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Facebook pages for legal marijuana businesses in Colorado disappear

DENVER -- Colorado's legal marijuana businesses have had their struggles with the federal government and now you can add Facebook to the mix.

Many dispensaries and other marijuana related pages have been disappearing from the popular social network with little explanation beyond a violation of "community standards."

If you visit Starbuds Marijuana Dispensary on Brighton Boulevard, you'll see it's open for business, but if you try to visit their Facebook page you'll begin to wonder if they ever existed.

"Our pages started getting shut down maybe 11 days ago," said Chante Rivera, director of mareketing for Starbuds.

Rivera says all of the company's Facebook pages for their six locations were shut down within a day.


Jesus Healed Sick People With Marijuana, Researchers Discover

Historical and scientific research suggests that Jesus Christ may have been an avid marijuana user, and experts say he may have also used the plant to heal sick people. 

Experts suggest that cannabis may have been a key ingredient in the “anointing oil” used by Jesus and his followers in rituals for healing.

Naturalnews.com reports:

From the original High Times article:


Hillary Clinton’s biggest campaign donor supports marijuana legalization

Hillary Clinton may not seem as adamant about marijuana legalization as her opponent Bernie Sanders, but the money behind her campaign sure is.

Despite her ties to pharmaceutical and private prison lobbyists, the largest contributor to Hillary Clinton’s current presidential campaign is billionaire philanthropist and influential marijuana law reform advocate George Soros, reports Extract.


Margaret Lavin: Is marijuana the next Big Tobacco?

California was the first state to legalize marijuana for medical use in 1996. In 2010, Proposition 19 would have made California the first state to legalize nonmedical marijuana, but voters defeated the measure by a 53.5-46.5 margin. However, lawmakers will try again. There are two major initiatives that have a very good chance of qualifying for the November ballot due to their financial backing and political support.

Researchers at UC San Francisco (UCSF) recently released a new report that evaluates the retail marijuana legalization proposals in California from a public health standard. According to the study, recreational marijuana will likely lead to a new profit-driven industry similar to Big Tobacco that could impede public health efforts.


Mormons give blessing to Utah CBD bill, but against THC products

LDS leaders support state senate proposal that would legalize medical marijuana products containing cannabidiol (CBD), but not a bill that allows access to products containing THC.

SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified its differing opinions on two separate pieces of medical marijuana legislation.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports the church specified its concerns in a statement last week, saying the measures take very different approaches to access, distribution and control of the hallucinogenic compound THC.


Could Marijuana Become California's Next Big Ag Crop?

California farmers are known for producing some of the finest fruits, vegetables and nuts in the world. But what if the state’s big agriculture also included marijuana?

Some Central Valley growers are already eyeing that possibility, including Los Banos farmer Cannon Michael.

A few years ago Michael discovered a 1-acre illegal marijuana grow on his land.

“They had made reservoirs and they were pumping water,” Michael says. “They had buried generators. They had this whole encampment and we knew nothing about it.”

He says the forbidden plantation was worth around $19 million. That’s more than he makes on 11,000 acres of tomatoes, cotton and other crops in one year. It got him thinking.


Will there be a 2016 Colorado Cannabis Cup? Permit denied

By John Aguilar

Adams County commissioners have rejected a permit for April’s High Times Cannabis Cup, the vast outdoor marijuana fair that coincides with the 4/20 pot celebration rally in downtown Denver.

The commissioners on Tuesday unanimously denied the Denver Merchandise Mart a permit for the April 16-20 event, taking testimony from several law enforcement officials who warned that there were too many people sampling too many cannabis products openly.

“From a safety perspective, I have serious concerns about this event and this venue,” Adams County Sheriff Michael McIntosh told the commission.


Marijuana-infused cookie sends Oregon boy to hospital

An 8-year-old Klamath Falls boy became ill last Saturday after eating a marijuana-infused cookie that he found on the ground.

The child's mother, Jessica Hart, 30, said her son, Jackson, came home from an afternoon outing at a local rock quarry complaining he was sick. He pulled at his chest and made motions that suggested he was choking. He had trouble keeping his eyes open.

"He said everything looked like a cartoon," Hart recalled Tuesday. "He said he was vibrating all over."

The second-grader said his stomach hurt. He vomited. Thinking he had food poisoning, Hart asked what he'd eaten that day.

A cookie, he said.


Oregon House Passes Marijuana Banking Bill

By Anthony Johnson

The Oregon House of Representatives passed a landmark marijuana banking bill, exempting banks and credit unions from any state liability for conducting financial services with state-regulated marijuana businesses. Ultimately, the cannabis industry needs a federal fix to the banking issue, but the state of Oregon is showing real leadership by moving this important bill. House Bill 4094 passed the bill 56-3 with just 3 Republicans voting against the bill and one Democrat absent. The bill now moves to the Senate.

It is common sense to allow state-regulated marijuana businesses to have access to banking services.


Facebook Keeps Shutting Down Marijuana Dispensary Pages

Legal weed sales numbers keep getting higher and higher.  According to market research group ArcView’s recent reports sales increased to $5.4 billion for 2015 compared to 2014’s $4.6 billion. ArcView’s reports also say U.S. adult-use legal sales grew to $998 million from $351 million in sales in 2014. ArcView projects legal weed sales to top over $20 billion by 2020, which may or may not find us with Kanye for president. (Everyone already knows how he feels about rolling one up.) Late last month Facebook banned gun sales on its site and on Instagram. It’s now going after marijuana dispensaries Facebook pages. 


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