Recreational Marijuana News


Marijuana's effect can change based on how much caffeine you've drunk

  • Drinking lots coffee while smoking marijuana may increase addiction
  • This may be because caffeine enhances the high of smoking cannabis
  • But small amounts of coffee could help combat cannabis addiction
  • Study was done on monkeys, and researchers have yet to quantify how much a 'small' amount of coffee is for humans 


Drinking lots coffee while smoking marijuana can cause people to become more addicted to the drug, according to a new study.

This may be because caffeine enhances the euphoria associated with smoking cannabis.

But scientists say it all depends on how much coffee you drink. 


Pygmies Get Higher Than We Do

In a recent study done by Washington State University, scientists studied cannabis use amongst hunter-gatherers of the Congo Basin, also called “pymies.” Scientists found more pygmies smoked cannabis on average than in the Western world, and cannabis use was associated with having a healthier gut with less parasitic worms. The use of cannabis and other psychoactive plants might originate from a subconscious drive to rid the body of internal parasites and other maladies.


Indiana Marijuana Church to Host Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous Meetings Inside ...

Indiana's First Church of Cannabis, an organization which is expected to test the limits of the state's new controversial religious freedom law by using marijuana recreationally during its services has purchased a former church building as its worship center where it plans to host alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous meetings.

The group's founder, former musician Bill Levin told Indy Star that the new building located in Indianapolis' Eastside area will include a souvenir store and will host the recovery meetings in the basement.


Marijuana camp: The ultimate adult summer getaway

As a kid, summer camp consisted of canoeing around a lake, perhaps practicing archery in a field, and of course the familiar scent of bonfire mixed with the unmistakable odor of bug spray. Summer camp as an adult is basically the same, except it also smells like marijuana, if you're headed to this particular camp in Colorado.


Proposed Bill in Oregon Threatens Hemp Production

Proposed legislation in Oregon is addressing fears that hemp production in the state could impact marijuana plants by requiring a minimum buffer zone between areas zoned for cultivation of industrial hemp and marijuana grow sites.

Marijuana advocates fear cross-pollination with low-tetrahydrocannabinol hemp, leading state legislators to take up the issue. But hemp advocates say it is a two-way street, and the current bill unfairly singles out hemp farmers while doing  little to remedy broader concerns of cross-pollination on both sides of the aisle.


More and more little kids are finding mom and dad's (legal) marijuana stash

In the places where marijuana is legal, more and more children are being accidentally exposed to their parents' drugs, a new study found.

The good news is that it is still rare for children to be exposed to marijuana when they are younger than 6 — but the trend is not exactly heading in the right direction.

Marijuana is legal now in more places than ever, and as a result, the number of reports that children have accidentally ingested or inhaled the drug is increasing.

The new study, published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics, analyzed figures from the National Poison Data System, which is the clearinghouse for data from all of the poison control centers in the United States. The data in the study covered 2000 to 2013.


Study looks at marijuana exposure in kids 5 years old and younger

As marijuana brownies become more common in American households, will more young kids be accidentally eating them? (Getty)

With over a dozen states relaxing medical marijuana laws and Colorado and Washington legalizing recreational use, the likelihood of U.S. children encountering pot at home is increasing.

As marijuana becomes more prevalent throughout the United States, researchers at Ohio’s Nationwide Children’s Hospital wondered whether more children are accidentally ingesting the substance. Small and curious kids love to stuff whatever they might find around the house into their mouths, whether it’s a refrigerator magnet or big brother’s Lego piece. Are kids popping pot brownies?


Why Not A Harmonized Approach To Cannabis?

More than two-thirds of the population wants a change to the Cannabis laws in Canada. Patients need access to affordable medicine. The Medicinal Cannabis Patients Alliance of Canada may have the solution that can benefit all Canadians. Media Release (06/08/2015) - The only thing that patients want is Dignified Access to a medicinal plant that is only on the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) due to corporate greed 80 years ago.


Colorado to offer one-day tax holiday on marijuana

Colorado will repeal sales taxes on marijuana Sept. 16, thanks to a quirk in its constitution.

The one-time-only holiday from the 10 percent state sales tax on recreational pot is likely to generate buzz in the first state in the nation to legalize marijuana.

The little-noticed provision is part of a larger bill that Gov. John Hickenlooper signed into law Thursday that includes a ballot initiative in November and a permanent tax cut on recreational pot sales in 2017.

"This fiscal glitch that we have with the constitution ... that's part of the magic of living in Colorado," the Democratic governor said.


Living the High Life at the U.S.’s First Cannabis Resort

CannaCamp includes special weed-and-cuisine pairing dinners and cannabis yoga classes

If vacation is about serious chillaxing and getting away from it all, CannaCamp may be just the ticket for some travelers. The ranch, now accepting reservations, claims to be America’s first “cannabis resort,” where vacationers can toke up without fear—and in plenty of company.


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