Recreational Marijuana News


Would Legalising Cannabis Lose Its Cool?

Next month parliament (in the UK) will debate cannabis legalisation in the House of Commons will legalising weed change how the drug is viewed by young smokers?

Everyday at least one person on my Snapchat, is guaranteed to post a video, rolling a joint to some trap music. But if cannabis were to become legal in the UK, would people be publicising it all over their social networks. You don’t see people posting snaps smoking cigarettes do you?


Brilliant Ways to Tell Kids the Truth About Drugs

With school back in session, many students across the country will file into classrooms to learn drug education or resistance training. But with shifting public perceptions and drug policy reforms in many states, drug education programs are entering a new landscape in which the punitive, zero-tolerance approach they once championed is increasingly being called into question.


Testing numbers highlight drug work

By the numbers: the Island's athletes were tested more than 1,500 times to see if they had been using illicit drugs

Bermuda Sport Anti-Doping Authority has carried out more than 1,500 tests under its illicit drugs programme since January 1, 2013.

According to Bsada there have been just four positive results, all for marijuana, out of the 1,706 that it performed.

In response to a Pati request from The Royal Gazette, Bsada revealed that it had also carried out 169 tests for performance-enhancing drugs in the same period, with no adverse analytical findings. There, were, however three missed filings, and two missed tests recorded for athletes who are required to submit quarterly reports about their whereabouts.


Introducing Merry Jane, Snoop Dogg's marijuana lifestyle site

Snoop Dogg has released his own lifestyle website, and unsurprisingly, it's all about weed. 

It's called Merry Jane, an online repository for the latest in weed culture, business and information, reports Business Insider.

Snoop announced the new site at the TechCrunch Disrupt SF conference in San Francisco on Monday.


The Cannabis Manifesto

In The Cannabis Manifesto, Steve DeAngelo has written what amounts to the Declaration of Independence for Cannabis. He's been a leader of the movement to reform marijuana laws for more than 40 years, and is said to know "more about cannabis than almost anyone else."

In clear, graceful prose, he begins with a truth he holds to be self-evident: "Cannabis is not harmful, but prohibition is."

The War on Drugs, he writes, has resulted in the unjust jailing of men of color, the enriching of violent cartels, and the blocking of effective treatments for cancer, epilepsy--especially childhood seizures--and Alzheimer's disease. When marijuana is legal, he asserts, crime goes down, suicide rates fall, health benefits are experienced, and tax revenues rise.


Mens Warehouse Founder Calls War On Marijuana “Biggest Con Ever Perpetrated” Admits To Smoking Regularly

George Zimmer, founder of Men’s Wearhouse recently admitted to be a regular marijuana smoker, and called the plant’s prohibition, “the biggest con ever perpetrated.”

During an interview with CNBC Zimmer sarcastically said, “I’ve been smoking marijuana on a regular basis for about 50 years. As you can see, it’s really impacted me in a negative way.”

Zimmer has even been delivered a speech at the recent Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles and has gone public with his support for marijuana legalization.


Teacher in Viral ‘Humans of New York’ Photo Attacks Marijuana, Says It Makes His Students ‘Less Curious’

Brandon Stanton, the 31-year-old photographer behind the viral Humans of New York photo series, does not shy away from sensitive topics.

On Monday, a photograph posted to the blog’s Instagram account was no different, touching on recreational marijuana use amongst high schoolers.

“I hate pot. I hate it even more than hard drugs,” reads the caption beneath a photo of a male teacher sitting on a bench, dressed in a red shirt, plaid shorts, and tennis shoes. The quote is an excerpt from a brief interview Stanton conducted with the man.

The caption continues: “I’ve taught high school for 25 years and I hate what marijuana does to my students.”


Too High to Pie

Editor’s note: On Monday, Portland’s best new pizzeria, the old-school hip-hop-themed P.R.E.A.M., hosts a pizza-and-weed pairing dinner. We are pretty stoked—and as of our deadline, a few tickets were still available. In honor of the event, we reached out to Portland’s original cannabis columnist to provide his own pizza-and-strain pairings.


Steve DeAngelo Shares The Future of Cannabis

If you’re into cannabis, you’ve heard of Steve DeAngelo. He’s the Executive Director of Harborside Health Center, the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world. He was the star of Weed Wars on The Discovery Channel. And many have called him “The father of the legal cannabis industry.”


Bill Murray Opens Up About Marijuana Arrest in New Book

Before Bill Murray was an international movie star he was just another kid getting arrested for marijuana possession. Except for Murray, it wasn’t for possession of a joint or a bag of marijuana, but for two pounds of marijuana – roughly $20,000 worth.

In 1970, Murray was traveling from Chicago back to Denver to resume his pre-med studies at Regis college. While waiting to board his flight he jokingly told one of his fellow passengers that he was carrying two bombs in his suitcase.

An airline employee overheard the remark and summoned some U.S. marshals who searched Murray’s luggage only to discover two pounds of marijuana.


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