Marijuana Politics

rand paul

DPS seizes 85 pounds of marijuana in traffic stop

A traffic stop north of Robstown Friday morning lead to the seizure of nearly 85 pounds of marijuana, according to a Texas Department of Public Safety news release.

A trooper pulled over a 2003 Mack truck on Highway 77, and discovered 33 bundles of marijuana in the spare tires during a roadside inspection. The seizure is estimated to be worth $500,000.

Ramiro Carrizales, 33, was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana between 50 and 2,000 pounds, a first degree felony. He was taken to be booked in to Nueces County Jail. His bail amount was not yet available.



Jeb Bush Just Made a Series of False Comments on Marijuana

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says that he supports the decriminalization of marijuana, but says that he remains opposed to federal legalization, citing a series of myths about weed.


Cost for losing marijuana campaign: $17 a vote

Filing final campaign-finance reports Friday, the private investor group that pushed marijuana legalization this year in Ohio spent more than $17 a vote in its losing effort for Issue 3, while opponents spent less than a dollar a vote to defeat the measure.The campaign was the most expensive marijuana issue in the nation's history.

ResponsibleOhio and Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies turned in the last official paperwork of the 2015 campaign to the Ohio secretary of state. The documents illustrated the unusual election’s counterintuitive result: In politics, the team with the most money usually wins – but not for Issue 3.


Issue 3 backers spent $21.5 million on failed Ohio marijuana legalization amendment

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The group behind Ohio's failed marijuana initiative spent $21.5 million on its campaign, which was almost entirely funded by investors who stood to make millions from the measure's passage.


$6 million couldn't save campaign to legalize marijuana in Ohio

Backers of the move to legalize marijuana in Ohio outspent opponents by 10-to-1 and still saw their campaign busted by voters.

Bankrolled almost exclusively by investors in a planned monopoly of 10 growing sites, ResponsibleOhio shelled out $21.8 million, campaign finance reports due Friday show.

In contrast, Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies spent $2.17 million.

Put another way, pot advocates spent $18.70 for each vote, opponents spent $1.06.

The proposed constitutional amendment, which also would have allowed individuals to have a small number of home-grown plants, drew opposition from nearly 64 percent of Ohio voters in November’s general election.


Marijuana proponents threaten D.C. Council with term-limits as lawmakers ponder new restrictions

Marijuana advocates in the District of Columbia on Thursday threatened to work toward taking local lawmakers out of office if the D.C. Council continues with an effort to establish new restrictions affecting the city’s recently enacted pot laws.

In the face of a proposal that aims to permanently prohibit “cannabis clubs” from popping up within city limits, representatives from the D.C. Marijuana Justice Campaign and other pro-pot activists told council members this week that they’ll fight back with a proposal of their own.


Illinois Medical Marijuana Patients Sent Letters Telling Them They Can't Own Guns

Medical marijuana is now legal in Illinois, and more and more patients are starting to sign up as patients now that medical marijuana sales have begun at dispensaries. It took a long time, and a lot of hurdle jumping, but there is finally legal safe access to medical marijuana in Illinois. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still bumps in the road, proven by the recent mailing of erroneous letters telling medical marijuana patients in Illinois that they would have to give up their guns because they are medical marijuana patients. Per PJ Star:


Is Marijuana Industry Money Warping the Legalization Movement?

The founder of NORML weighs in on the ongoing controversies.
A couple of recent developments have focused attention on the newly legal marijuana industry in several states and the potential for those new businesses to have an enormous impact on the shape of legal marijuana as it is rolled out in several new states. There is a lot of money involved in the industry, and money always plays a role in politics.

Money Has Always Been a Factor


Jeb Bush Supports Decriminalization But Calls Marijuana a 'Gateway Drug'

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced a slight shift in his position on marijuana laws on Friday.

“It’s one thing to say we should have decriminalization of marijuana. I support that,” the former Florida governor said in an interview with Joe Mathieu of Boston’s WBZ NewsRadio. Bush had not previously endorsed a removal of criminal penalties for cannabis possession.


India: Make cannabis consumption legal; ban is turning people alcoholic: BJD chief whip

Tathagata Satpathy, the BJD’s chief whip in the Lok Sabha, called for legalisation of cannabis consumption Thursday. It was not the first time the four-time MP has made this pitch, having done so on TV as well as during the previous monsoon session. His argument in the Lok Sabha Thursday was that banning cannabis consumption has led to increase in alcoholism.

“In the villages of my constituency, old people, venerable people used to smoke marijuana… natural marijuana. Today, by imposing ban on natural substances, which people have been using for ages, from the time of Lord Shiva, we have actually forced a lot of these people to move on to alcohol,” Satpathy said.


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