Recreational Marijuana News


The dangers of smoking cannabis when drinking

Alcohol increases amount of the drug's 'high inducing' ingredient in the blood

  • Inhaling marijuana after drinking increases concentration of THC in blood
  • THC is the active ingredient in marijuana which produces the 'high'
  • Cannabis and alcohol together are commonly detected after car crashes
  • Experts said drinking and smoking increases chance of an accident 


Smoking cannabis while drinking alcohol intensifies the ‘high’, according to new research.

Inhaling marijuana after drinking increases the concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the drug’s main psychoactive ingredient, in the blood, a study found.


Unconscious use of 'medical marijuana? ' Hunter-gatherer cannabis use linked to fewer internal parasites

Washington State University researchers have found that the more hunter-gatherers smoke cannabis, the less they are infected by intestinal worms. The link suggests that they may unconsciously be, in effect, smoking medical marijuana.

Ed Hagen, a WSU Vancouver anthropologist, explored cannabis use among the Aka foragers to see if people away from the cultural and media influences of Western civilization might use plant toxins medicinally.

"In the same way we have a taste for salt, we might have a taste for psychoactive plant toxins, because these things kill parasites," he said.

In an earlier study, Hagen found that the heavier tobacco smokers among the Aka also had fewer helminths, parasitic intestinal worms.


Medical Marijuana Complaint Against Employer Reveals Legal Gray Area In Mass. Pot Law

There’s a conflict between state and federal law when it comes to marijuana. Back in 2012, Massachusetts citizens overwhelmingly approved a medical marijuana law, and the state’s first dispensary is expected to open in Salem later this month.

The law allows people with a doctor’s prescription to legally buy and consume the weed — or does it?

Consider the case of Cristina Barbuto, a 34-year-old woman from Brewster. She has a doctor’s certificate for marijuana to help treat her digestive disorders, including Crohn’s disease. But last year, she accepted a new marketing job, and on her first day of work, she failed a drug test and was fired.


Susan Sarandon extolls the benefits of marijuana

Susan Sarandon claims smoking marijuana has helped her career, although she never worked while under the influence.

The 'Lovely Bones' actress insists she has never worked while high but found reading scripts while under the influence of the drug changed her "perspective" on the projects.

She said: "I've never worked high, and I've never filmed high. But I've read scripts high and gotten a different perspective."

The 68-year-old actress - who has daughter Eva, 30, from her relationship with Franco Amurri and sons Jack, 25, and Miles, 22, with ex-partner Tim Robbins - believes smoking marijuana helps her be more "present" in the modern world and make the most of her down time.


Ed Sheeran debuts new song 'Sweet Mary Jane' about his love affair with weed

Featuring the lyrics 'I’m so Damn high / Can you see my eyes?'


What Does Banning Farts Have to Do with Cannabis?

A concerned citizen wants Pendleton, Oregon to add smelly farts to the city's nuisance code. If you think I'm high from too much Sour Diesel and are wondering what the hell flatulence has to do with cannabis, bear with me, it gets good (and, of course, weird). 


New Zealand: Dunne states reality on decriminalising cannabis – no chance

In response to Family’s desperate quest for cannabis oil Peter Dunne was engaged in a Twitter exchange. In this he made it clear there has been no chance of successive New Zealand governments decriminalising cannabis.

In response to 

Good to hear
Way to go


Medical Marijuana in Florida: Will It Pass in 2016?

A groundswell of support among everyday Americans has led to the passage of medical marijuana legislation in 23 states; however, Florida dragged its feet in approving medical marijuana legislation last year.

Although 57% of Floridians voted in favor of passing the medical marijuana measure, the total vote fell shy of the 60% required to make changes to the state's constitution.


SA could benefit from budding weed economy

The world’s scientific community seems to be re-evaluating its relationship with the plant Cannabis, popularly referred to as dagga in South Africa. Studies that range from the medicinal benefits of cannabis to the societal effect of the legalisation of cannabis have been published by internationally respected journals such as PLOS ONE and Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. The general consensus points towards a relaxation of Cannabis related legislation and a need for increased funding for further study of the field.


IRS Approves First Church Of Cannabis. What's Next For Marijuana?

Welcome to the First Church of Cannabis Inc., approved by Indiana’s Secretary of State under its controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Even bigger that state law approval, the church has even been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS. Tea Party conservatives evidently had a lot more trouble with their tax exemption applications. The stated intent of the upstart church is “to start a church based on love and understanding with compassion for all.”


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