United States

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the US

Rhode Island: Senate committee mulling bill to treat PTSD with marijuana

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - The Senate Health and Human Services Committee is mulling legislation that would allow post-traumatic stress disorder to be treated with medical marijuana.

Democratic Sen. Stephen Archambault, of Smithfield, introduced the legislation.

The bill would add PTSD to the list of debilitating medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana treatment. It would also accelerate the issuance of an approved medical marijuana use application if the patient is eligible for hospice care.

Archambault says PTSD is especially prevalent among military veterans and lawmakers have a responsibility to provide them with treatment options.


Stand up for Cannabis, Stand up for Freedom

Marijuana legalization is long overdue.

It’s time to stop prosecuting innocent people for the possession of a plant that was clearly put here to help us; it’s basically the same as prosecuting someone for having tomatoes. Cannabis is a crop that’s meant to be utilized and shared, and we have to stand up for it if we want to change the laws.

Legalization is happening at a decent pace, but we can’t wait around for the government to do it when they’re finally ready.


Sean Parker Doubles Down On Marijuana Legalization; Still Won't Say Why

Sean Parker has doubled his investment in marijuana legalization. Following an initial $500,000 investment earlier in the year, the former Facebook president — who, in his mid-30s, is settling into a new lifestyle as a billionaire philanthropist and angel investor for political causes — donated another $500,000 towards the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, according to campaign finance records. 


Louisiana community members hosting open forum to discuss legalizing marijuana

A group of community members are hosting an open forum to hear your opinions and concerns on the legalization of cannabis in the state of Louisiana.

They’re hoping to spark the interest of many to move the topic forward in a statewide vote.

The use of medical marijuana is currently legal in both Louisiana and Texas. However, some Texans want to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes.

Dominick Cappozi represents ‘Legalize Louisiana’ and will be speaking at a forum today to discuss the legalization of cannabis.

“If Texas gets recreational use we’re losing out on untold millions of revenue. We have been for months and months alone,” said Cappozi.


Marijuana Advocates Battle Huge Pot Tax Increase

A proposed 15 percent tax on medical marijuana sales would push the government's take on retail pot in Los Angeles to more than one-fourth of the advertised price.

The city's take is already 5 percent, and the state levies normal sales taxes (about 7.5 percent) on weed sales, so your $200 ounce of Skywalker OG could end up costing you more than $250.

Longtime cannabis advocates are opposed to the bill by state Sen. Mike McGuire of Sonoma County, which would impose a state tax of 15 percent on medical pot in order to help fund the coming "regulation of cultivation, processing, manufacturing, distributing and sale of marijuana," according to a statement from his office.


Utah leaders may ask congress to reclassify marijuana on national drug schedule

The Utah Senate could urge congress to change marijuana's status on the national drug schedule, which could open the door to medical marijuana research in Utah.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 11, sponsored by Sen. Brian Shiozawa (R) - Salt Lake, would require the approval of the full legislature and Governor Gary Herbert, but if passed would mark a significant change in tone about marijuana from state leaders.

Marijuana is currently ranked on the DEA's drug schedule as 'Schedule One,' putting in a group of other drugs with 'no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.' Other Schedule One drugs include, Heroin, LSD, and Ecstasy.


Parents become 'drug traffickers' to deal with Georgia's medical marijuana laws

LAGRANGE, Ga. -- Vince and Michelle Seivert's teenage daughter is epileptic.

From their kitchen table in rural LaGrange, they talked to WXIA's Chris Hopper about the difficulties they face getting the cannabis oil they say has dramatically reduced her seizures.

Miranda's parents said before taking cannabis oil, she had 12 to 20 seizures a day. Since, she's reportedly down to four a month.

While Miranda can legally use and possess cannabis oil here in Georgia, the problem is getting the oil back to Georgia legally.

Four times a year, they pack their bags and fly to Colorado where the marijuana costs less to buy than their plane tickets to get there.

They then have to illegally ship it or carry the oil back in their luggage.


Medical Marijuana: Know the Legalities of Prescribing

The legalization of medical marijuana in 23 states (and counting) has given patients suffering from seizure disorders, nerve damage, glaucoma and cancer treatment a much-needed weapon in the war against pain. It has also left doctors uneasy, to say the least, about their role as gatekeepers of a federally controlled substance for which clinical research is limited. Some worry about legal liability. Others fear for their license, even in states where cannabis is approved for medicinal use. Their concern is not without merit.


Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil

A 50-year-old man from Illinois who was diagnosed with “incurable inoperable” lung and pericardial heart sac cancer, was told by his doctors he had about a year to live with the aid of chemotherapy.

Darren Miller began looking desperately for a cure beyond chemotherapy, which left him with “blisters on his mouth, blood hands and feet” according to his Facebook page. Then he found and decided to supplement the treatments with cannabis oil.

Activist post reports:



For once, a documentary that matches the spirit of its subject. Mitch Dickman's Rolling Papers charts Colorado's first calendar year of legalized marijuana through the lens of Ricardo Baca, the cannabis editor at the Denver Post; this appointment, it probably goes without saying, was the first of its kind from a major daily newspaper (ditto the pot critics who were also taken aboard).


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