Recreational Marijuana News


Marijuana gardens and a Lesotho lodge that doesn't exist.

The gate was padlocked closed but there was no wall or fence so we drove in and parked in the yard of the no-name hotel.


Marijuana is not legal at Oregon colleges, universities, despite new pot law

Wow, dude, you're going to college in Oregon? Pot is legal there! You can smoke a joint before Econ class, right?

Uh, wrong.

Wrong on so many levels: collegiate, federal and possibly state, for starters.

Legal sales of recreational marijuana to adults began Thursday in Oregon. But administrators of Oregon colleges and universities, both public and private, say nothing has changed or will change on their campuses because of the state's new pot law.


New club in Colorado Springs tests rules on marijuana social clubs

The One Love Club parking lot filled quickly after its doors opened Friday night. The new west-side pot social club is clear, on signs around the joint, that it does not sell marijuana.

It's a reimbursement system.

If that doesn't make sense to you, you're not alone. The Colorado Springs City Council imposed a six-month moratorium Sept. 22 on opening new cannabis clubs, which have long been unregulated in Colorado Springs. In many cases, people are given "free" pot in exchange for membership fees.


Syntthetic marijuana banned, but readily available

TAMPA - It’s banned, but it’s still being sold in local stores.

And all evidence points to the fact that synthetic marijuana is far more dangerous than many first thought.

“It's scary. It will destroy your brain,” said a local homeless woman we saw loitering in a park in downtown St. Petersburg.

She didn’t want to give her name, but told us she recently witnessed a man high on synthetic marijuana beat a brick wall with a baseball bat until his hands were splintered and bleeding.

The man told her he was fighting Satan.  

“It brought the Satan out in me,” said former user William Jump, who said he often got in fights when he was high on the drug.

He was recently arrested for possession of the drug and vows never to use it again.


High Society: A tasty soiree stretches possibilities of cannabis entertaining

The Headquarters Harvest Dinner draws a cultivated crowd with its twist on a farm-to-table dinner: cannabis pairings that complement a special menu created by Colorado "Top Chef" champion Hosea Rosenberg

An idyllic homestead dinner, which began as “the longtime dream” of Ashley Rheingold, managing member of Headquarters Cannabis Co., became a romantic sunset reality when she hosted the recent Headquarters Harvest Dinner, a four-course, farm-to-table dinner with cannabis pairings at Shupe Homestead in Longmont, northwest of Denver.  Each food course was paired with both a cannabis strain and wine or cocktail to create a heightened epicurean experience outside on a beautiful warm rural evening.


Washington state 'Kettle Falls Five' pot growers get federal prison terms


SPOKANE, Wash. — The three remaining defendants in the case of the so-called Kettle Falls Five were sentenced to federal prison on Friday for growing marijuana in a state where both the medical and recreational use of marijuana are legal under Washington laws.

The defendants are known as the Kettle Falls Five because of their original number. They were convicted earlier this year of growing marijuana on their rural property near Kettle Falls, in violation of federal law.


Colorado case study: What legalizing marijuana could mean for Canada

Possibly one of the most dramatic changes coming from a Liberal government, if elected on Oct. 19, would be the legalization of marijuana in Canada.

Earlier this week on the campaign trail, Trudeau said his party is “committed to legalizing and regulating marijuana,” which would “remove the criminal element” linked to the drug and make it more difficult for youth to access.

To see what that could mean for consumers and tax collectors alike, voters can look no further than Colorado. In early 2014, it became the first U.S. state to legalize marijuana.


Legalized marijuana sales could make Ohio $300 million, says budget office

The state budget office estimates legalized marijuana sales in Ohio could produced nearly $300 million in new tax revenue, most of which would go to townships, cities and counties.

The estimate by the Office of Budget and Management was based on potential marijuana sales of about $2 billion a year. New revenue would come primarily from a special excise tax on marijuana sales.


Puff, pass, & paint

Welcome to Denver's first cannabis-friendly, all-inclusive art class.

 Think "canvas and cocktails", but with a cannabis twist. 

 Join Denver-based painter Heidi Keyes for a casual and creative 2-hour smoking session, while you follow along with her step-by-step instructions to create your own mind-altered masterpiece (or get inspired and completely follow your own whims - up to you!). Classes only hold up to 20 students to allow for individual attention, an easy-going, relaxed atmosphere, and joint-passing ease. 



Cannabis does not cause harm to humans and society!

George Hutchings is living proof that cannabis does not cause harm to humans and society!

It was a week ago today I presented George Hutchings story – read here if you missed it. If you remember from watching the video how cannabis helps him live his daily life, which otherwise would be impossible due to the rare illness he has, we realise how cannabis is really not harmful to humans and society.


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