Recreational Marijuana News


Documentary Discusses Challenges in the Legalization of Marijuana

CNN’s medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta says medical marijuana should be legalized — period. In his third special on the subject, “Weed 3: The Marijuana Revolution,” he calls for all healthcare providers to re-evaluate their stance on this natural therapy, in light of the latest science.

According to Dr. Gupta:1

“There is now promising research into the use of marijuana that could impact tens of thousands of children and adults, including treatment for cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's, to name just a few.


Should there be a microbiological specification for marijuana?

Microbiological safety, along with chemical purity and efficacy, is a requirement for most medicinal products (and certainly those which require U.S. FDA and EMA approval.) U.S. Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, Western States including Colorado, Alaska, Oregon and Washington have legalized the sale of powdered cannabis for both recreational and medical use. Because marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug “having no medical use, with a high potential for abuse,” there is no requirement for the drug to have either a maximum number of permitted microorganisms or for it to have the absence of specific pathogenic organisms.


CSU collects materials documenting the marijuana legalization movement

This summer, Colorado’s State University’s Archives and Special Collections Department started gathering materials to create the Amendment 64 Collection.

This archival collection will consist of any documents related to the legalization of marijuana in effort to preserve this historical event.

Janet Bishop, the coordinator for Archives and Special Collections at CSU, introduced the idea of finding materials for an archive on this topic.

“I guess it’s fair to say it was my idea, but I did get input,” Bishop said. “I thought this would be good, even though perhaps controversial.”


Say Hello to Medical Marijuana's Biggest Threat

Although the jury is still out on the benefit and safety profile of medical marijuana, the American public, according to national polls, has practically anointed it a wonder drug.

Medical marijuana finds its legs

It's not hard to understand why consumers -- especially those with potentially chronic or terminal diseases or disorders -- are excited about the idea of expanding marijuana's use for medical purposes. There are a number of clinical studies that have shown some level of positive correlation involving marijuana (or cannabinoids from the cannabis plant) in treating or alleviating symptoms of a patient's disease or disorder.


Police Organization Wants Marijuana Legalized in Florida

Ray Strack worked as a U.S. Customs special agent on JFK International Airport’s drug squad in New York during his 27-year career. He constantly busted people — two per day on average — who were attempting to smuggle narcotics into the country. But today, the now-retired Strack is working to get drugs legalized.


The rise of gourmet ganja

The change in US cannabis laws has led to a growing market in food laced with the drug. So who will be the Starbucks of hash?

Picture the scene: it's been a long day, you're feeling a little wired and have some time to kill. You drop into Dutchie's, a popular chain café, and place your order: "I'll have a skinny Morroccan and a gluten-free hash brownie, please." And you sit down among the business suits and chill...

If that scenario sounds a bit trippy, then think again. It seems that high times lie ahead, and there are signs that industry is ever more hungrily eyeing up the cannabis market in the wake of decriminalisation in the United States.


Oregon Dispensaries Prepare for Sale of Recreational Marijuana


People over the age of 21 will be able to purchase recreational cannabis on October 1st.

Local dispensaries like Talent Health Club are getting ready. They have set up a new section in their store for recreational buyers. 

However, they will not have access to all cannabis products. Topicals, concentrates and edibles will not be sold recreationally.

People will only will be allowed to buy up to a quarter ounce on Thursday. 

Coming up on Newswatch 12, find out what dispensaries have planned this Thursday. 


Boulder to take new look at marijuana regulations


Representatives of the marijuana industry, supported by Boulder City Councilman Macon Cowles, want the city to reconsider its approach to marijuana regulation and come in line with the rest of the state, but top city officials say the more stringent approach has resulted in a safer city while still allowing businesses to be competitive.


The 10 Most Common Misconceptions About Hemp

If you’ve been keeping up with our Leafly series about hemp, you know that the industrial properties of the cannabis plant are widely misunderstood. In an effort to help set the record straight, here is a breakdown of the top 10 misconceptions we hear about hemp.


World’s Largest Medical Cannabis Dispensary Is Opening New Location In Oregon Oct. 1st

Harborside Health Center will open a new cannabis dispensary at 5816 NE Portland Hwy, near Portland International Airport, on October 1st—Oregon’s first official day of adult-use sales. Harborside Health Center is the nation’s largest model cannabis dispensary, with locations in Oakland and San Jose, Calif., and was recently awarded the first and only cannabis dispensary license in San Leandro, California.

Harborside Portland features executive team members from Harborside Health Center, including Executive Director Steve DeAngelo, along with locally hired staff led by General Manager Chris Helton, a former clinician at Oregon Health & Science University, who grew up in Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley.


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