United States

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the US

Coffee Pot: What Happens When You Mix Marijuana & Caffeine?

You can now add coffee to the growing list of foods and drinks that are available as products infused with marijuana.


Several companies have started selling cannabis-laced coffee, claiming to give users an added "buzz" to their cup of joe.

But what happens when you combine two psychoactive substances: marijuana and caffeine?

The effects of using these two substances in combination have not been heavily researched, said Dr. Scott Krakower, the assistant unit chief of psychiatry at Zucker Hillside Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York. But using two drugs in combination can always potentially be a problem, he said.


Florida family moving to Colorado for medical marijuana laws

OCALA, Fla. - An Ocala family has made the painful decision to pack up everything and move from Central Florida, across the country to Colorado for their young son.  They say Colorado’s medical marijuana laws play a big part in the reason why.

He’s only 5-years-old, but for a moment, put yourself in Shawn’s shoes. Being that child, is not easy. “From the time he was a month old. All we know is hospitals,” Dawn Zuzio, Shawn’s mother said. “Doctors. Specialists. Surgeries. It’s hard.”

It’s hard, Shawn’s mother said, because he lives with Chronic Lung disease, dozens of medications, epilepsy, a hole in his heart, autism, and a trachea in his throat. “The list goes on,” Zuzio said. 


Broad Utah medical marijuana bill gets prelim senate OK on narrow vote

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah state senators gave preliminary approval Monday to a medical marijuana proposal that would legalize edible, vapor and topical pot products.

Lawmakers voted 15-13 to advance the bill, saying the measure could help those with certain debilitating conditions who have not found relief through other medications.

Bill sponsor Sen. Mark Madsen, R-Eagle Mountain, said the plan would allow tens of thousands of residents with those medical conditions to use the drug but would ban smoking it.

Madsen expects a final Senate vote Tuesday. If approved, the measure must still be passed by Utah’s House of Representatives.


Portsmouth Sen. Lucas fails in effort to legalize marijuana derivatives for treating cancer

State Sen. Louise Lucas has been stymied in an attempt to legalize derivatives of the marijuana plant for treating cancer.

Lucas’ legislation, which sailed through the Senate on a 38-2 vote this month, was rejected Monday by a House of Delegates subcommittee after almost no debate, halting its progress for the year.

Lucas, D-Portsmouth, said afterward that she’ll try again next year.

Lucas’ bill, SB343, would have established a legal defense against prosecution for possession of two non-intoxicating marijuana derivatives, cannabidiol oil and THC-A oil, with a doctor’s certification that it is to be used for treating cancer.


NORML Endorses California Adult Use Of Marijuana (AUMA) Act

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the nation’s oldest and largest marijuana law reform organization, announced that its Board of Directors has formally voted to endorse the California ballot measure known as the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act.

Since its founding in 1970, NORML has been a leading national voice for responsible marijuana laws in states all across the country and has helped increase public awareness of the failures and costs of marijuana prohibition.


California Town Ditches Prison Economy, Embraces Cannabis Farms

For 24 years, Adelanto tried unsuccessfully to sustain its economy through prisons, but now it will be hosting a very different kind of business—cannabis cultivation.

A tiny California desert town is making a drastic change to reverse its downward spiral and embrace an enlightened future. For 24 years, Adelanto tried unsuccessfully to sustain its economy through prisons, but now it will be hosting a very different kind of business—cannabis cultivation.


Would legalizing cannabis solve Alabama's budget problems?

As the state of Alabama and our elected officials stumble forward into our next fiscal year, we are once again hit with cries of budget cuts, tax hikes, and another movement of funds from our woeful education system into the general fund.

According to al.com, such budgetary solutions range from a lottery, which is a hidden tax on the poor and uneducated of our neighbors, to an additional tax on gas now that it's cheap. The governor, in his State of the State address, proposed new prison initiatives in order to stem the maintenance costs of the prison budget, which is the second largest agency siphoning from the general fund, at a whopping $400 million.


2016 Trend Alert: Cannabis Testing & Increased Purchasing Plans

It's nearly that time of year. The annual occasion that brings together 16,000 laboratory scientists from industry, academia and government to discuss the latest trends in laboratory science. We're talking about Pittcon of course, the world’s largest annual premier conference and exposition on laboratory science. Pittcon never fails to deliver quality information and education that is used by the industry year-round. Let's see what some of the 2016 trends are:


Marijuana battle heats up in Montana

BILLINGS - The battleground for medical marijuana in Montana is back, with both sides fired up, making their case to voters as signatures for initiatives are due in June.

The SafeMontana campaign promoting Initiative 176 would repeal the use of medical marijuana in the state.

Initiative 176 would make state law the same as federal law with respect to illegal drugs, including marijuana, on Schedule One of the Federal Controlled Substances Act.

The petition's ballot language states that I-176  "repeals the Montana Medical Marijuana Act"  and "would eliminate differences between federal and state law with respect to the legal status of the possession and use of marijuana."


Ohio Veterans Banding Together In Support of Legal Marijuana

After serving in the U.S. Navy for 10 years, Shane O’Neil left the service in 2009 with a lower spine injury and confirmed PTSD. In between and during fits of insomnia, his life was wracked with anxiety and pain. His story is not unique. 

Treatment from the Veterans Administration clinic brought opiates, amphetamines, benzodiazepines and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) into his life in massive quantities. At his peak, O’Neil was downing 1,400 pills each month.


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