United States

the states
the US

Bob Marley Family Approved Humboldt Cannabis Lights Up Bay Area Dispensaries

Marley Natural cannabis products, made from organic Humboldt County crops, have launched in Bay Area dispensaries.

Four strains of cannabis and four types of cannabis oils are now available for purchase to patients at Harborside Health Center in Oakland, CBCB in Berkeley and SPARC in San Francisco.


Consume Cannabis Responsibly

The Cannabis Growers of Canada are as excited as ever by the approach of another April 20th, or 4/20. Many of our member dispensaries and cannabis farmers across Canada will be participating in their local 4/20 celebrations, and we look forward to seeing the community come out to support cannabis legalization.

As we move into a new era of openness for cannabis consumers and businesses, it is fitting that 4/20 Vancouver has moved to its new location at Sunset Beach. While we continue to fight for patients’ rights and a better future for small cannabis businesses, we are pleased to see the industry transitioning to a normalized and legal future that celebrates local craft producers.


How Cannabis Can Help Break Your Chronic Pain Cycle

Understanding the way in which cannabis can help break the chronic pain cycle.

One in five Canadians suffer from chronic pain. Effective chronic pain management is one of the biggest challenges faced by patients and physicians alike. For many patients, traditional interventional treatments and prescription medications provide only limited pain relief and an abundance of side effects. As a result, many patients continue to seek alternative treatments, such as cannabis, to help manage their chronic pain condition. 


These Are All The States That Have Legalized Weed

This year alone there have already been more than 50 legislative initiatives around the country aimed at legalizing or decriminalizing medical or recreational marijuana. 


Watch Californians Explain Why They Use Medical Marijuana

"The condition is children, jobs, life"

Jimmy Kimmel Live took to the streets to ask people in California if they have a medical marijuana card and why, prompting answers about some nontraditional medical conditions.

“Twenty-four states have legalized marijuana, which means our country is almost now officially half-baked,” Kimmel said, introducing the video.

California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, but some have said oversight of the industry is lacking and argued doctors write medical marijuana prescriptions too freely.


Legal U.S. Marijuana Market Will Grow To $7.1 Billion In 2016: Report

The size of the market for legal marijuana in the United States is projected to grow to $7.1 billion in 2016, according to a report by New Frontier and ArcView Market Research. That represents 26% growth over the previous year, driven largely by adult recreational sales of marijuana, the researchers found.


A New Report Evaluates Marijuana Legalization in Colorado So Far. It's Mixed News.

Will marijuana legalization in Colorado cause pot use and abuse to skyrocket, along with other problems associated with cannabis? Or will it be a net gain, creating new jobs in a burgeoning industry while cutting arrests for a relatively mild drug?

A new report from Colorado finds a little bit of the first and a little bit of the second.

The report, filed by the Colorado Department of Public Safety for the state legislature, had several big findings:


Here Are The 8 Different Types of Marijuana Smokers You’ll Meet On 420

How do you plan on celebrating 420 this year?

Most stoners band together with other fellow marijuana lovers to create the ultimate smoke session right at home. Whether you’re the one hosting or the one attending, there are always a few different types of stoners that can be found in your environment.

From the person who still doesn’t know how to inhale correctly after all of these years, to the marijuana know-it-all who shamelessly takes credit for one of Mother Nature’s most precious offerings, here are the eight different types of marijuana smokers you’ll meet on 420!


More and More Doctors Want to Make Marijuana Legal

A group of more than 50 physicians, including a former surgeon general and faculty members at some of the nation's leading medical schools, has formed the first national organization of doctors to call on states and the federal government to legalize and regulate the use of marijuana in the interest of public health.


The Science Behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana

Experts say listing cannabis among the world’s deadliest drugs ignores decades of scientific and medical data. But attempts to delist it have met with decades of bureaucratic inertia and political distortion.

Speculation is growing about the possibility that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will review by summer its “Schedule I” designation of marijuana as equal to heroin among the world’s most dangerous drugs. Very few Americans know of or understand the DEA’s drug-ranking process, and a review of cannabis’s history as a Schedule I drug shows that the label is highly controversial and dubious.


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