturity, trichomes holding a majority of the cannabinoids are formed on its leaves and buds. The accumulation of these trichomes (or resin glands) creates a fine, powdery substance referred to as kief (also written as keef or kif).

“Kief tends to measure between 75 and 125 microns.”


Marijuana Smokers Beware, Pot Breathalyzers May Be Coming

As Oregon legalizes recreational marijuana use, and the Pacific Northwest morphs into the “bud hub” of America, there is a growing level of concern about the thousands of stoned individuals who hop in their cars every day to go pick up yet another package of Double Stuff Oreos. Marijuana advocates argue that being high behind the wheel is not nearly dangerous as being drunk, to which pot opponents merely answer with “Being under the influence while driving is against the law regardless of what your drug of choice may be.”


Thai Farmers Should be Allowed to Grow Hemp

For years I’ve been an advocate of allowing Thai farmers to grow hemp. Hemp is the same plant family as pot.  Pot can get you high, hemp can’t because it doesn’t have more than a minute amount of THC.  I’m still as jazzed about allowing hemp to be grown in Thailand as I’ve ever been, but now I’ve added pot to the list.  I’ll start off articulating why pot should be allowed to be grown in Thailand, then will close with some mentions of hemp, along with some comparisons of drugs, including the world’s (and Thailand’s) most harmful group of drugs: alcoholic drinks.


How Much Money Would Britain Save If Weed Was Legalised?

If David Cameron turned around tomorrow and said, 'you know what? We need money and austerity doesn't seem to be working. Why don't we legalise weed and see what happens?'. What would it be like? 

Well, Nick Chowdrey at Vice decided to find out exactly what would happen. How much would we make? How much would we save? Is it worth doing at all in the first place? (Spoiler: yes).


Reinventing cannabis

Why are ‘risky’ and ‘unpleasant’ new versions of cannabis replacing the real thing? Adam Winstock shares findings from the Global Drug Survey.

For the last decade much about harm reduction for cannabis was pretty straightforward. Nothing much had changed apart from the dominance of high potency herbal cannabis and its association with higher rates of paranoia, memory loss and dependence.


What Do People Think of Cannabis After Legally Trying It for the First Time?

Reddit's "Ask Reddit" section consists of users asking any sort of question for the rest of the community to answer, from the helpful ("What's the coolest thing I can buy for under $25?") to the absurd ("If everyone [were] cows, what are some song titles you'd expect from Emoonem and other cow rappers?"). Recently a user asked the following:


“Cannabis is normal” at Munich Oktoberfest

 Cannabis is normal – not criminal

This smart move was used by DHV to enter into a dialogue and encourage a relaxed attitude towards cannabis. Fully in style, the velotaxi bearing the slogan “Schluss mit Krimi – Cannabis normal” (“Cannabis is normal – not criminal”) transported the predominantly drunk passengers from A to B. The association campaigned for tolerance.

“Live and let live, that’s our message,” explains Georg Wurth, the spokesperson for DHV. “Just as friends drinking beer and not causing trouble are left to celebrate in peace, so too should friends smoking pot and not causing trouble be free from persecution by the police.


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