United States

the states
the US

Girl Scout Sells Cookies Outside Marijuana Pot Shop, Helps Cure Munchies

Whether your favorite Girl Scout cookie is a Samoa, Tagalong, or Thin Mint, everyone knows their sugary goodness is the perfect cure for the munchies.

That’s what led one enterprising Girl Scout to sell her cookies outside a Portland pot shop this weekend in the hopes of raising enough money for a summer trip to horse camp.

Along with her aunt, the Girl Scout set up her cookie stand outside Foster Buds Marijuana Dispensary in Portland and quickly sold more than 35 boxes. According to KATU 2 News, customers started lining up almost immediately.


Trump Tuesday: Stephen Colbert takes a 'Late Show' phone call from Donald Trump

Donald Trump has called into many television shows and now we can add Stephen Colbert's "The Late Show" to the list.


The host of the CBS late night broadcast started his show with a call from the GOP frontrunner. The call came via a bright orange phone with a blonde wig on it that Colbert called "The Trump Phone." 

"Hello, who is this?" Colbert said answering the call. 

"This is Donald Trump. Hello, Stephen," Trump responded. 

Colbert asked the caller to prove that he was actually Donald Trump by saying something only he would say. 

"Well, I could say, 'you're fired,'" Trump said to laughs. 


When Will Rhode Island Legalize Marijuana?

Officials in Rhode Island seem to agree: The state is likely to legalize marijuana. But, so far, they haven’t reached a consensus on when that will happen.

Earlier this month, State Sen. Josh Miller introduced a bill that would end prohibition and regulate and tax the cannabis industry. Among the 15 co-sponsors joining him are powerful names like Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio and Judiciary Committee Chairman Michael McCaffrey.

On the House side, Rep. Scott Slater is expected to introduce companion legislation this week with a sizable number of co-sponsors, including with Republican Minority Leader Brian Newberry.


Legal Marijuana Used Over $6 Billion in Energy Last Year, Report Says

Legal indoor marijuana grows are consuming energy at an exorbitant rate, according to a recent report by a cannabis industry data provider.

While most of legalized marijuana's effects on communities are measured in terms of dollars and crime statistics, electricity usage is becoming an issue of growing concern among environmentalists and industry folk alike. According to pot data firm New Frontier, the marijuana industry used over $6 billion in energy last year, or around 1 percent of the country's energy output– and that number is only expected to grow.


In Colorado, a look at life after marijuana legalization

DENVER — Nestled between a 7-Eleven and a store selling Broncos jerseys, the door to the generic-looking retail establishment is easy to miss. But once inside, the smell is unmistakable.

At Euflora, tables are filled with glass containers of marijuana next to interactive tablets describing each strain (“sweet floral aroma,” “intoxicatingly potent”). An array of marijuana-infused products beckon behind locked cases: from energy shots to sour gummies, brownies to bacon bites. And if you’re 21 or older, it’s all legal to buy.


Re-imagining Recycled Paper with Hemp

Each year, the world devours its way through 300 million tons of paper. Not a big deal — until you consider the fact that paper comes from deforested bio-diverse woodlands. It disturbs fragile ecosystems and contributes to atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming. Recycled paper accounts for 38 percent of the world’s total fiber supply, yet plants like hemp, one of the most sustainable fibers on the planet, account for only seven percent.

One California-based company, Restalk, intends to change that.


10 top-rated states for medical marijuana

While it's still controversial, medical marijuana is edging toward normality. Forty states (and the District of Columbia) now have some form of law on the books that allow the drug to be used for a variety of ailments, and sales are soaring— reaching $5.4 billion in 2015.

That doesn't mean it's widely available in all of those states, of course. Some, like Alabama and South Carolina, have extremely strict circumstances under which cannabidiol products can be prescribed, and still forbid the production and distribution of the drug. And even in states where it's easier to come by, there are differences in how it's handled.


Cannabis Goes Mainstream in the Nation’s Capital

One year since legalizing marijuana in Washington, D.C., during a warm break in the weather this past Saturday, the prestigious Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. added another historic milestone to its reputation as host of the Capitol CannaShow, the largest local business and advocacy-focused cannabis conference in the nation’s capital.

With over 2,000 attendees, vendors, and volunteers over the course of the day, it was the largest locally sourced cannabis conference and expo on the District has ever seen to date.


Utah: SB73 best hope for limited, humane medical marijuana law

When the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced its opposition to SB73, Sen. Mark Madsen’s bill legalizing medical marijuana, it cited concern about “unintended consequences.”

Madsen responded by amending the bill to eliminate whatever uncertainty it originally contained. He crafted a sharply defined law to end the chronic suffering of thousands of Utahns — without opioids.

Voting against SB73 condemns those Utahns to a life of needless agony.


CBD Medicines Face New National Challenges

The Cannabis Benchmarks Weekly Report tells us that a half-dozen companies who market CBD-laden medicines and foods were sent letters this month from the FDA warning them against making claims of health benefits.

CBD is the shortened name of cannabidiol, a phytocannabinoid chemical prevalent in cannabis, especially when plants are specifically bred by master growers to express this characteristic. CBD medicines are currently available to patients in 23 licensed medical marijuana states, the District of Columbia, and 15 additional states where CBD-based treatments are the only form of medical marijuana legally available to citizens.


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