United States

the states
the US

What’s the cheapest place to buy legal marijuana?

Oregonians can consume legal weed without emptying their wallets.

The Beaver State is home to the lowest average price of dispensary cannabis at $214 an ounce, according to an analysis by Perfect Price, a company that tracks the prices of a variety of goods including groceries, cleaning supplies and cannabis. The company looked at menu prices for cannabis flowers from about 6,000 dispensaries in six states with more than 200 dispensaries: Oregon, Colorado, Washington, Arizona, California and Michigan.


Community helps cancer patient trying to get medical marijuana

People in our community are stepping up to help a man battling cancer who needs medical marijuana.

Jude Mariner is asking her friends for donations to help pay for Bill Sharp's medical marijuana expenses.

"My family is, they're the most incredible people I know," says Sharp. "They've uprooted their lives to move back into my house to help take care of me."

Sharp's family has been with him throughout his battle with stage four cancer. Friday, he's getting help he didn't expect from strangers.


Sister Kate: We’re better off removing the ‘canna-bans’

By legalizing cannabis, we allow law enforcement to fulfill its obligations to all citizens. By banning cannabis, the lawmakers ensure that industry participants are not provided with the same protection that other citizens receive.

It’s been two weeks since the cannabis ban was reaffirmed by the Merced City Council and the Sisters are about to shine a great big dual-beamed light on the Central Valley of California. One beam comes from Los Angeles, the other from London. The lights that will shine upon the Valley are going to be bright. If we are lucky, they will chase away the cockroaches of old paradigm.

These lights are actually a documentary series that (God willing) will be aired on both sides of the Atlantic.



I’ve been quite hard on President Barack Obama for his abuse of executive power—and will soon file another brief in the 26-state challenge to his immigration action—but there are certainly things that he or any president can do to protect and secure our liberty without violating the Constitution.


Bob Marley, Bottled! A New Skin-Care Line Celebrates the Jamaican Superstar’s Legacy

The late great Jamaican reggae superstar Bob Marley had an effortless natural beauty about him. His enviable head of sun-bleached dreads fell just so; his high-wattage smile gleamed; his taut, athletic frame appeared full of soul. It was the type of vibrancy you wish you could bottle—and on the eve of what would have been his 71st birthday, Marley’s family is attempting to do just that with a new hemp seed oil–based apothecary line that bears his name.


Can’t Keep Up With Pot Policy In D.C.? Here’s An Explainer

We’re nearly a year into the District’s experiment with legal marijuana. But the rules on the books in the nation’s capital are very different from the ones in places like Colorado, where full-scale legalization is in place.


Is Beer Afraid of Weed?

The word on the street is that the beer manufacturers are keeping a watchful eye on what is happening in the world of retail cannabis, mostly because they fear that an eruption of legalization efforts across the United States (like what it is predicted to happen in 2016) may turn the American beer drinker into a loyal stoner and eat away at the profits of its over $100 billion marketplace.

Although it may seem the cannabis industry has a long way to go before it is pulling down the kind of revenue comparable to the national brew houses, some of the latest statistics show that the business of marijuana is really not far from casting a shadow on brewers like Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller, and this with only a handful of states allowing recreational pot sales.


Mary’s Medicinals Latest Victim of Cannabis Facebook Page Shutdowns

Mary’s Medicinals — an all-natural producer of medical cannabis products based out of Colorado — is the latest victim in a string of medical marijuana businesses whose pages have been shut down by Facebook. But only some pages have been targeted for what Facebook claims are violations of their Community Standards.

Before the shutdown, the Mary’s Medicinals page had built a large, supportive community of medical cannabis patients, many of whom were parents of children who experience seizures and people with terminal diagnoses.


South Dakota Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Commercial Hemp Farming and Production

PIERRE, S.D. (Feb. 2, 2016) A bill passed today by a South Dakota House committee would legalize the production and processing of industrial hemp for commercial purposes in the state, setting the foundation for people there to nullify federal prohibition in practice.

Rep. Mike Verchio (R-Hill City) along with a bipartisan coalition of 39 cosponsors introduced House Bill 1054 (HB1054) earlier in the month. It passed the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee by a vote of 11-2.


Bob Marley cannabis brand to launch on late star's 71st Birthday

Reggae icon Bob Marley will be releasing the first in a slated line of cannabis products this weekend, it has been revealed.

Marking the anniversary of his 71st Birthday on the 6th February 2016, 'Marley Natural' has been made in conjunction with The Marley Estate and New York based Privateer Holdings. It’s the first line to be released, with more to follow.

“If my father was here physically, he would be up front advocating for this plant, so we are very proud to put our Marley Natural brand out there,” Stephen Marley told Biillboard.


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