Recreational Marijuana News


Can't you smell that smell?

Ooooh that smell, can’t you smell that smell? Ooooh that smell, the smell of . . . . money.

On October 1, Oregon became the third state to legalize the recreational sale of marijuana.

According to the Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association, Dispensaries in Oregon sold a staggering $10.8 million worth of recreational cannabis in under a week!

Recreational sales were formally legalized at the beginning of the month, and the association has only tallied revenue through October 6. A spokesperson for the retail group projected that sales will “wildly surpass” the state’s projections.

Currently customers are limited to one-quarter ounce per day, for now, but seed sales are unlimited.


Ontario, Oregon officials: Marijuana sales tax revenue not worth it

ONTARIO -- In just one week, it's estimated that recreational marijuana sales in Oregon will total more than $11 million.

The Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association says 247 stores have sold millions in marijuana, much higher than the expected revenue.

Right now, marijuana sales are not allowed in Ontario, Nyssa, and Vale since they have a ban in place.

The mayor, police chief and superintendent in Ontario are all standing behind that ban on dispensaries, which means they won't see any of the tax benefits from the sales.

They say that's okay - and believe no amount of money is worth the possible affect on the community.

The sales aren't taxed yet, but in January, they will be - at 25 percent.


Northeast Wisconsinites: Legalize medical marijuana

A survey of more than 4,600 Northeast Wisconsinites found 3/4 of them, represented by leaves, want medical marijuana legalized. Roughly 20 %, the red dots, are adamantly opposed to legalizing it.(Photo: Source: Rep. Reid Ribble constituent survey data)

WASHINGTON – If it were up to northeast Wisconsinites, medical marijuana would be legal.

A recent survey of more than 4,600 residents in the state’s 8th Congressional District, which stretches from Door County through Green Bay and Appleton, found a whopping 74 % believe it has real therapeutic properties and should be available for medical use.

Some 41 % of those say it should require a prescription, while the other 33 % say it should be sold over the counter.


On The Eve Of The Cannabis Debate, CLEAR Meets Top Government Minister.

Today, Friday 9th October, in advance of Monday’s cannabis debate in Parliament, I met with Oliver Letwin, the Cabinet Office minister with responsibility for the implementation of government policy.


Kristen Stewart Rocks Marijuana Socks & Ripped Shirt: Fierce Or Too Funky?

FameFlyNet Kristen Stewart took dressing down to an entirely new level as she stepped out in a ripped shirt and marijuana socks — what do you think of the casual statement she made with her style?


Snoop Dogg and Ted Chung join forces to launch marijuana-based company that merges

Known advocates and users of cannabis, Snoop Dogg and Ted Chung have recently announced the launch of their marijuana- based company, Merry Jane, whilst at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco.  

Snoop Dogg, a well-known rap icon, and Ted Chung, an influential media entrepreneur, have described their new company as “a premier media platform at the intersection of cannabis and pop culture”. 

The company plans to publish information on every facet of cannabis, acting as a well-informed source of information for those who are interested in the cultural, economic, and lifestyle movements and developments of marijuana around the world. It will also aim to be the first port of call for cannabis lovers who require insights, information, news, and business guidance. 


Poll: Pa. split on legalizing marijuana for recreational use

A whopping 92 percent of women support medical marijuana compared with just 7 percent who are opposed. But only 43 percent of women surveyed said they back full legalization. For men, 87 percent supported use of medical marijuana if prescribed by a doctor while 52 percent said they were in favor of allowing adults to legally possess small amounts of the drug for "personal use."

Overall Pa. voters are split on full legalization – 49 percent are against it while 47 percent are for it – though unsurprisingly, two-thirds of voters 18-34 years old support recreational use of small amounts of marijuana.

Only 15 percent of respondents said they would probably or definitely use marijuana if it was legalized.


Are risky Pesticides In Your Marijuana?

Brandon Flores and Brandie Lorrabee, both medical marijuana patients in the state of Colorado, are suing LivWell for their use of risky pesticides on their crops.

Federal, state and local authorities continue to investigate other potential illicit grows, according to U.S. Attorney Walsh.

Several large marijuana cultivation sites in Colorado that were being used by traffickers to ship the drug to other states have been dismantled by federal agents and state police in the past six weeks, authorities said on Thursday.

Illegally grown plants from 2015 have been estimated using information from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. He believes it is the work of groups outside the U.S.


Q poll shows Florida voters back recreational marijuana, Dems lead in Senate

Majorities of voters supported the legalization of marijuana for personal use in Ohio and Florida, while Pennsylvania voters were split on the question.

ResponsibleOhio, the political action committee behind Ohio’s Issue 3, which would pave the way for legal marijuana use, praised the news, saying this is indicative proof that legalization is the proper course for Ohio. “That’s because men are more likely than women to support legalization of marijuana for recreational use”.


Hemp group plans meetings in NW Iowa

The Iowa Hemp Association plans to hold meetings in Fort Dodge and Emmetsburg in northwest Iowa Saturday and Monday to discuss the financial and environmental benefits of growing industrial hemp.

The group said adding industrial hemp to a corn and soybean rotation can improve soil health with added diversity and reduce compaction and erosion. “Hemp, with a deep taproot reaching up to 8 or 9 feet, can break up compaction, aerate the soil and further aid in nutrient absorption,” the group said.

It also might be a better option for cellulosic ethanol plants that now use corn residue to make the biofuel, the association said.


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