United States

the states
the US

Here's Everything You Need to Know About the Adult Use of Marijuana Act

Current support for California’s marijuana legalization has taken flight and polls have shown that it is up 60 percent with California’s likely voters in the November presidential contest to support legal pot. The Adult Use of Marijauna Act (AUMA) initiative, has grown in support and off to a huge push for the Nov. 8 ballot by the likes of Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and former Facebook President, Sean Parker.


Senior Citizens and Cannabis Use

Hopefully gone are the days of “reefer madness” myths. I say that with optimistic caution. Cannabis advocates are fighting to make it so but in some states like, Kansas parents are still losing custody of their children for smoking pot. I know. It’s insane. Thank the DARE school based program that trains kids to report their parents like we are living in North Korea. I thought about my grandchildren and that morphed into my thinking about how cannabis is being viewed by seniors.


Ohioans Could See Marijuana Legalization on the Ballot Again This Year

After a proposed constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in Ohio was quashed in the November election, some voters may have assumed it would take a while to see a marijuana-related issue show up on the ballot again.

With Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and the Ohio Ballot Board’s recent approval of language for an amendment that would allow patients to use medical marijuana with a physician’s approval, Ohio voters may have their say on marijuana use in this coming election.

Now, organizers with Ohioans for Medical Marijuana — which is an affiliate organization of the Marijuana Policy Project in D.C. — have to gather 305,591 signatures by early July for it to appear on the ballot.


Fondues And Fine Teas: Repositioning Pot For The Middle Classes

Imagine a world where most of the global adult population consume a gentle, natural, herbal drug every day that contains psychoactive compounds that relax and revive them. It is often consumed in a social ritual of bonding, conversation and empathy. And this is seen as quite unremarkable.


Senators Held a Hearing to Remind You That 'Good People Don't Smoke Marijuana' (Yes, Really)

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Tuesday convened a hearing of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control to investigate whether the Justice Department has been derelict in its enforcement duties on marijuana.

In the words of Grassley, "The Department of Justice decided to all but abandon the enforcement of federal law relating to the possession, cultivation, and distribution of marijuana."


Biotech Breakup: What is the Impact on Biotech Stocks focused on Cannabis?

The termination of the $160 billion merger between Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Allergan Plc (AGN) has been confirmed.

The driving factor behind this decision stems from the rules issued by the United States Treasury Department which are focused on making tax inversion deals less profitable.

Moving Addresses, Not Assets

President Obama said the rules are meant to limit one of the most indirect tax loopholes available and prevent companies from decreasing their tax liability.

The reason why this deal came under such scrutiny is not only due to the size of the deal, but also its structure.


D.C. Lawmakers Take Another Step Toward Permanently Banning Marijuana Clubs

Smoking marijuana in public or in clubs was banned permanently on Tuesday by the District of Columbia's city council, reversing course for a second time.

Council members in the U.S. capital voted 7-6 to approve the measure, a spokeswoman for Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said. A second vote will be needed to finalize it.

Two months ago, the council voted unanimously to create a task force to study the licensing of marijuana clubs and ending the ban on public consumption of pot.

A law that took effect in February 2015 allows adults to possess small amounts of marijuana and grow and consume it at home. The District bans the sale of marijuana, but public smoking has become common as arrests have dried up.


DEA Plans To Decide Whether To Reschedule Marijuana By Mid-Year

The Drug Enforcement Administration plans to decide whether marijuana should reclassified under federal law in "the first half of 2016," the agency said in a letter to senators.

DEA, responding to a 2015 letter from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and seven other Democratic senators urging the federal government to facilitate research into marijuana's medical benefits, doesn't indicate whether it will reclassify marijuana as less dangerous.


Jimmy Kimmel's "Mom Weed" Sketch Re-Brands Cannabis for the Suburbs

A new skit from Jimmy Kimmel Live has 420-friendly consumers rolling on the floor with a new “rebranding” of cannabis – this time for moms everywhere.

We open in a laundry room, where the average, everyday suburban mom informs the camera about her “special something” to get her through the day. Is it wine?

Nope, it’s “Mom Weed,” our narrator tells us, holding up a glass water pipe with smoke drifting from the neck. “For moms who toke up on the go,” she smiles cheerfully.

“Let’s face it – taking a fat rip off some dank-ass ganj makes doing laundry, changing diapers, cooking, doing MORE laundry, changing MORE diapers, cooking AGAIN" -- she slams the dryer door before manically smiling at the camera -- “…almost bearable.”


Connecticut: Colorado Lawmaker Talks Legal Marijuana At The Capitol

An architect of Colorado's recreational marijuana program came to the Capitol to give lawmakers a crash course on the sale, taxation and regulation of the drug.

"Marijuana is sometimes referred to as being hip or cool, by the time I am done with my presentation you will think anything but," said state Rep. Dan Pabon, a Democrat from Denver, before he launched into an hourlong, often technical discussion.


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