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Cannabis-in-Schools Bill Clears Colorado Legislative Hurdle

ENVER — Colorado schools would be forced to allow students to use medical cannabis under a bill that cleared its first hurdle Monday at the state Legislature.

The bill updates a new law that gives school districts the power to permit medical marijuana treatments for students under certain conditions. Patient advocates call the law useless because none of Colorado's 178 school districts currently allows such use.

"This is not about two kids smoking a joint between cars in a parking lot," said Jennie Stormes, mother of a teenage boy suspended from school last year for having yogurt mixed with cannabis pills to treat a disease that gives him seizures.


Marijuana Business Investing: The Basics On Debt vs. Equity

Many of my firm’s cannabis clients are raising money right now. Out-of-state investors looking for a place to deploy capital are looking hard at Oregon (which recently abolished residency requirements to participate in its cannabis industry), and some are already starting to lay the groundwork for pending recreational legalization in Nevada and California. Even more established markets, like Washington and Colorado, are seeing an uptick in corporate entities trying to bring in new money.


Medical Marijuana Patient's 'Life-Changing' Results

Some of New York’s top doctors spent countless hours last year examining Andrew Greenspan.

His constant pain and dangerously high fevers had them baffled. At one point, they quarantined him in fear of tropical diseases.

A team of neurologists finally cracked the medical mystery: Greenspan, then 23, had a rare mix of autism, spinal injuries and other illnesses with bleak treatment options.

When a risky spinal surgery failed last year, he launched an uncertain regimen of painkillers and other drugs, while dreading his next emergency room trip.


Tracking the Pot Wars

At a time when the War on Drugs is universally regarded as a pathetic failure and legalized marijuana is rapidly becoming the norm, the drug warriors seem determined as ever to keep prohibition alive. Vast resources still pour into the archaic federal drug bureaucracy, its work vigorously promoted by the usual suspects: the prison industry, the bulk of law enforcement, politicians of both major parties, Big Pharma.


Legalized Pot Spots

The debate over legalising marijuana fired back up in France on Tuesday after a minister said cannabis should be decriminalised.

Here are places where marijuana is already allowed for recreational or medical reasons. 

- Uruguay -

The South American nation became in 2013 the first country in the world to legalise marijuana, with a plan to distribute it through pharmacies for $1.40 (1.20 euros) a gram.

Under Uruguayan law, citizens and residents can buy up to 40 grams (1.4 ounces) of pot a month from the pharmacies, grow it themselves at home, or join cannabis clubs where members jointly tend to the plants.

The government has licensed two private companies to produce and distribute marijuana.


GreenGro Technologies Inc On A Green Rush

GreenGro Technologies Inc (OTCMKTS:GRNH) is on an amazing run up the charts. Shares have now more than tripled off the early March lows. The run looks set to continue as GreenGro and other pot stocks go on a Green Rush 2.0 and deliver big profits for cannabis investors.


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump responds to mock front page from ‘stupid,’ ‘worthless’ Boston Globe: ‘They made up a story’

BOSTON — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has derided The Boston Globe as “stupid” and “worthless” in response to a satirical front page printed by the newspaper Sunday that lampoons a potential Trump presidency.

The fake front page is dated April 9, 2017, and its main story is about Trump calling for deportations. Another article mentions work being halted on a wall at the Mexico border. There’s also a short item about backlash Trump received after tweeting a photo of his new dog he named “Madame Peng,” after China’s first lady Peng Liyuan.

The Boston Globe's mock front page.


Plans To Limit THC In Colorado Cannabis Struck Down - For Now

Lawmakers have narrowly struck down the recently proposal by Colorado Representative Kathleen Conti to prohibit Colorado stores from selling marijuana products with a potency of more than 15 percent THC.

But that doesn't mean the fight to limit the amount of THC in legal cannabis is over. 


Up in Smoke? State Investigating Tribal Marijuana Crop

The state's top prosecutor said he remains skeptical about whether the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe destroyed its entire marijuana crop.

Attorney General Marty Jackley said he is investigating the reported destruction of the tribe's marijuana crop in November after it suspended plans to legalize marijuana on its reservation.

"I don’t think for a minute that they destroyed $1 million worth of marijuana. I don’t know where that went and it’s an open case. We never shut that case," Jackley said in an interview with Argus Leader Media. “We never got an opportunity to check what was destroyed."


Bill Could Give New Jersey Women Access to Marijuana to Ease Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps could be added to the list of conditions that can legally be treated with marijuana-based products.

Ms Jimenez said: "For many women, the response to pain so severe that it causes them to vomit or faint is either 'just deal with it' or a prescription drug that may not even alleviate their symptoms."

Goldberg’s products provide a means for women to get relief from cramps using the THC compound found in cannabis without having to get high. She told Vanity Fair: “If you don’t want to get 'high high', this is a product specifically to get rid of discomfort.

“Smoking a joint is fine, but most people can’t smoke a joint and go to work.”


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