United States

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the US

Anchorage Assembly to vote on final marijuana regulations at Tuesday meeting


Assembly members have approved an amendment allowing marijuana businesses to be established within 1000 feet of a school or a playground. The amendment, which passed with a 6-5 vote, sets buffer zones around schools at 500 feet.

The 500 foot buffer zone will also apply to preschools, child care facilities and homeless shelters.

After the amendment passed, Assembly member Amy Demboski proposed a new amendment excluding Chugiak and Eagle River from the 500 foot buffer zone regulation, instead allowing those areas to keep the original 1000 foot zones. The amendment passed by a 10-1 vote.

A proposal to extend buffer zones between marijuana businesses and video arcades from 100 feet to 500 feet failed.


Support expanding for Iowa medical marijuana legislation

Support expanding for Iowa medical marijuana legislation

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Some Republican House lawmakers are supporting legislation that would create a system for manufacturing, distributing and possessing some forms of medical marijuana in Iowa, though it’s unclear what type of support the bill will get from party leaders.

The bill would expand the state’s current law on medical marijuana, which allows some epilepsy patients to use cannabis oil. The new legislation would expand it to include more products and patients, though it would prohibit the smoking of medical marijuana.


Proposed Bill Would Allow Medical Marijuana In Delaware Schools

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del.- A newly introduced bill in Delaware would allow the recently legalized low dose medical marijuana for children under 18 to be administered on school property.

Delaware Senate Bill 181 is an extension of "Rylie's Law," which legalized low dose THC oil last year.

The inspiration behind the law is 10-year-old Rylie Maedler from Rehoboth Beach, who said she is feeling great now that she can use the oil on a daily basis to combat seizures and other medical problems.


Marijuana Industry To Provide Better Prospects For Technology Companies On Growing Sales

As more than 20 U.S. states have already legalized cannabis, the marijuana industry has seen a major boost, with sales rising to $5.4 billion in 2015 as compared to $4.6 billion in 2014. The data has been provided in a report released by the ArcView Group on Monday.

Recreational marijuana regularization has been a major kick for the pot industry as sales for adults using pot was $998 million for 2015 as compared to $351 million a year prior. Overall, sales for adult-use drug saw an 184% rise in just one year. For 2016, the research firm has estimated a 25% growth in sales to around $6.7 billion.


Beyond Butter: Angel’s Million-Dollar Mission

It’s all smiles, laughs and genuine enthusiasm as the founder and CEO of MagicalButter talks about the inventive and trailblazing product which landed him a spot on CNBC’s lauded Top 25 list. It wasn’t that long ago the Seattle-based technology company had gathered friends and family to celebrate the notable success of his incredible machine designed to revolutionize the way cannabis-infused butter is made forever.


On Safer Internet Day, adults ask teens for help

This annual event tries to quash bullying and cruelty among kids on the Internet by enlisting help from their peers.

The Internet can be a perilous place for teens, especially when they run into bullies.


Potent Pot: Marijuana Is Stronger Now Than It Was 20 Years Ago

Pot is becoming more potent, a new study suggests.

In the study, the researchers looked at more than 38,600 samples of illegal marijuana seized by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration over 20 years. They found that the level of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol— marijuana's main psychoactive ingredient — in the marijuana samples rose from about 4 percent in 1995 to about 12 percent in 2014.

Conversely, the level of CBD, or cannabidiol — an ingredient sometimes touted for its potential health benefits — fell from about 0.28 percent in 2001 to less than 0.15 percent in 2014.


Health Experts Weigh In on Safety of Marijuana-Based Vaginal Suppository to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

cannabis-based vaginal suppository is now on the market, claiming to help relieve menstrual cramps – but even if you were willing to try this very unorthodox method of dealing with period pain, should you? 


Baby Taken Off Hospice After Being Given Cannabis Oil – Now The Government Is Taking It Away ...

Last year, Meagan and Brandon Holt’s daughter Maddie, who suffers from a rare and debilitating disease called Zellweger Syndrome, was given only a short time to live, and her family was forced to do what no family can ever imagine – put a 2-year-old in hospice care.

Maddie is deaf and blind, and entirely dependent upon round-the-clock medical care. Prior to being placed in hospice care, Maddie developed life-threatening horrific seizures which sent her health into a downward spiral.

For months, the family administered several prescriptions that were intended to help Maddie. However, none of them seemed to work and, in fact, had a negative impact on her health.


Hillary Clinton sides with Big Pharma, against marijuana

Well, once again, as in 2008, the Iowa Caucus was not the coronation that  thought it was going to be.

Nominal Democrat presidential "frontrunner" Hillary Clinton barely made it out of the nation's first caucus as the technical victor (though the campaign her main opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has contested those results), leaving many to wonder if she's got the mojo in 2016 that she lacked in 2008 when she was younger and less scandal-plagued in her loss to a relatively unknown U.S. senator from Illinois.


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