United States

the states
the US

Legalize pot, put dealers out of business

I spent 25 years in the New Jersey State Police, 22 of them as a narcotics officer, and I support legalizing marijuana.

I have seen firsthand that marijuana sold on the street can be adulterated with all kinds of additives including opium, PCP and formaldehyde. I have seen street dealers, some as young as 12, selling other drugs along with marijuana. Once, during a street operation in Hoboken, I witnessed a 16 year-old male sell drugs to a 10 year-old girl.

Legalizing and regulating marijuana will put street dealers out of business and prevent many of these scenarios in the future.


The Green Door Partners with OnPoint Applications to Offer On Demand Delivery Services


With California’s Medical Marijuana revenues growing by roughly 38% from 2013 to 2014 and easily surpassing the billion dollar mark, it’s no surprise to see Medical Dispensaries adapting to changing legal and competitive dynamics.

San Francisco’s largest and most compliant Medical Marijuana Dispensary, The Green Door, signed an exclusive partnership with SF based technology start-up OnPoint Applications LLC to provide on-demand delivery services to their patients. The Green Door will now use OnPoint’s technology to automate delivery to their patients.


Most Americans support marijuana legalization

52% of Americans, including a majority of adults under 65, support legalizing marijuana


US-grown hemp could soon find its way into your food, clothes, and cars

The US may be on the cusp of creating a home-grown industry from a long-demonized plant. The US hemp industry is pushing hard for a measure that would make it legal for US businesses to produce the substance, and if lawmakers approve it, consumers could soon find US-grown hemp in their food, baby products, fabric, fuel, paint, body-care products, paper, carpet, and even auto parts.


Board of health cautious on medical marijuana benefits

The Bear River Board of Health members discussed their position on the use of medical marijuana as the Utah State Legislature prepares to debate a pair of bills regarding its legalization, acknowledging possible medical benefits while taking a cautious approach to its application.

Board member Dr. Jim Davis presented a look at the possible benefits of the marijuana plant as a treatment for serious illness, particularly in cases of epilepsy, nausea and chronic pain, but also noted there was not yet enough conclusive evidence pointing to it as a superior or equally effective treatment for illnesses that already have more regulated treatments with fewer associated risks.


Marijuana tax revenue paying for sidewalks, schools in Colorado. Why not here?

The gym rats who join the still-under-construction recreation centre in central Denver, Colo., will owe their workouts to weed smokers.

In Pueblo County, south of Denver, students will soon be able to walk to school on a sidewalk paid for by marijuana tax revenue, or apply to the world's first cannabis-funded scholarship program.

"We're taking dollars that were previously going to drug cartels in Mexico and using them to provide opportunity and education to the next generation," says Pueblo County Commissioner Sal Pace. Elected officials there recently approved the use of $2.5 million U.S. in pot taxes to fund a mix of community projects.


Ohio leaders focus on medical marijuana as pot plan pulled

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Ohio House leaders announced plans Thursday for a comprehensive review of medical marijuana, while disclosing that backers of an effort to purge old pot-related convictions are withdrawing their proposal from legislative consideration.

State lawmakers have been weighing how to address medical marijuana after Ohio voters overwhelmingly rejected a ballot initiative in November that sought to legalize pot for medical and recreational use. The measure, Issue 3, would have established 10 sites with exclusive authority to grow marijuana, and with profits going to the issue’s deep-pocketed investors.

While the ballot initiative faced resounding defeat, polls suggested Ohioans support medical marijuana.


Pro-marijuana group ResponsibleOhio dead, founder says, won't press ballot issue in 2016

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The co-founder of the group behind Ohio's failed marijuana initiative said Thursday that ResponsibleOhio is dead and the state legislature is the best route to legalize marijuana for medical use.

ResponsibleOhio founder Jimmy Gould told reporters Thursday that ResponsibleOhio will not be back with another constitutional amendment this year as he promised after voters overwhelmingly rejected Issue 3 in November.


Survey: Minn. Doctors Worry About Abuse Of Medical Marijuana

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Minnesota doctors are reluctant to accept medical marijuana as a treatment option, according to a new survey.


Ohio Lawmakers Plan To Launch Town Hall Meeting On Medical Marijuana

Speaker of the Ohio House Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) and State Representative Kirk Schuring (R-Canton) will be holding a press conference Thursday to announce details regarding the creation of a bipartisan task force charged with addressing the issue of medical marijuana.

Following the defeat of Issue 3 in November that would have made pot legal in Ohio by allowing a monopoly for growers, lawmakers say they learned there was growing support among voters for medicinal marijuana use.

The town hall meetings are designed to bring both sides of the issue together but include the public in the discussion as well.

Even though pot is illegal, those who are in pain say they use they continue to smoke because it offers better results than pain pills.


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