United States

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the US

Utah Mom With Rare, Painful Disease Advocates Marijuana Legalization: 'Any Politician Who Has a Heart Should Get Behind this Effort'

While her two young daughters were shopping with their father in South Weber, Utah, last Oct. 1, Enedina Stanger stayed behind in the parking lot. She had tried everything to help ease the pain from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – the rare and potentially fatal genetic tissue disorder she suffers from – but nothing else worked. She lit up a marijuana cigarette. 

After she was finished, she rolled down the window of her van to let out the smoke. That's when somebody passing by called the police, claiming Enedina was smoking in front of her daughters, who by then had returned to the parking lot with their father, Mike Stanger. 


Marijuana moves from the black market to the stock market

Merger brings California dispensary under public ownership

Selling pot is no longer a private deal.


Why marijuana growers want champagne-like labels for their weed

There are champagne labels for wine and roquefort labels for cheese made in the right regions, so could there be a Humbolt Haze label for marijuana?

For Kristin Nevedal, Super Silver Haze is not always the same Super Silver Haze. Like the concept of “terroir” in foods, she and many growers believe the characteristics of cannabis plants vary depending on their local environment. 

“There are obvious differences between, say, a Super Silver Haze that is cultivated at a 700ft elevation and a Super Silver Haze that is cultivated at a 2,200ft elevation in Humboldt County,” said Nevedal, a marijuana activist and former grower.

There are champagne labels for wine and roquefort labels for cheese, so could there be a Humboldt Haze label for marijuana?


Children-Only CBD Law Proposed in Indiana

Indiana State Senator Jean Liesing (R-42nd District) filed a bill last week that may successfully crack open the door to cannabis law reform in The Hoosier State.


Mobi PCS President to apply for marijuana dispensary license


This year marijuana will be sold legally in Hawaii at more than a dozen locations statewide. One applicant vying for one of just eight licenses is the head of a cell phone company and is no stranger to running a business. However, medical marijuana is an uncharted territory in Hawaii, and getting started in that business won't be cheap.

President and CEO of Mobi PCS Bill Jarvis is ringing in the New Year in pursuit of another business opportunity in Hawaii: medical marijuana sales. He says it's not unlike running a wireless communications company.


Clinton, Sanders Talk Weed, Reparations and White Privilege to Reach Young Voters of Color

The 2016 Brown & Black Presidential Forum, hosted by Fusion and moderated by Jorge Ramos, Alicia Menendez, Akilah Hughes and Rembert Browne, could be a turning point in this year's election. The candidates, frontrunner Hillary Clinton, spoiler Bernie Sanders and longshot Martin O'Malley, were there to plead their cases directly to younger voters, a demographic that's highly prized yet hard to reach.


Radical Rant: Marijuana, The Gateway to Harm Reduction

Remember the “Gateway Theory” about marijuana? It’s still bullshit. In fact, marijuana is actually the gateway to harm reduction.

In 1999, the Institute of Medicine declared that “There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs.” The scientists found that while “marijuana use typically precedes” other illicit drug use, that’s only because “patterns in progression of drug use from adolescence to adulthood are strikingly regular.” Marijuana’s only considered the “gateway” because it’s the first illegal drug most people try, as “most drug users begin with alcohol and nicotine before marijuana.”


Q&A with one of NY's first medical marijuana patients

Brittany Barger, the first patient to receive medical cannabis at the Vireo Health of New York's White Plains Dispensary(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)Buy Photo

When Brittany Barger was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the then 26-year-old New Yorker mourned the death of a life she had mapped out.

Then she regrouped and focused on the life ahead of her.

Barger persevered when chemotherapy left her in constant pain and homebound. Even when going to the movies, taking walks and visiting friends became forgotten luxuries, she fought the disease.

Barger, now 27, spoke Tuesday after becoming one of New York’s first medical marijuana patients. She started buying the drug last week at Vireo Health of New York’s dispensary in downtown White Plains.


These California Nuns Grow Medical Marijuana, But Their City Wants to Shut Them Down

Two self-proclaimed nuns, Sister Kate and Sister Darcey, grow and sell marijuana for medicinal purposes in Merced, California. But the future of their business is now in jeopardy as the Merced City Council issued a temporary ban on marijuana cultivation after a 6-0 vote on Jan. 4.

The Sisters of the Valley grow and sell medical marijuana products in Merced, California. However, the city recently placed a temporary ban on marijuana cultivation, putting the sisters’ business at risk. Photo credit: Sisters of the Valley


Less Is More: Discover Medical Cannabis Micro-Dosing

The world of cannabis dosing can be really confusing. Newcomers have no idea where to start and even the experienced cannabis consumer might very well be taking in more cannabis than their body actually needs.

I mean, what even constitutes a dose anyway? How do we factor in the natural variables that come with different strains and cannabinoid profiles? And how does THC tolerance play into all of this? Is it possible that many of us are in fact overdosing?

This is what I love about the concept of micro-dosing with cannabis. As a daily consumer of medical marijuana, it gets me asking important questions and thinking about my regimen in a whole new way.


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