United States

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the US

Pro and Anti-Cannabis Lobbyists Pour Cash Into Arizona's Battle for Recreational Marijuana

In a last ditch effort to support or fight against Arizona’s upcoming cannabis ballot initiative, both sides are dumping a lot of cash into certain states.


Six Reasons Why This Cannabis Voter is Going With Hillary

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ expansive views on cannabis reform made him my first choice to be our next president. But Bernie didn’t prevail in the Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton. So he won’t appear on tomorrow’s ballot. Instead we get a choice between Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein.

What’s a cannabis voter to do?

Vote Hillary. Seriously. I’ve wrestled with the choices, and that’s where I’ve ended up. Firmly.


1620 Solutions Creates Bitcoin Awareness Among Cannabis Growers

1620 Solutions, an initiative by Veronica Carpio and Edgar Hemm in Colorado educates hemp and Cannabis farmers about Bitcoin and its advantages.


Trump Tuesday: Jon Stewart's epic Twitter-war with Donald Trump

Speaking at the Stand Up For Heroes event, Jon Stewart tells the story of how Donald Trump went on an anti-Semitic tear, repeating over and over that Stewart's birth surname was Leibowitz, implying that he'd changed it to disguise his Jewish ancestry. 

As Stewart points out, the fact that he is Jewish is incredibly obvious. After a ton of this, Stewart took up the gauntlet, tweeting that Trump's real name was "Fuckface von Clownstick." 

If there's one thing we learned from the presidential debates, it's that Trump will rise to bait. And he did -- boy, did he...


Even Obama has been pulling a few puns at Trump's Twitter account being confiscated by his advisors.



Where Legal Weed Will Likely Win Today — and Where It Probably Won't

The results of today's marijuana legalization ballot initiatives will set the stage for the next four years of American drug policy. If California and a number of other states legalize the recreational use of the drug, many observers, including President Obama, say that a strict federal pot prohibition could soon become untenable.


Cannabis Science Develops Pain Patches For Fibromyalgia Patients

Cannabis Science, a company specialized in the development of cannabis-based therapeutics, recently announced the development of two new medications for pain relief in people with fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy nerve pain.

The two new pharmaceutical pain relievers will be marketed as transdermal adhesive patches that deliver a certain dose of medication into the bloodstream by absorption through the patient’s skin.


Want Your Marijuana Startup to Succeed? Study Patent Law

This week, voters in five states, including California, Arizona, and Massachusetts, will consider whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Four other states will decide whether to allow medical use. But regardless of the outcome on November 8, marijuana will remain prohibited under US law. Despite being illegal at the federal level, the US marijuana industry is worth over $5 billion, and it’s becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Wherever there is technological innovation, inventors use patent law to protect what they create. Yet few people realize that marijuana-related inventions can be patented.


Obama: Federal Prohibition Not 'Tenable' After State Marijuana Votes

President Obama says that federal laws banning marijuana will likely have to change if new states vote to legalize the drug on Tuesday.

“The good news is is that after this referenda, to some degree it’s gonna call the question, because if in fact it passed in all these states, you now have about a fifth of the country that’s operating under one set of laws, and four-fifths in another,” Obama told Bill Maher in an interview taped earlier this week and released Friday night.


Donald Trump Is Too Authoritarian to Trust His Marijuana Policy

November 8th is almost here (Thank you, Baby Jesus!) and Donald Trump still has a puncher’s chance of winning the presidency over Hillary Clinton. I have seen some legalization supporters post online about how Donald Trump would be good for the legalization movement, but I beg to differ. If cannabis legalization and greater civil liberty issues are important to you, then I argue that Donald Trump is the worst candidate available. If you are in a swing state, I urge a vote for Hillary Clinton.


November Is A Most Dangerous Month For Marijuana Investors


The marijuana stocks in the U.S. and Canada are setting themselves up for a "buy on mystery, sell on history" trade but for different reasons.

In the U.S., there are four state medical marijuana and five state recreational marijuana legalization votes coming up November 8th including the legalization of recreational marijuana in California.

In Canada, the report from a Government appointed task force is scheduled to be released in November that will provide the template for the country to legalize recreational marijuana.

From May to October 2016, the U.S. marijuana stocks are up 95% and Canadian cannabis stocks are up 51% so there's a lot of good news built into stock prices.


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