United States

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Arkansas House OKs Delay to Medical Marijuana Program

The Arkansas House voted Tuesday to delay the launch of the state’s voter-approved medical marijuana program and ease a restriction on doctors who certify a patient is eligible to use the drug.

The bills are among the first of several that lawmakers are expected to take up in the coming weeks as they implement the constitutional amendment that legalizes cannabis for Arkansas residents with certain medical conditions.

The delay proposal, approved on a 91-0 vote, would give state agencies until early May rather than March to finalize the rules. It will also move the state’s deadline to begin accepting applications for dispensaries and cultivation facilities to July 1, rather than June 1.


You Probably Don't Know Enough About Marijuana to Pass This Quiz (or Invest in Pot)

Test your pot knowledge before you invest in cannabis.

Marijuana legalization has made the marijuana industry incredibly alluring to investors. The marijuana market is expected to surge to $21 billion by 2020, and that's got many people wondering which marijuana stocks could benefit most.

While the marijuana market is undeniably growing quickly, and that's good news for marijuana stocks, most investors don't have enough information about the pros and cons associated with marijuana companies to make the best money-making decisions. Do you have the knowledge necessary to profit from marijuana's explosive growth opportunity?


What are Marijuana Phenotypes And Genotypes?

Are you confused about marijuana phenotypes and genotypes? This article will explain their differences.

If you are in the marijuana world, you have probably already noticed that the same strains can taste vastly different, as well as have completely distinct effects on the user. Besides growing techniques used this difference mostly comes from one thing: genetics.


How to Keep Your Marijuana Plants Healthy

When it comes to marijuana plants and growing to get a better harvest, it is best to avoid bad practices and focus on getting healthy cannabis plants. How do you do this? You should choose the right medium for growing your marijuana plants. This is very important. So, make sure that your marijuana garden is prepared using compost. Why? Well, compost adds rich nutrients and microorganisms to the plant. It also aerates the soil so that there is sufficient oxygen flow in the root. You can pick up some compost at any local nursery or you can make this on your own.

The Compost Bin


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump Merchandise: 13 of the Most Bizarre Items on Sale

Donald Trump supporters keen to purchase some unique memorabilia and merchandise ahead of his inauguration have plenty of weird and wonderful options to choose from.

Democrat supporters have joked President Barack Obama should resign on January 19, allowing Joe Biden to become the next POTUS and simultaneously making all of Trump’s 45th President memorabilia utterly useless.


Marijuana Shops Are Trying to Look Like the Apple Store

On a bustling stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard lined by vintage stores and eateries, the MedMen shop looks right at home.

Sunlight streams in through the store’s floor-to-ceiling windows. Inside, salespeople in bright red T-shirts greet shoppers. Merchandise is carefully arranged on sleek wooden tables lined with iPads.

It’s a retail scene reminiscent of an Apple store, but the high-tech gadgets on sale are vape pens. 

After years of bullet-proof glass and burglar bars, marijuana shops are starting to get a makeover.


Cannabis Feminism: The New Movement That Has High Hopes for the Future

After 10 years in the nascent natural beauty industry, Jessica Assaf, 26, went to Harvard Business School thinking she’d come out with a next-level beauty idea—instead she graduated with a plan for revolutionizing the cannabis product industry, with women at the helm.

We talked to Los Angeles-based about the billion-dollar “greenrush” of new cannabis-based products coming to market, how she and thousands of other entrepreneurs are making over the plant as a wellness ingredient, and for (ridiculously fascinating) intel on the movement and business she’s coined Cannabis Feminist.


Cannabis Software Companies Seek to Legitimize the Marijuana Industry and Cash In

California’s new marijuana laws don’t take effect until 2018, but a big money race to help the state regulate the industry is already in progress.

Even though California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana and is the largest legal marijuana market in the country, it has not yet adapted a system for the government to track product. These kinds of protocols, similar to those that exist for pharmaceuticals, have become standard in other legal states.


North Dakota Legislature Attempts to Stall Medical Marijuana

Lawmakers say they need more time to make medical marijuana work.

North Dakota lawmakers are claiming they need for more time to implement the state’s new medical marijuana program.

According to the Associated Press, a joint session was recently held between the House and Senate in an effort to prolong the state's total prohibitionary standard.

Democrats and Republicans are blown away by the fact that marijuana legalization was actually approved in the election last November, are now trying to apply the brakes in order to give state health officials and law enforcement time to get up to speed.


Maine: Marijuana Interest Driving Real Estate Deals

Although political uncertainties are restraining momentum, entrepreneurs interested in pot operations are heating up the greater Portland industrial market.

With recreational marijuana use on the verge of becoming legal in Maine, real estate brokers are seeing a jump in demand for industrial spaces that could become indoor marijuana farms in the not-too-distant future.

Marijuana is scheduled to become legal to use and possess Jan. 30, but the scramble for suitable warehouse space for commercial growing has begun, helping to push lease rates to nearly twice what they were six years ago in Greater Portland.


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