United States

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the US

Nick Diaz: "I'm definitely going to want to use cannabis"

It's hardly a shocking revelation that Nick Diaz likes a smoke, but it's not something he talks about often. Throughout his career, Diaz has tested positive for marijuana metabolites 3 times, the first in 2007 in a fight against Takanori Gomi and the latest in 2015 when he faced Anderson Silva. The latter earned him an initial 5 year suspension, but appeals have got this significantly reduced and Diaz could fight as soon as August 2016.

In a fantastic interview with High Times, the Stockton, California native opened up about his suspension and why he is so inclined to smoke marijuana.


The growing marijuana industry faces a serious problem: its huge energy footprint

As legal marijuana markets continue to expand in the United States, some experts are arguing that growers have both the need and the opportunity to make their operations, well, greener. A new report, published by data analysis firm New Frontier, highlights the huge energy footprint of marijuana cultivation and outlines strategies to make production more energy efficient -- a transition that the authors claim is not only good for the environment, but good for business, too.


The road to legalization: Marijuana as medicine

The uses of marijuana on both a medical and industrial level exemplify the unscientific and impractical nature of cannabis prohibition. Classified as a Schedule I drug, federal law considers cannabis to have no medical use and to have a high potential for addiction. Yet, this classification seems to have no bases in reality. While marijuana remains illegal in the eyes of the federal government, 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical use, along with the District of Columbia and Guam. 


Former News Anchor Charlo Greene Aims to Be the 'Oprah of Pot'

Former TV news anchor turned marijuana activist, Charlo Greene—who famously quipped "fuck it, I quit" before marching off the set of Anchorage's KTVA back in 2014—has plans to return to the airwaves. 

Over a year after her abrupt on-air resignation to become an advocate and entrepreneur in the cannabis industry, Greene has combined her passions to create The Charlo Greene Show, which she describes as "the Oprah Winfrey Show for WEED" on the project's Kickstarter page


Marijuana smokers 5 times likely to turn into alcoholics

Adults who smoke marijuana -- the most commonly used psychoactive drug or medicine -- are five times more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder (AUD) -- alcohol abuse or dependence -- compared with adults who do not smoke it, warns a study.

For those people already battling an alcohol use disorder, using marijuana is likely to aggravate their dependency.

Adult drinkers who did not use marijuana were significantly more likely to be in recovery from alcohol us using marijuana is likely to aggravate their dependency. e disorders three years later.


Why is Facebook shutting down authorised pot pages in a US?

Facebook’s graduation policies state that ads contingency not foster a sale of illegal, medication or recreational drugs

Cannabis has been now done certified in 23 states in a US. In some states, like Colorado, it’s certified for both recreational and medicinal purposes.

Authorised cannabis businesses in these states are wholly legal. So they contend they were left undetermined in new weeks, when their Facebook pages were unexpected close down. Reports advise that during slightest a dozen cannabis businesses opposite 6 US states have had their Facebook pages infirm in a past few weeks.


Los Angeles based marijuana school in Texas teaching some local residents

A Los Angeles based career institute makes its way to Austin. More than a dozen people signed up for the seminar, many entrepreneurs, looking to learn about the possibility of capitalizing off of cannabis.

The Cannabis Career Institute has representatives that travel all over the United States. They were at The Hampton Inn & Suites in Austin this weekend for a class to help people with possibly finding their next career in the medical marijuana field. “We're helping people find their next career in the cannabis industry,” said director Jeff Riedel. “A lot of people who don't understand the industry may think that it's growers or sellers. There are so many other options that you can do,”


Idaho maintains hard line on marijuana laws

Sick or just looking for a good time, marijuana is not the answer in Idaho.

Utah is in the middle of a legislative debate on whether to legalize some forms of medical marijuana. Recreational pot use is legal in Oregon and Washington. Medical marijuana is legal in Montana and Nevada. Cannabidoil to treat seizures is legal in Wyoming and legislation to decriminalize pot possession is being considered in that state.

Here in Idaho, the resolve to keep marijuana illegal remains steadfast.

Under current Idaho law, an individual charged with possession of up to an ounce of marijuana faces a year in jail and/or up to a $1,000 fine. More than three ounces is a felony punishable with up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.


Watch This Girl's Seizure Stop In Its Tracks Seconds After Getting Cannabis Oil

12- year old Cyndimae Meehan suffers from Dravet Syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy that causes a child to have up to 100 seizures a day. In this YouTube video, her mother is seen administering cannabis oil to the inside of Cyndimae's lower lip during a seizure.

By giving Cyndimae the oil in that location, it gets the oil into the bloodstream faster. Every second counts when seizures lead to breathing problems and the child starts turning blue.

Within seconds of getting the cannabis oil into her bloodstream, Cyndimae's seizure stops in its tracks, and she returns to normal in a matter of seconds, even smiling and talking to her mom. 


Pakalolo’s Long History, Regulated Future In Hawaii

Despite Hawaii’s centuries-old appreciation for medicinal marijuana, dispensaries coming on line later this year are unlikely to make access and affordability better for patients.

Pakalolo is the Hawaiian word for cannabis and it literally means “numbing tobacco.” The chronicled use of cannabis in the Hawaiian Islands, appearing in the Hawaiian Language Newspaper Ka Nonanona, goes as far back as the year 1842 – though cannabis use probably goes back much further. Advertisements for medical cannabis continued in Hawaiian newspapers throughout the 19th century.


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