United States

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the US

Denver judge tosses consumer lawsuit filed over pesticides on pot


Denver judge says consumers who sued weren't actually harmed from smoking pot they say was treated with pesticides


A Denver judge Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against the state’s largest marijuana grower over its alleged use of pesticides saying the consumers behind the case were not actually harmed.

Denver District Judge J. Eric Eliff said the consumers — one of them a medical-card holder with a brain tumor — couldn’t sue because they bought the pot and used it without repercussion.


Legalizing Marijuana and Your 4th Amendment Protections

The nationwide movement to legalize the responsible use of marijuana is a badly needed change in public policy, because it will eventually eliminate all but a few of the 700,000 marijuana arrests that occur each year in this country (there will always be a few who insist on operating outside the limits set by legalization). That fact alone would justify ending prohibition. We are needlessly criminalizing millions of otherwise law-abiding marijuana smokers.

The Fourth Amendment Protections


Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think

Across the world, more and more people are asking: Why is marijuana banned? Why are people still sent to prison for using or selling it?

Most of us assume it’s because someone, somewhere sat down with the scientific evidence, and figured out that cannabis is more harmful than other drugs we use all the time — like alcohol and cigarettes.

Somebody worked it all out, in our best interest.

But when I started to go through the official archives — researching my book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs — to find out why cannabis was banned back in the 1930s, I discovered that’s not what happened.

Not at all.


Vermont police dogs won’t search for pot

BARRE — Vermont police dogs are no longer trained to recognize the smell of marijuana, a decision made in preparation for possible marijuana legalization.

“The class that is going through right now is not being trained to alert on marijuana odor,” said Robert Ryan, Vermont’s head K-9 training coordinator.

This year marks the first Vermont Police Academy K-9 class in which marijuana is left out of the training.

“We started talking about it last year and we made the decision for this class to not do marijuana,” said Ryan.

The reason according to Ryan, is the assumption that Vermont will legalize marijuana. “And if for some reason it doesn’t become legalized, it’s an odor that (dogs) can be trained to alert on later.”


Washington: Revised hemp bill moves toward Senate vote

A hemp lobbyist says Washington lawmakers have finally found the right formula for legalizing hemp cultivation.

OLYMPIA — The Washington State Department of Agriculture would license hemp farmers under a bill that’s ready for a vote by the full Senate.

After several years of frustration, hemp lobbyist Joy Beckerman said Wednesday that she thinks lawmakers and WSDA have found the right way to nurture the cannabis crop.

“This is the responsible route to take,” she said. “Our department of agriculture has gotten impressively sophisticated year by year.”


State Officials Disagree On Who Will Track Medical Marijuana Plants

California’s new medical cannabis law will put the state in charge of tracking each marijuana plant from “seed to sale.” But the Brown administration and the state's independent tax board are at odds about who will oversee it. 
The state Board of Equalization is preparing to do the job. Board member Fiona Ma held a hearing with companies that supply software to other states. But Ma says the governor's budget proposal doesn't supply the necessary funds.
"Because of the extra responsibilities that we have to do this track and trace program, we need extra employees," says board member Fiona Ma. "We don’t have authority to hire new people."

Colorado's Legal Marijuana Industry Is Worth $1 Billion

Legal pot sales jumped by more than 42% in Colorado last year, pushing the Centennial State’s revenue from marijuana taxes and fees to a new high.

Colorado saw $996.2 million in legal sales of medical and recreational pot in 2015, according to the Denver Post‘s calculations of tax data reported this week (and throughout 2015) by the state’s Department of Revenue. In 2014, the state’s legal pot vendors sold roughly $699 million of the drug.


So Long Chris Christie

Yesterday, Chris Christie officially dropped out of the race for President. Although many would argue that his showing in New Hampshire, at just about 8%, was good enough to warrant a continuation of his campaign, Christie’s chances of reaching the GOP nomination were always stacked against him.


Elizabeth Warren Urges CDC To Look At Pot As Potential Fix To Prescription Painkiller Epidemic

American political leaders around the country are casting about for a policy response to the widespread abuse of opioid painkillers that doesn’t replicate the mistakes of past punitive approaches to drug use.

Now, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has thrown her clout into that push for solutions – and in a way that underscores the injustices of the War on Drugs over the past several decades.


Rise in marijuana use not as high as previously reported

Marijuana use is on the rise, with an estimated 12.5 percent of adults living in the United States reportedly using the drug at least once in 2013, according to a new study that looked at drug usage over the span of a decade.


But that research, from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, also shows that the rate of pot use did not double from 2002 to 2013—as had been reported in the fall—and that the rate of problems related to the  remained steady.


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