United States

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the US

Trump Tuesday: Jon Stewart joins Stephen Colbert to slam Trump once more on election eve

Did you really think Jon Stewart could stay off TV the night before the presidential election?

Not so much! The former “Daily Show” host joined his pal Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show” Monday night to encourage the audience to vote — and to slam Donald Trump one last time before Election Day.


When Will Your Local Pharmacy Carry Cannabis?

Today cannabis can be purchased at retail stores and medical dispensaries, but not pharmacies.

With California voting on Prop 64 (the Adult Use of Marijuana Act) next week, it sometimes seems that full-blown legalization has eclipsed the conversation around medicinal cannabis. But even if California—and eventually the entire country—were to legalize cannabis for recreational use, it’s all but guaranteed that cannabis would still play a major role in the healthcare industry.


Trump Tuesday: Watch John Oliver Give National Apology for Donald Trump Candidacy

John Oliver delivered a national apology during Sunday's Last Week Tonight, taking blame for the rise of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. "It is frankly hard to believe that there was a time when people thought a Trump candidacy would be funny," the comedian said, before cueing up a Trump-related clip from his 2013 guest-hosting stint on The Daily Show.


Here's Where Hillary Clinton Stands on Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana legalization has been a hot-button issue this election cycle.

On Election Day, it will appear on the ballot in nine states.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in four states, and 24 states have varying forms of medical marijuana laws on the books. 

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, has said that she will support states that are "moving towards" both recreational and medical marijuana legalization.


Here's Where Donald Trump Stands on Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana legalization has been a hot-button issue this election cycle.

On Election Day, it will appear on the ballot in nine states.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in four states, and 24 states have varying forms of medical marijuana laws on the books.

Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has flip-flopped somewhat on this issue throughout his public life. 

Recently, Trump has supported state's rights to choose how to legislate medical marijuana, but has not expressly called for legalization. 


Here's Why California Pot Growers Are Paying Millions for Old Greenhouses in the Salinas Valley

Buying and selling greenhouses in the Salinas Valley was never going to be the stuff of a reality TV show. But it was a good, quiet living for commercial Realtor Chuck Allen.

Then marijuana came to the valley. Now, agricultural real estate is booming.

The largely empty greenhouses where flowers once were grown are fetching multimillion-dollar prices, and Allen, 76, is raking in commissions bigger than many people’s annual salary. A couple of weeks ago, he closed on a $2.6-million deal that netted him $78,000. 

“It’s kinda fun, actually,” said Allen, who works for Keller Williams. “A year ago, I didn’t even know what it looked like. I thought they were Christmas trees.”


An Investor's Journey to Embracing Marijuana Legalization

I’m a venture capitalist and a medical cannabis user.

The first time I tried medical cannabis, I had just tried to trigger a chronic condition that causes severe intestinal pain when I eat.

I was trying to force my doctor to prescribe painkillers for me. That night, I’d eaten an entire pizza to induce enough pain to get me on drugs. I wound up trying medical marijuana instead and it changed my perspective on the drug.

Growing up, I never imagined I would be here.


Santa Claus Speaks out Against North Pole Ban of Marijuana Sales

As communities across Alaska try to figure out how to handle the new legalized marijuana industry, many are opting out.

In October, North Pole voters decided not to allow commercial marijuana businesses within city limits. 

That decision, however, has been met with disappointment from one of the city's most famous residents: Santa Claus. 

Santa Claus, formerly known as Thomas O'Connor, legally changed his name to Santa in 2005. He says the moniker helps with his work as a child advocate. 

"It sounds ridiculous but it's true. It helps," Santa says.

He's served as an elected city council member in North Pole for almost a year.

Before that he worked in government, specializing in security and law enforcement.


Voters Could Legalize Marijuana for Quarter of All Americans

Nearly a quarter of Americans will live in areas where recreational marijuana use is legal if voters approve initiatives on Tuesday permitting the recreational use of cannabis in California, Massachusetts and three other states.

With pot already legal for use by adults in four states and the District of Columbia, a win for legalized marijuana in California alone would make the entire West Coast a cannabis-friendly zone, completing a geographical march begun in Washington state and Oregon.

Potential victories in Arizona, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine would fill in much of the rest of the West and extend recreational use to the Northeast. Opinion polls show voters favoring the initiative in all five states.


Half of Medical Pot Dispensed in Minnesota Is Prescribed to Ease Pain

Despite influx of new enrollees, Minnesota's medical cannabis firms continue to struggle. 

When Minnesota’s medical marijuana program opened its doors to pain patients this summer, the hope was that people in pain, and a program struggling with growing pains, might be able to help each other.

That was three months ago. Since then, pain patients have rushed to a program that has battled sluggish enrollment and high prices since its launch last year. Half the people currently enrolled are pain patients, and while it’s too soon to know if that’s enough to save Minnesota’s cannabis program, many patients say the program has already saved them.


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