United States

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the US

Native American church is fighting for the right to use weed as a ‘sacrament’

When the U.S. Post Office seized a very smelly package of high-grade weed, they were sued – for intercepting a Church’s ‘sacramental’ cannabis.

The Oklevueha Native American Church says that cannabis and the powerful hallucinogen peyote are ‘sacred medicines’.

The Church said on its Facebook page, ‘Existing law requires government entities including the US Postal service and law enforcement to allow members of ONAC to possess, use and transport sacred medicines for spiritual and healing use regardless of whether or not those medicines and sacraments are otherwise controlled substances.



Pot Matters: Trump on Marijuana

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is hedging his position on marijuana legalization, but is “a hundred percent” in favor of medical marijuana. Nonetheless, Trump’s stated position on legalization is evolving, because he has acknowledged that “in some ways” legalization “is good.”

Trump, speaking to Bill O’Reilly on Fox News this week, was asked about his position on marijuana legalization in Colorado. After expressing some concern over the health effects of marijuana, he was pressed by O’Reilly about what he would do to stop it. Trump then confessed that “I would, I would really want to think about that one Bill because in some ways, I think it’s good and in other ways, it’s bad.”


Judge: Toledo's new marijuana law is unconstitutional

Portions of Toledo’s newly enacted marijuana decriminalization law are “unconstitutional and unenforceable,” a Lucas County judge said Friday.

At the request of the county prosecutor, county sheriff, and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Dean Mandros granted a preliminary injunction preventing the city from enforcing the parts of the “Sensible Marihuana Ordinance” that he agreed were contrary to state law.


Marijuana Legalization 2016: Where Do Donald Trump And Other Republicans Stand On Cannabis Use?

With the Republican U.S. presidential candidates getting ready to take the stage at yet another debate Saturday evening, they should be preparing to discuss an issue of high importance: marijuana legalization. Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, the front-runner in the GOP opinion polls, addressed the matter when he appeared on the Fox News Channel show “The O’Reilly Factor” Wednesday.

Trump was asked whether he was concerned about people buying cannabis in Colorado, where marijuana is legal, and then reselling it outside the state, where it may or may not be legal. He replied that this situation presented a problem, but he also discussed the drug’s benefits when employed for medicinal purposes.


Coronation Street: Viewers praise show for medicinal cannabis storyline

Cherylee Houston plays Izzy Armstrong in Coronation Street

Wheelchair-bound Izzy Armstrong (Cherylee Houston) confided in Erica Hulroyd (Clare King) that she was in a lot of pain after her accident and that her usual prescription medication wasn’t working.

Erica suggested that she could get her some of the drug to help ease her pain and later managed to procure the cannabis for her.

Many audience members took to social media to praise the programme makers for tackling such a controversial issue. 

Lydia Brindley posted on Twitter: “Good on Coronation Street Cannabis mentioned as an alternative pain relief!!!”


Eric gets Izzy the drugs after she is in crippling pain


Hawaii bill seeks to allow growing marijuana outdoors

Some Hawaii lawmakers and advocates say medical marijuana dispensary applicants could be at a disadvantage because health department rules don’t allow greenhouses.

Lawmakers are considering a bill to allow medical marijuana business owners to grow plants in greenhouses, shade houses or outdoors in open air. Hawaii has some of the highest electricity costs in the nation, and potential business owners say they could save thousands of dollars in electricity costs growing marijuana with sunlight.

Right now, Hawaii Department of Health rules ban growing marijuana in greenhouses or outdoors.


AES releases new guideline to help physicians treat status epilepticus patients effectively

Status epilepticus - continuous or rapid sequential seizure activity for 30 minutes or more - is a medical emergency with a high mortality rate in both children and adults. Prompt and effective treatment is key; therefore the American Epilepsy Society (AES) has released a new guideline to help physicians, hospitals, and health systems treat patients effectively. The guideline is published in the January/February issue ofEpilepsy Currents, the AES journal.


Do CMPD marijuana stats show racial bias?

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police have released numbers that show that African Americans are arrested for simple marijuana possession at far higher rates than other groups.

“It’s basically like stereotyping, because I don’t have no felony,” said Gerald Laney, who was arrested Thursday night for possession and he feels there is a bias.

Chief Kerr Putney takes issue with that argument.

“If people are dealing drugs out in the open, we're going to have to deal with it,” he said.

Since 2010, arrests for simple possession of marijuana have declined for all groups, but it’s still higher for African Americans. Back then there were 695 blacks, 73 whites and 46 Hispanics arrested; last year it was 336 blacks 29 whites and 13 Hispanics.


Colorado Will Soon Be Home to Certified Organic Cannabis

How one hemp farm in Longmont, Colorado earned the USDA's blessing.

Mass. patients allotted more medical marijuana

Chuck Grant displayed his medical marijuana that he picked up from Massachusetts first medical marijuana dispensary in Salem last June.

State health authorities Friday more than doubled the amount of medical marijuana that patients can buy, a move made after regulators determined laboratories can ensure the safety of the drug.

The state Department of Public Health had imposed a stricter limit since the first medical marijuana dispensary opened in June.


Under the rules put in place Friday, patients will be allowed to buy up to 10 ounces of marijuana every two months.


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